Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.Last year, i reviewed a live-action Cinderella, despite it was good, but its not as fresh than the animated classic. So the next live action remake that im going to talk about is The Jungle Book. As a kid, i watched the 1967 by Walt Disney (But the movie came out after his death back in 1966.), it was great with an interesting characters, well-drawn and a good story. Although i never seen some live action like the 1942 version or even the 1994 with Jason Scott Lee.But when they announced it, i was very anticipated to find out if its either good or bad remake, i mean, it has an all-star casts and it was directed by Jon Favreau, the same guy who directed Iron Man with Robert Downey Jr.So i finally want to see it so this made me raise the question.Does this movie will be much more improvement than the animated classic, or is it another remake that its not as fresher like Cinderella did?Lets find out. (Btw, not only talk about this movie, but il also compare from the source material and the animated classic. Even though i've never read the book, but i was likely doing a research for the different.)The storyAs you know, it was based on a story with a same name by Rudyard Kipling. The plot is about a man cub named Mowgli was saved by Bagheera and brought him to the wolf pack. As he grew up as a kid (mainly a Man cub), he likes to live with wolves. Just then, they heard an evil tiger name Shere Khan who's looking to hunt down a man with a fire. Oh did i just say "fire", i mean the animal kingdom was referring as "Red flower". As Mowgli has no choice but leave his family to find somewhere to be safe. But Bagheera wants him to leave the jungle to the man village, but Mowgli refuse to go there because he was aware of every man's traps that he wants to stay in the jungle that like i said, finding a safe place to stay away from Shere Khan.I gotta say, the story itself was pretty interesting that its almost like a better story of animated classic. Which in animated version, Mowgli is much as acting being a whiny kid to stay in the jungle for no reason. But in the remake, he finally has a reason why he wants to stay in the jungle, despite he was a little bit of bratty attitude.Although it has some different part than the animated version like Baloo saved Mowgli from Kaa, Akela was killed by Khan (Well spoiler alert if you haven't seen it. ^^;) and unlike the animated version that the wolf pack has a small appearance, they have more appearance in this movie.So the story is like what if they mix the animated version and a small part from the book in the blender, but in a good ways. :)The productionI gotta say, the production of this movie is pretty cool to watch. Which i though it was filmed in the jungle. But i was wrong, it was filmed in LA for a work of CGI, which its kinda disappointing. Star Wars prequel called, they want the production back. But, im ok for that, which it feels a little bit realistic. most of the animals were all done on computer even though they look greats, but Bagheera and Kaa's design may or may not look as good, which they either look cartoony than real life panther and python. I know Kaa has an hypnotic eyes like in the animated version, but she looks kinda creepy... ^^;But the way the animals move and their portray was good what they act like in real life animals like they want some foods or even looking curious.As for the music, it was well composed for the jungle theme. And yes, they brought back our favorite animated songs like "The Bare Necessities" and "I Wan'na Be Like You", which i find them an interesting remake, which Bill Murray and Christopher Walken did a good job signing. :)Although the music and the production was great looking, but i wish it could've film in the jungle, maybe its the over budget or even a permission for the country, but meh.The characters.Like i said before, it has an all-star casts that we recognized, which they do a voice acting of animals.But first, we have Mowgli (played by Neel Sethi in live action). I gotta say, he's much more interesting than the animated version. Yes, i i know he may have a childish attitude like "No! I wanna stay here!", but at least he has a reason like as i mention before, he was aware of man's traps and even stay away from "Red Flower" and love and care his family. Unlike in the animated version, he was actually make his invention plan like to get a honey or even make a way to climb a tree has "tricks", which im actually impressed what he did. Neel did a great job and its first time that he played as a main role and he did a great job for his stunts in the jungle, which he was learning to do Taekwondo when he was 4. I was surprised for him when he was young.Now for the animals, first we have Bagheera (voiced by Ben Kingsley). In the original book, Bagheera did try to keep Mowgli in safe to stay away from Shere Khan, but he's rather plain lazy. But in film, he's kinda portray as an adopted father or either a guardian. I think his portray may be better than the book for his awareness. Even though i