*few minutes ago that i walked off the movie theater*
... Wow... What a movie... 0_0

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.
If you guys are asking about my favorite culture, i am a big fan of Star Wars, like to talk about the characters, the weapons, the vehicles, the planets, the story and a lot more. I remembered the first episode of Star Wars during the Christmas in the late 90's and i though it was awesome. And looking back when i grew up, i can understand why it was a major disappointed (Because of Jar Jar!! XC). And of course, i was about to watch the original trilogy, i have to admit, it was classic that we all know and love back in 1977 to 1983. Then in few years after the prequel trilogy, many fans wanted more Star Wars since few other Sci-fi movies is either ok or running out of ideas. But not until Disney came in to purchased Lucasfilms for a billion dollars to have a plan for making the sequel trilogy. As well with many workers left LucasArts for making a new Star Wars movie. Many people have a mixed opinion, some people like the idea to bring back and some people didn't like because of a billion dollars bet. And finally in 2015, we're watching many of trailers of The force awakens, which they picked up by Guinness World Records. And finally, it came out on December 18th 2015 and everybody going in a movie theater for our anticipation. i went in cinema in 2 days after the release, because my parents have an off day in every Sunday.
So, can this movie make the force's stronger, or is this movie turned into another disappointment since the prequel? Lets find out.
The story
It takes place 30 years after Return of Jedi, however, Luke Skywalker is vanished somewhere. Just then the dark force is back know as "The First Order" they're plan is to taking the galaxy with their planet with a biggest laser canon called "Starkiller Base". Meanwhile, Finn, a former stormtrooper, really wanted to escape along with his missing pilot friend name Poe Dameron, but he was stranded in desert planet called Jakku and meet Rey along with a missing droid name BB-8 for a plan. Just then, they flied with a Millennium Falcon to stranded ship, where they meet Han Solo and Chewbacca for a plan to bring back The Rebel Alliance to stop The first Order. Along with Leia Organa, C-3PO and even Admiral Ackbar (Its a trap!).
I know most people said that the story is similar to The new hope. But its sound like it, but completely different. Even though i kinda miss the old planet, but i think i like the new planets. At first, i though its about searching for Luke Skywalker, but i was wrong, its all about saving the galaxy from the evil force. And the ending, i don't wanna talk about it, because the final act is a total shocker... 0_0
So, im ok for bring back the similar story from the very first Star Wars. ;)
The production
I gotta say, the cinematography looks outstanding with a great work of CG. I mean, it feels like Star Wars in reality a bit. I like the new design of stormtroopers, the backgrounds and the effects of the sounds and the weapon design is great to brought back from the past. Its like a next gen of the original Star Wars development. Plus, i like the new X-wing design and it was called Incom T-70. Here's a fun fact, this new X-wing was originally to be in the original trilogy, but got replaced by the classic X-wing (aka Incom T-65 that we all know and love), so the producer decided to bring the original concept back in 2015. Its also great to see the famous Millennium Falcon back with a new radar after the old one got broke off from the battle of the second Death Star. Finally, the camera angles is pretty good, its like we're flying with a jet fighter with X-wings and Tie-fighters flying and shooting each others, in other words, its like we're flying roller coaster in movie theater, without moving chairs.
The production is freakin awesome to watch in 2015.
The characters
We're all familiar with the original cast, Luke Skywalker is a final jedi of the galaxy, Leia Organa is princess of Rebels, Han Solo is a famous smuggler, Chewbacca is Han's Wookie partner and C-3PO and R2-D2 is a famous droids. But right now, everything was changing after 30 years. Han's is still a smuggler, but looking for his long lost kid. Leia Organa is now working as a General of Rebels, C-3PO is still there without R2, because it was deactivated due to Luke's disappearance. So we got the return of the original cast out of the way, lets talk about the new characters.
First up is Rey (played by a British actress name Daisy Ridley), she's a scavenger of Jakku's small town. I gotta say, Daisy did a great job playing the character. Even though i never heard of her. ^^;
Next up is Finn aka FN-2187 (played by John Boyega), he's known to be a former stormtrooper, because he really want to leave The first order, because he cares about peaceful Galaxy than dark powers. He's yet another interesting character in the movie, despite we don't know about his full name, since he worked as stormtrooper.
Then there's Poe Dameron (played by Oscar Isaac), a skilled X-wing pilot of Rebels Alliance. For me, i find him a pretty cool character. Even though he's a supporting character which he was disappeared after landing crash with Finn on Tie-fighter. Which i though he was shortly killed off, but nope, he's sruvived and rescued by the Rebel's ship. Or maybe he's mysteriously using a teleportation device. ^^;
Finally there's BB-8, when i first saw it, i was like "Who the heck is that?", which it was supposed to be a replacement of R2 (almost). I gotta say, BB-8 looks pretty cool with ball shape droid with a lot of accessories. Plus, it was used as an remote control robot and used it on CG a bit. At least some people who controlled BB-8 did a good effort.
Now lets talk about The First Order's members.
First is Kylo Ren (played by Adam Driver), the main antagonist of the movie. All i gotta say is, wow, he looks pretty damn cool with his outfit and his mask. And before, i was expecting to be a ruthless. Well, he's sorta like that, but no matter how many times it fails, he cause nothing but a frustration to destroy anything with his famous Crossguard saber. And he's also brutally strong with his force like stop the laser beam, stop the body of victims and he even uses mind reading force. At first, i though he's gonna be a man in a machine, but im might be wrong that he's a human. Plus, you can see his face not once, but twice. Why? watch the movie if you wanna know. Anyway, Adam did a great job to play as the main antagonist. Depsite he's not a big fan of wearing his mask for his role... ^^;
Next there's Leader Snoke (played by Andy Serkis, aka Gollum from Lord of the rings), when i saw him, i though he's a huge looking character, but he appeared on hologram. However, he has no more appearance, because all he does is looking how The First Order going. In other words, will see him at next episodes... ^^;
Finally there's Captain Phasma. At first, i though its a man in a cool chrome stormtrooper suit. But i was very wrong, it turned out Phasma was played by Gwendoline Christie. In other words, its a woman in chrome outfit... Oh well... ^^;
The acting in this movie was great, especially with the original cast, its great to be back. ^^
And now for my final opinion of this film.
Overall, Star Wars the force awakens is incredible to watch in the movie theater. Interesting story, great characters and outstanding cinematography. Ever since i watched the final act, i was very shocked from some part, but i won't talk about it more, because of spoilers. Its really nice to bring back a classical Sci-fi. Incredibly awesome movie of 2015.
For my rating, il give it a perfect 10/10. This is the second review with a high rating since Inside-out. Definitely a Must Watch movie.
So this ends of this movie review... Man, i've been reviewing the movies of 2015, i talked about some good movies and some that are... pretty crappy... ^^;
I will like thank you guys if you enjoy my review of 2015 (depends..), so i can't wait to see some new movies of 2016. So thanks for ready, Merry Christmas and im Anthony, signing out. ;)