Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review. Yup, im back to do a film release review like its been two months of hiatus, So i finally came back to the theater to watched another Marvel Cinematic Universe.
This time, im going to talking a film with Doctor Strange. Its a 2016 movie that was written and directed by Scott Derrickson and produced by Kevin Feige. The strange fact about this movie that it was originally developed somewhere in the 1980's, but it had been one hell of a development that it was originally to be with Paramount Pictures, but it was later changed to Marvel Studios and even plenty of re-writing.
Just to give a fact, is that at first, i was curious about Doctor Strange, but my father was a huged fan of him back in the 70's since he loves comic along with Superman and Spider-man. So after decades of my curiosity, i managed to watch this movie to find out who Doctor Strange is all about.
So with all that said, will this movie will be a good standalone film, or is it rather overshadowed by Civil War?
Lets find out.
The story
It begins in Kathmandu, Nepal, where a main antagonist name Kaecilius who ripped off the page that belongs to "Ancient One" that he take control his power known as "Mirror dimension", in other words, he used to be with her, but he betrayed her to get the page for his plan. Meanwhile, we introduced Stephen Strange, who's a neurosurgeon got a car crash that causing an injuries of his hands's vain, cause his hands nearly uncontrollable that he really wants his hands healed. He travels to Nepal to find a place called Kamar-Taj. But not before he meets Karl Mordo to bring him there that Strange meets Ancient One. But rather asking a favor of healing, she chooses to demonstrating about Astral projection and Mirror Dimension. As a result, he was shockingly impressed he want to teaching to have powers, despite of arrogance. Once Stephen did have magical powers like magic shield, some magic whip, opening portal and even astral projection, he also have Cloak of Levitation, which it can give him a flying ability and torturing bad guys and an amulet called Eye of Agamotto, which it can control time from reverse and time loop. So its up Stephen as "Doctor Strange" to save the world from Kaecilius's plan (Where his mission is to opening the other realm known as Dark Dimension to summoning an evil lord name Dormammu).
I gotta say, its an interesting story, even that its like any typical stories about the bad guys attempt to open the evil world to taking over the Earth. But this one is much more interesting and creative. But my problem of this movie is that in the first act, it was kinda rushed for Stephen Strange's development, like he's a neurosurgeon who had a car crash and kinda broke up his ex-girlfriend name Christine Palmer and... thats it, whats the point for a rushing first act?
Aside from a bad first act, the story is rather good to watch.
The production.
Unlike any Marvel films the their productions that are impressive, but this one, its one of the most over the top production i've ever seen, i know this film has a great productions with astral projection and mirror dimension, but good lord, the projection is plain illusion. I guess it explained why this film was developed with 165 million dollars. They did a great job. But the issue of the production is the scene where Ancient One demonstrates Stephen with astral projection, this scene is absolutely insane of roller coaster, like its almost like "Inception" in sugar rush. It was curious and a bit crazy when watched this scene, i mean i know its an Astral projection, but jeez, calm down, movie. Not to mention, this is another film takes about two hours. Well, its almost take about two hours, but it was specifically about one hour in fifty-five minutes, but i did survive myself from constipation to watching the final act. I mean i was nearly going to throw up, but don't worry, im ok.
Although it was a bit insane and too long (A bit), the production looks impressive to watch.
The characters
If you ever read the comic, you probably known them. If haven't heard of them like myself, il explain to them and give my opinion.
First is our main star of the movie, Doctor Stephen Strange (played by Benedict Cumberbatch), i find him a fascinating character in the movie, which at first i though he's not gonna be good, but later, he's growing into a cool character. Even though he's a bit arrogant and his personality feels a bit like Iron Man or Antman because he was joking with a culture reference, which it was a bit weak like its getting a bit old for a culture reference of personalities. But he did made me chuckle for his joke. Despite that, Benedict did a nice work for his main role.
Next is Strange's sidekick name Karl Mordo (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor), he's an interesting sidekick in the movie, well, not only a sidekick, but also a mentor of Strange. Plus, i like his ability that he can jumping or walking to an invisible platform by himself. He also have a staff called "Living Tribunal" and he has flexible power. Strangely, in the comic, he was a bad guy of Doctor Strange. Its kinda like Kaa from "The Jungle Book" where he's a good guy in the book, but he was changed into a bad guy in the Disney films. Aside his role of the character, he's an interesting sidekick and Chiwetel did a nice work.
Then there's Ancient One (played by Tilda Swinton), she's a main mentor in the movie that she possesses illusion (aka Mirror Dimension and Astral projection) and she looks pretty cool. Like Mordo, she has a strange changing from the comic, which in the comic, the Ancient One is supposed to be a male, but the role was change based on the stereotypes. Its a bizarre and kinda sexist choice for the character's gender, but i digress.
The final good guys is Wong (played by Benedict Wong), who's Strange's another sidekick in the movie. He's a master of Mystic Arts and a protector of Kamar-Taj's valuable items. Like the Ancient One, he was completely different in the comic, where he's portray as a stereotypical Asian with martial arts and a servant. So he was changed as a teacher and a librarian. I guess its because they're to avoid a controversies of racism.
and finally there's the main antagonist Kaecilius (played by Mads Mikkelsen), he's a traitor of Kamar-Taj that he wants his power of illusion to taking over the world, which they said he's rather similar to Saruman and Sauron from The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Even though i never see three LOTR's trilogy, but im ok for that. Not to mention, he has a cool looking makeup of his eyes, which they said it takes about tow to three hours, i like his makeup in the movie. Despite similar character of J.R.R. Tolkien's characters, he's pretty cool and Mads did an interesting role.
There a few other characters in the movie like Christine Palmer (played Rachel McAdams), who's a love interest of Doctor Strange Dormammu (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) who's a lord of Dark Dimension, but i won't tell about him, because of spoilers. And yes, Stan Lee will always making his cameo appearance, try to find him while watching a movie.
Despite of changing portrayal of racism, the characters are rather interesting to watch and im mostly enjoy of Doctor Strange's role.
And now for my final opinion of the film.
Overall, Doctor Strange is strangely a good movie, with interesting story, fascination production and good characters. Even though im fine for changing portrayal to avoid offensive race, but it has some flaws like a rushed development of the first act, over the top scene of Stephen in astral plane scene and pretty long film with a near two hours.
If you like this movie, go ahead, watch it if you want. If not, you'll probably find that the film is a bit weak.
So, i rate this 8/10.
So this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.