Antaku: Anthony!!!
Dark Amethyst: *stops walking from noticing a name* ?!
After unexpected hearing a name, Team Blast (Eric and Maria Blakron, Sally Ukrone and Philip "Smasher" Caiden) runs to the hangar and sees Antaku and Dark Amethyst on the bridge over the door underneath the ship.
Dark Amethyst: *turns back and sees Antaku* You're must be Antaku... I've been waiting for you for the long time when you stalking me at many times...!
Antaku: Yeah...
Eric Blakron: *looks at them, but have a phone ring from his partner Ryan Blackonne* Yeah?
Ryan Blackonne (in phone): I finished watching a movie, i was trying to find you, but then my tracking app was crashed for no reason, after looking in various rooms and beating the heck out of soldiers, i was in the shield generator room, which i think its for the ship itself.
Eric Blakron: Hmmm... Thats good but i think il bring my girlfriend to help you, what do you think?
Ryan Blackonne: Maybe?
Sally Ukrone: You sure il help him to destroy something what he said?
Eric Blakron: Yeah, but you may also try to deal at some soldiers from this ship before they're trying to locking the generator room.
Sally Ukrone: Ok, il do it fast as you tell me. *runs away*
Eric Blakron: *nods for her acceptance*
However, after Blakron's plan and a small argument from Antaku's stalking at Dark Amethyst, antaku is approaching at him for what he want to see behind his mask.
Antaku: Take off you mask... You don't deserve to wearing it...!
Dark Amethyst: ... What you think you'll see if i take it off?
Antaku: The face of important man from your friends, Anthony...
Bryan Emmerich: I think he's gonna unmask to showing if its Anthony or not.
Mystica: Just wait...
After 10 seconds of waiting, Dark Amethyst proceeds to taking off his mask which happens to be...
Anthony: That person you're talking about is no longer here... He's pretty much being a weak and coward just like you, so i murdered him!!
Antaku: *approaches him slowly* ... Thats what Obsidian said it when it comes of capturing a human victim like you as his "Chosen one". But, you're still Anthony.
Anthony: No... Obsidian is wise and he knows who i am...!
Antaku: He used you to manipulating your memory to changing your name and turn yourself into evil to destroying your home planet. You know its true for what he did.
Anthony: Its too late...
Antaku: No its not, you need to come back with us, since you're a hero in your home country for your brave and respectful attitude and free-speech for sharing everyone. We have to go with you to stop your "mentor". We miss you...
Anthony: *thinking himself that he saw his friends that he hung out for fun and write on the computer for attention, but later that he lost his patient and probably depressed* ... *looks down that he's probably sad for his attention* I've been depressed a lot... I just want to make attention to everyone, but i felt that nobody seems to accept, caring or helping for my problem... *sniffs* Will you help me...
Antaku: Yes, we can do anything for you to cheer up.
Accepted, Anthony drops his tear from his face that he finally get a help. After dropping his mask, he pulls out his lightsaber that he was originally to show it.
Antaku: *looks at it* You have a powerful weapon like before... *grabs it*
Meanwhile, Team Blast hears the noise outside the ship that the battle of military of Obsidian's army was started with shooting and explosion.
Eric Blakron: *hears it* I think the military are here to attacking this ship to save our city.
Marian Blakron: Yeah, i heard that.
While after waiting when Antaku holds Anthony's weapon...
Anthony unexpectedly stabs Antaku, leaving Team Blast, Bryan Emmerich and Mystica feel shock and panic from the activation of Anthony's lightsaber to Antaku's gut very hard.
Anthony: Thank you... You've help me to cheer up... For your death! *slashes away from him*
Antaku: *shivering with his eyes in static from his damage and falls off from the bridge and out of the gate to his death dramatically*
Anthony was very proud that he killed a cyborg look like of himself. But Eric Blakron was angry of killing Antaku (even though he barely know who Antaku is), with his body glows of his power that he shoots energy ball on Anthony gut
Anthony: *gets hit by an energy ball and feels that he's bleeding a bit*
But an explosion out of nowhere that the heroes and one villain hear it. Bryan Emmerich and Mystica fly to the other door that they meet Team Blast that they're preparing to leave the ship.
Meanwhile, Obsidian is alone to killing military soldiers with his weapon, but he hears an alarm sound from his mask about his ship's energy shield is destroyed. As he decided to going to the ship by stealing a helicopter to fly away.
Back to the ship, Ryan Blackonne runs around the hallway along with Sally Ukrone to find other hangar room to leave the ship, not before they notice their group to see them again, especially Ryan and Sally meet Bryan and Mystica. Once they quickly reunite, they run to find the hangar, while also beating every Ruby soldiers.
Once they finally found the hangar after 10 minutes, but get interrupted by Anthony with his purple lightsaber.
Anthony: Do you think you're going to leave without battling me...? Because i know you're trying to sabotage my ship!
Bryan Emmerich: *sees him and his wound gut that he's bleeding, believing that Anthony is not a hybrid gem, but more of a human* I... I thought you're a hybrid gem! That is just ridicu-- *but interrupted from shooting from the helicopter that it was stolen by Obsidian*
Obsidian: You're underestimating my apprentice!!
