Space... The final frontier... These are the voyagers of the star ship Enterprise, its five-year mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before...

*appear from transport of Enterprise* Wow... Its been an extreme voyage where i meet Kirk and Spock to exploring in multiple of weird planets!
Anyway, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review. So, what can i say about Star Trek, its one of the most legendary sci-fi with Star Wars (But Star Trek came out in 1966, eleven years before Star Wars), the series is all about exploration is various plants and even fighting against evil aliens like Klingons, Romulans and more of them around in galaxy.
The original show became popular that it made new show to have new characters and even movies for the story line. But one that i saw was the 2009 Star Trek by the most surprising director J.J. Abram, the same guy who brought back Star Wars in 2015. He directed 1 and 2, but not the third one, although he produced three of them. So he brought Justin Lin to direct the third one.
I saw the first one, but i never seen "Star Trek Into Darkness". ^^; So today, i went to watch the third one, because not only i skipped to third one, but its also my father's birthday, because he's a fan of Star Trek. Even though im not part of Trekkies, im more into a fanboy of Star Wars. ^^;
So, with all that said, can this movie will be a good third one, or is it gonna be a badly third film since others like Terminator 3?
Lets find out.
The story
After three years in five-year mission with Enterprise, Captain James Kirk and his crews arrives into a Starbase Yorktown (Wow, fascinating), Kirk meet up with Vice Admiral for a new plan if Spock will become a new captain, Sulu reunites his family, Scotty is struggling for operating the ship and Spock received a message that Ambassador Spock (aka Leonard Nemoy :'() is dead. But then one survivor name Kalara came to tell the crew about her ship was stranded on the planet called Altamid, so Kirk accepts. But when they reached to the planet, they got swarmed by a swarm of ships, lead by a commander name Krall as he want to stealing a relic called "Abronath" to destroy any planets. When the Enterprise was crashed in the planet, they have to find some ship to get out. Meanwhile, Scotty meet a female scavenger name Jaylah, who betrayed Krall for losing her parents. So Kirk and his crews has not only find a ship, but also fight Krall's evil plan.
Now to be fair. the story feels a bit similar from the first one, but with a creative an interesting subplot, which is is all about finding a new ship. The difference is in the first fim is about Romulan and the third one is Krall. Although it splits the plot with characters are separated, with Kirk and Chekov find something for a new ship. Spock and McCoy find somewhere to save Spock's life that he was wounded, Scooty meets Jaylah and Sulu, Uhura and the other crews are captured by Krall. Plus, it has some sense of humor dialogue that it made me chuckle, mainly because the movie was also written by Simon Pegg. But the third act is although its a good action, but i won't spoil that some that doesn't make any sense. If you wanna know, watch it, you know what i mean. >_>'
Though its a bit formulaic from the first one, but its pretty interesting idea with a mix.
The production
The budget of the film when they developed was over 185 million dollars. And i gotta say, it was pretty good work. The background and the environment in location are pretty cool for the sci-fi. Even though this is all done with CGI. Aside from CG, they also filmed in countries location like Dubai in UAE and Seoul in South Korea. Before them, they filmed in British Colombia, Canada, right after a delayed script. The clothes of the main crews are pretty much the same as the original one, but adding texture of futuristic. As for the alien force of Krall, they looks pretty damn cool. Even though its kinda sad that the Enterprise was destroyed in the first act, but don't worry, it will be back. And man... This is another movie is been 2 hours to watching since i was painfully constipating without going to the restroom of peeing. XC
Either way, the production was great, but you think they could tone down the time for watching without in pain?
The characters
For all of you Trekkies out there, you're all familiar with the characters.
First is Captain James Kirk (played by Chris Pine), he's a main officer of USS Enterprise. Even though he replaced William Shatner, but i think Pine did a great job of his role. He had a good work for a few stunts, nice lines and probably likable.
Next is Spock, the Vulcan of the first officer of USS (played by Zachary Quinto). Again, even though he replaced the late Leonard Nemoy, but he also did a good job, he's serious, intelligent and... Tributic for Nemoy.
Finally there's Chekov, the navigator of Enterpise (played by Anton Yelchin), he's also an interesting character, since he's a Russian character, even though i never heard of him. The reason why i talk about Chekov a bit, its because sadly, before the film's release, Anton Yelchin died of fatal car crash on the brick pillar outside of his home Studio City with his age of 27 on June 19, 2016. Even though i never heard of him, but its pretty sad for his death. Rest in peace, Anton. :(
There's more crews like Scotty (played by Simon Pegg) is the engineer, McCoy (played by Karl Urban) is a chief medic, Uhura (played by Zoe Saldana) is the only main female of USS as a communicator, Sulu (played by John Cho) is a third officer and helmsman.
There two more characters that il talk about with my opinion.
First there's Jaylah (played by Sofia Boutella), at first, she kinda reminds me of Rey from Star Wars, in alien form. But to be fair, she's pretty cool, despite a bit taking serious at the crews of USS and only appears in second act. I wonder what if she signed as a new member of USS in the fourth film.
Finally there's Krall, and alien who wants to taking over the galaxy (Played by... Idris Elba again??? 0_0). He looks pretty badass thanks to his look and also dangerous for his evil plan. and man, this is the third time i mentioned Idris Elba. ^^;
And now for my final opinion of this film.
Although im not a fan of Star Trek, but it was actually pretty good. With creative subplot of story, interesting characters and fascinating production. But some people hated this movie that its the weakest of the third movie. i understand their opinion if its bad. But for me, its just a bit too long to watch and the final act is probably the weakest part of the film. If you love this movie, go watch it. If not, well maybe you should stick to the 2009 one.
So, il rate this movie a 7/10.