Eric Blakron: You bastard!
Bryan Emmerich: Yeah, but is it just me or why is he bleeding than being static like any gems?
Obsidian: Well... Looks like you not only expose his face, but also asking for his blood?
Bryan Emmerich: Yeah, why is that?
Obsidian: You see, not only i want to killing off the humanity, but i also want to capture them as my elite warriors that make them much stronger than gems. Especially from a few days ago, i captured him to my operation room that i created a piece of gemstone into a liquid and injected him to make him much stronger and of course, changing his memory to change his name and removing his past. It will be my successful plan to torturing humans as my elite warrior that i can change the homeworld! *make his evil laugh for his plan*
Bryan Emmerich: You changed his memory to make Anthony as an enemy?! I don't want him as evil, he's our friend to save our own world!!
Obsidian: Well to bad, he's your enemy that he will kill you!
Eric Blakron: *throws fireball at Obsidian's rotor of helicopter*
The fireball hits at the helicopter that its about to be malfunction to falling down, but Obsidian quickly get out of the chopper and jump to the hangar. Anthony runs at Bryan Emmerich with his lightsaber swing at him in attempt to decapitating him. But Brian pulls his own lightsaber out of his pocket to parrying it, resulting Bryan and Anthony have a duel lightsaber. Eric is confronting Obsidian with his own torso glows in his preparation for a fight.
Obsidian: So you want to fight me with your bare hands? Very well... *took his own weapon away for his fist fight with Eric* And if you said you need him to save your world? I don't think so, he belongs to me!
Eric Blakron: Prove it then! *runs after Obsidian to punching on his gut*
Obsidian got hit and two of them proceeding to fight each other with bare hands. Sally Ukrone look behind two battles that there's a transporter.
Sally Ukrone: *whispers at them* Guys, i see a transporter behind them. We better have to sneak up before we have to call them, what do you think?
Smasher: *whispers back* Thats good, but we have to pick which way to pass them.
Marian Blakron: *whispers* Maybe to the left?
Sally Ukrone: Ok, we have to sneaking in without getting caught from the bad guys's eyes.
Ryan Blackonne: Ok.
Once they're trying to sneaking way from for of them fighting each other, but Anthony kicks Bryan down to the ground and sees them sneaking that he caught them with his eyes. Resulting them trying to running away from Anthony to jump on the transporter.
Unfortunately, the military brought three vehicles with rocket missiles to shoot down the ship. As they blast rocket missiles to the ship that it damages that it start to destroy itself.
Back to our heroes and Obsidian, they hear and feel the rumble of the ship that it got hit that its about to destroy with big alarm red of destruction. Due to the rumbling, the heroes and Obsidian falls on the floor of hangar, but Anthony falls, walks back in risk and nearly falls off from the hangar by holding a hangar platform edge for his life, especially losing his lightsaber all the way down to the city.
After Obsidian knocking down Eric Blakron, he notices Anthony is hanging the floor for his life that he was going save him in attempt to escape the Earth when the ship is destroy from missiles.
Obsidian: *runs at the gab to save Dark Amethyst (Anthony)*
Eric Blakron: *gets up slowly that he's not done with his body glows even more that he's going at fight back at Obsidian, by grabbing his shoulder to turn back to face-to-face, punching him multiple times on hus gut and face, until he finishes him with a hard punch on his face to damaging his mask*
Obsidian: *get punched in his face hard with his mask got damaged that he's falling off from the hangar. But unexpectedly, he was saved by a transporter and flies away with a pilot* We'll meet again, human scum!!
Eric Blakron was finally relief to defeating Obsidian, but the rumble goes aggressive that the ship is about to explode, as the heroes run to the transporter to fly away from the ship. But Anthony was losing his grips to keep hanging from the floor, but slip is too much that he's falling all the way down of doom.
While the heroes and Anthony are off the ship, but the was falling slowly, but not before it goes to a big explosions with plenty of debris flying down and the people in Earth was celebrating that its over and capturing some Obsidian's minions to the asylum or the others (who are turned into a gemstone) was taken to the science lab for the collection for the research.
Team Blast land on the ground safely that they get off the transporter for their victorious. But their celebration was too soon, which Marian Blakron was concerned about Anthony. Once they looked around, they found him who lays on the ground. Bryan Emmerich was checking him if he's dead or not, but it turned his heart is beating, but he's suffered a coma from his fall. Devastated from his fall, Sally Ukrone brings her phone to call 911 to bringing an ambulance...
Once the ambulance brought Anthony in hospital after 20 minutes from driving, Team Blast was in the waiting room, while Bryan Emmerich was in recovery room with doctor for explaining how Anthony was in coma. Doctor explains that after examining about his body, he's suffered a blunt forced trauma, a horrific wound from its bottom left torso from the fireball, broken right arm and broken left knee. But he also said that he has a weaken heart and amnesia, which Bryan realizes that it was Obsidian's plan that he created an experiment that causes his heart fragile and changing memory. Doctor said that it may take about 1 to 1 months for cure him on surgery.
After several weeks where Team Blast was waiting, despite helping the city for cleanup from debris from ship's destruction to throwing in the junkyard, they found out the once voice message from the doctor, although the surgery of Anthony's wounds went well and woke up, but it didn't do well for the lost memory and the fragile heart. However, Bryan Emmerich returns to his fellow partners that he create his chemistry that it can heal the heart and refreshing memory with his own blood and unknown chemistry ingredient that he found in rare store. Once they they arrive in the same hospital to the patient room, Bryan brings his needle with his chemical, inject him and... It was succeed, Anthony feels his heart is cure and remember himself.
Bryan Emmerich: Im happy you're ok and got your own memory back, pal.
Anthony: Yeah... *looks down*
Marian Blakron: whats wrong, Antho?
Anthony: *sigh* I know that im always risking myself... As i said before, i wanted to have fun and attention to everyone that i like to talking the movies, video games, shows and others that i like to share with everyone... I mean, i wanted to do something for fun, not just the people all over the world with the internet, but for you guys, Team Blast. Not matter how i try to give my opinion, make fun of or giving the fact what we love or hate, i felt that i didn't get attention to everyone, i have reactions that are completely empty, i was waiting, waiting and waiting for the reaction whether they love or hate my explanations and stuff...
Bryan Emmerich: Hmm... I know that its not easy for you for the reception, you're rather an indie reviewer.
Anthony: Yeah, not only that, but i have a difficult thought for keeping my money.
Ryan Blackonne: What do you mean? You have consoles, cool cars like Mustang and Formul8r and some others in your own home.
Anthony: I know, but its just that i wasted a lot for my big plan that i need like new laptop, new video game console and perhaps tablet for my new level. The combination of the lack of support, wasteful of money, without my friends, running out of blocking my ideas and my attitude problem, it easily cause myself to a depression...
Bryan Emmerich: Oh...
Marian Blakron: Oh my gosh...
Eric Blakron: Hmm...
Anthony: Even though i left my room that i traveled in various dimension and then back into our world that i had a special racing event, i though im in a fun man again, but it didn't make it very long that i nearly killed myself from the crash, which i felt its too soon that im still in risk of my life, until you probably know what happened to me.
Bryan Emmerich: Yeah, when you got captured and turned against us with Obsidian.
Anthony: My depression gets too much that i turned evil with him that i wanted kill everyone in hatred without my attention nor respect...
Marian Blakron: Yeah... But im pretty sure you felt desperate to get attention and help, right?
Anthony: *sniffs* Yeah... I just really want a help with everyone, even with you guys... I always hated myself when i kept losing my experience that i always want to kill myself... *starts crying from his pain and depression*
Marian Blakron: Ohh... *gives him a hug* Its ok Antho... Its ok... There's no need to kill yourself or anything bad on you... We're still with you for your help of your problem...
Anthony: I tried that i want to...
Marian Blakron: I know that you want to have patient if they like your work or not... Its more like a practice or a test for you, you need to take your time for your plans and stuff... But, we think you're doing not bad, you're such a nice, kinda smart and a funny person. But you can take a break if you want if you're having a block or something. Believe not just yourself or even enjoy your idea, but also your friends that you can hang out with if you're in the mood. So please, don't be in negative if the depression hits you again, we're still here with you, so does your friends in the internet, Anthony.
Anthony: Thanks... Whenever you said to me, you reminding me when i hugged with my mom while crying when i was young... My mom understand how i had a problem that i lost my positive attitude when i was in school or in my home... I really want to have a help for learn from my trouble...
Marian Blakron: I understand Anthony... I understand what you feel back them... *kiss on his cheek*
With Anthony was cured and live happily, but he's still having a difficult the lack of his honesty, respect and struggling with depression. But Team Blast is still with him for the help of his problem, difficulty or perhaps a panic. After leaving hospital, he's finally going back to his home for take a relax in his room to take a nap, watching a movie and reading a book. After 2 days, he comes back as a happy person to have fun, entertaining and sharing story and his opinion with everyone what he like to talking about. Although he's making his own list for his plan in his future. Despite his flaws, he's glad to be back normal and lives happily ever after...
Corporate Driver: *sighs* I am so sick and tired of losing a lot, since not only those idiots destroyed that unknown object over the city, but it also ruined my headquarter from plenty of dog-fighters!!!
Secretary Driver: Don't you mean "Starfighters" of these evil gems?
Corporate Driver: I don't give a S***!! Could you call somebody to clean up my HQ to fix my stuff. And also asking them to pay me for permission?
Secretary Driver: Ok, but do you think paying is--
Corporate Driver: F** off and ask anyone to clean my place for F*** sake!!
Secretary Driver: Ok ok, il do it... Geez... *picks up a phone book to call random strangers for help*
Corporate Driver: Now then... Next time, il take control many companies for my favor of changing and perhaps cancelling... *crackles*
The end?