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading, im Anthony, signing out and... Live long and prosper. *teleport away to going back in Enterprise*

*appear from transport of Enterprise* Wow... Its been an extreme voyage where i meet Kirk and Spock to exploring in multiple of weird planets!
Anyway, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review. So, what can i say about Star Trek, its one of the most legendary sci-fi with Star Wars (But Star Trek came out in 1966, eleven years before Star Wars), the series is all about exploration is various plants and even fighting against evil aliens like Klingons, Romulans and more of them around in galaxy.
The original show became popular that it made new show to have new characters and even movies for the story line. But one that i saw was the 2009 Star Trek by the most surprising director J.J. Abram, the same guy who brought back Star Wars in 2015. He directed 1 and 2, but not the third one, although he produced three of them. So he brought Justin Lin to direct the third one.
I saw the first one, but i never seen "Star Trek Into Darkness". ^^; So today, i went to watch the third one, because not only i skipped to third one, but its also my father's birthday, because he's a fan of Star Trek. Even though im not part of Trekkies, im more into a fanboy of Star Wars. ^^;
So, with all that said, can this movie will be a good third one, or is it gonna be a badly third film since others like Terminator 3?
Lets find out.
The story
After three years in five-year mission with Enterprise, Captain James Kirk and his crews arrives into a Starbase Yorktown (Wow, fascinating), Kirk meet up with Vice Admiral for a new plan if Spock will become a new captain, Sulu reunites his family, Scotty is struggling for operating the ship and Spock received a message that Ambassador Spock (aka Leonard Nemoy :'() is dead. But then one survivor name Kalara came to tell the crew about her ship was stranded on the planet called Altamid, so Kirk accepts. But when they reached to the planet, they got swarmed by a swarm of ships, lead by a commander name Krall as he want to stealing a relic called "Abronath" to destroy any planets. When the Enterprise was crashed in the planet, they have to find some ship to get out. Meanwhile, Scotty meet a female scavenger name Jaylah, who betrayed Krall for losing her parents. So Kirk and his crews has not only find a ship, but also fight Krall's evil plan.
Now to be fair. the story feels a bit similar from the first one, but with a creative an interesting subplot, which is is all about finding a new ship. The difference is in the first fim is about Romulan and the third one is Krall. Although it splits the plot with characters are separated, with Kirk and Chekov find something for a new ship. Spock and McCoy find somewhere to save Spock's life that he was wounded, Scooty meets Jaylah and Sulu, Uhura and the other crews are captured by Krall. Plus, it has some sense of humor dialogue that it made me chuckle, mainly because the movie was also written by Simon Pegg. But the third act is although its a good action, but i won't spoil that some that doesn't make any sense. If you wanna know, watch it, you know what i mean. >_>'
Though its a bit formulaic from the first one, but its pretty interesting idea with a mix.
The production
The budget of the film when they developed was over 185 million dollars. And i gotta say, it was pretty good work. The background and the environment in location are pretty cool for the sci-fi. Even though this is all done with CGI. Aside from CG, they also filmed in countries location like Dubai in UAE and Seoul in South Korea. Before them, they filmed in British Colombia, Canada, right after a delayed script. The clothes of the main crews are pretty much the same as the original one, but adding texture of futuristic. As for the alien force of Krall, they looks pretty damn cool. Even though its kinda sad that the Enterprise was destroyed in the first act, but don't worry, it will be back. And man... This is another movie is been 2 hours to watching since i was painfully constipating without going to the restroom of peeing. XC
Either way, the production was great, but you think they could tone down the time for watching without in pain?
The characters
For all of you Trekkies out there, you're all familiar with the characters.
First is Captain James Kirk (played by Chris Pine), he's a main officer of USS Enterprise. Even though he replaced William Shatner, but i think Pine did a great job of his role. He had a good work for a few stunts, nice lines and probably likable.
Next is Spock, the Vulcan of the first officer of USS (played by Zachary Quinto). Again, even though he replaced the late Leonard Nemoy, but he also did a good job, he's serious, intelligent and... Tributic for Nemoy.
Finally there's Chekov, the navigator of Enterpise (played by Anton Yelchin), he's also an interesting character, since he's a Russian character, even though i never heard of him. The reason why i talk about Chekov a bit, its because sadly, before the film's release, Anton Yelchin died of fatal car crash on the brick pillar outside of his home Studio City with his age of 27 on June 19, 2016. Even though i never heard of him, but its pretty sad for his death. Rest in peace, Anton. :(
There's more crews like Scotty (played by Simon Pegg) is the engineer, McCoy (played by Karl Urban) is a chief medic, Uhura (played by Zoe Saldana) is the only main female of USS as a communicator, Sulu (played by John Cho) is a third officer and helmsman.
There two more characters that il talk about with my opinion.
First there's Jaylah (played by Sofia Boutella), at first, she kinda reminds me of Rey from Star Wars, in alien form. But to be fair, she's pretty cool, despite a bit taking serious at the crews of USS and only appears in second act. I wonder what if she signed as a new member of USS in the fourth film.
Finally there's Krall, and alien who wants to taking over the galaxy (Played by... Idris Elba again??? 0_0). He looks pretty badass thanks to his look and also dangerous for his evil plan. and man, this is the third time i mentioned Idris Elba. ^^;
And now for my final opinion of this film.
Although im not a fan of Star Trek, but it was actually pretty good. With creative subplot of story, interesting characters and fascinating production. But some people hated this movie that its the weakest of the third movie. i understand their opinion if its bad. But for me, its just a bit too long to watch and the final act is probably the weakest part of the film. If you love this movie, go watch it. If not, well maybe you should stick to the 2009 one.
So, il rate this movie a 7/10.
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading, im Anthony, signing out and... Live long and prosper. *teleport away to going back in Enterprise*