never heard of Ben Kingsley, but he did a nice work.Next there's Baloo (played by a legendary comedian Bill Murray), in the book, he was portray as a teacher that he has a decision for a group which Mowgli likes to live. In the film, he was portray as a fun-free bear who likes to singing, eating like in the animated classic. Even though he has a fear of high... ^^; Bill Murray's role of Baloo is always fun like animated version, he made me laugh and smiling. Especially Neel Sethi said that he was impressed Murray's role. :DThen there's Raksha (played by Lupita Nyong'o). In the book, there's not much to say, she's just a mother of the wolf pack with Mowgli. In the animated version, she's probably a small appearance with no name, but her love was named "Rama". In the live action, he got more appearance. Like in the book, she has a threatening line to tell Shere Khan to stay away from Mowgli. I mean jeez, talk about a badass mother... 0_0 I wonder what if Toriel from Undertale is threatening at Flowey to leave Frisk alone.Next, there's Kaa who's appearantly female python (Which she was voiced by Scarlett Johansson, aka Black widow from Marvel). In the book, Kaa is not a bad guy, but rather an ally of Mowgli for wisdom. But Disney decided that Kaa is portraying a creep who wants hypnotizing Mowgli for a vore... ^^; But unlike the animated version which Kaa appeared twice, here, she has a small appearance. But at one point, she even remembered how Mowgli was lost when his Man father was killed by Shere Khan, i mean how did she know that, did she stalked Bagheera and Mowgli before eating alive or something? But it doesn't matter for her reason. But at least Scarlett did a great work for her role that Kaa is kinda like succubus in python.Then we have King Louie (played by Christopher Walken). However, he's not in the book, which it has full of monkeys. So Disney decided to make a monkey king in the movie. Not to mention, King Louie was inspired from Louie Armstrong, not to mention he was supposed to voice by Armstrong himself, but he refused for that, so his role was Louie Prima. Unlike the animated version for his design, Louie is friggin huge, which he's a Gigantopithecus, i mean he's like what if he's a cousin of King Kong... 0_0Finally there's the main antagonist, Shere Khan (voiced by Idris Elba), in the book, im not sure that he's a bad guy or not, he's more like an unlikely rival with Mowgli and sometimes feel sick, which i felt like that he's lame or something. But in the movie, he is a dangerous predator, he's fearless (kinda...), ruthless and loves to hunting for death. He's probably the most scariest and baddest villain in Disney and gives a nightmare for childhood. For me, i don't have a nightmare of him, but i was not being scared like Mowgli and fight him to become a man! Well, not being a hunter of animal kingdom... ^^; Either way, am i even talking about Idris Elba's impressive role since he did in Zootopia? Meh, i think he did a great job.They're a few other characters that has purposes or a tiny appearance, like Akela (voiced by Giancarlo Esposito) who's a leader of the wolf pack, Hathi is a colonel of the elephants with his junior son and hew animals that that has nothing to do with and some others (next to Baloo) are curious about Mowgli that either that i like to make fun of or even made me laughing.And now for my final opinion of the film.Overall, the 2016 The Jungle Book is a fascinating remake i've ever watch, it has a improvement story, good music and great characters. Although the production looks great, despite it was done in CG. The negative part that i don't like, aside from the lack of design of Bagheera and Kaa, some part in the climatic that has a surprise jumpscare (i mean, it only works in a horror films or something.), its just annoying what i was watching and even a name "Red Flower", in the animated version, they don't called it, they just easily say "fire". The name "Red Flower" of a fire is just plain lazy name, its like what if you change a name of a Mercedes F1 car as "Grey Wheel". Anyway, i heard that they're actually plan to do a sequel and Neel Sethi will come back as Mowgli. Even though it has some flaws, but i like this movie, i think its better than the animated version. No offense, i still like it too in my childhood. If you're curious about the remake or a big fan of a Kipling's story, this one is for you.I rate this movie a 8.5/10. Its definitely a must-watch.So this ends of my review, if you guys have your opinion or suggestions, let me know in the comments bellow.Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out. ;)
Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to a game review. We always love to play Pokemon. We like to go on the journey to catch any Pokemons in your PC collection, fight with anyone, get badges for a championship and even dealing with legendary Pokemon that either you catch for the championship league or maybe you don't care and beat it.When i heard there's a Fighting tournament with Pokemon, i was anticipated to get it on Wii U. It was first came out last year (2015) in Arcade with a controller come out of cabinet, interesting idea. However, many people think that it as good, but we're still waited for Wii U version.And finally the game came out in March 18 2016. As i heard, this game is a Pokemon version of Tekken. Im not a big fan of Tekken, because im mostly a fanboy of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Soul series. But, this is the first time i played this franchise. Maybe il buy a Tekken game to give a shot after Pokken Tournament.So, can this game will be a good spin-off of Pokemon, or is it gonna be disappointing that i wish i could play a Pokemon version of Street Fighter?Lets find out.Obviously, its a fighting tournament of Tekken style. But like Pokemon, you're starting to introduce yourself as a trainer. Unlike any Pokemon game that you start typing your name and chose gender, you can chose your skin, your facial personality (i think?) and finally pick one of your main Pokemon. I was originally played myself in the game, but i felt im overplaying myself that i decided to play as a female of me named Annie and finally my main Pokemon is Gardevoir. After that, you meet Nia, a teacher with her Pokemon Weavile, she's with you for the very start, then you have to the practice that if you haven't play Tekken, thats fine, but again, its the first time.For the control, you have three buttons to fight, X (strong attack), Y (weak attack) and A (Pokemon moves). Unlike any fighting games that you only play 2D (like Street Fighter) or 3D (Like Soul series), you play with two Phases, Field and Duel. Field phase is sorta like a third person fighting and Duel, obviously a 2D position. Which no matter how many times you use your special attack, it always changing phases, which they're might be annoying for the control that you want to the special attack or up or down. For jumping, most 2D fighting control that you use your joystick or D-pad to up for jumping, but in this game, the button was changed to B for jump, i know its a Tekken control, but can be difficult, but you can easily avoid from projectile or even using the air attack. You can even use your support Pokemon, but you have to pick two Pokemons for your support and pick one of them in one round. Which they're either attack, defend and enhance (which it increases your attack, defense and some special.). But your support are limited of recharging, so you have to wait little bit longer, until you'll use it, which is on L button. And if you asked, yes, you can block with R button. There's a synergy burst, which you increase it when you use your attack, when its reached higher, you can press L and R that your Pokemon will be powerful like some like Blaziken, Gardevoir and Lucario has a Mega-Evoltution and others like Pikachu, Machamp or Suicune are bursting their powers. But its limited, unless you do a combo to keep in powerful form. And if you press L and R in powerful form, they can do the Ultimate attack.As for the Pokemon region? It takes place on Ferrum region. they're six place you wanna go, My Town (in old Ferrum town) is menu that you can change your setting of your character or changing your Pokemon. Practice (in Techne City) is obviously a practice for your skill of fighting tournament, even learn how the game works. Single Battle (in Tellur Town) is an endurance matches of you fighting with multiple of trainers. Even though its repetitive, but it helps to practice your fighting skills to fighting with CPU. Ferrum League is like Single player, but in tournament to become a world champion. Local battle (in Selen Island) is pretty much say, you and friend play together, but with different controllers. And finally there's online battle (in Neos City), its an online matches leveling up your rank.For the roster, you have Lucario, Blaziken, Machamp, Gardevoir, Suicune, Weavile, Pikachu, another Pikachu with wrestling outfit (aka Pikachu Libre), Gengar, Sceptile, Braixen, Chandelure, Charizard and Garchomp. Unless you're a pro to beat the league to get Mewtwo, or maybe if you have an Amiibo to have Shadow Mewtwo like i have. But i was kinda disappointed, they're like 14 Pokemon in the roster (Not counted for Mewtwos), they could've just get add more like Lopunny, Genesect, Darkrai or even Greninja-- Oh wait, it was taken to Super Smash Bros...As for the supporters, they're interesting, but you have three sets to chose your two pokemon suppoters that its either helping or useless. And i wish they could add more like Squirtle, Butterfree, Kirlia, Beedrill or even Honedge.But before il end my review, i want to give you a fun fact. This isn't the first time we have a Pokemon fighting tournament., the first time that i noticed is Pokemon Type Wild, a Japanese indie fighting tournament that i think it came out during the 3rd or 4rth Gen. It goes into a Street Fighter style with Pokemon supporters with a 2D graphics that based on anime. I played it before that i find it interesting. And this is also not the first time i played with a crossover game style. The first is Hyrule Warrior, a Legend of Zelda spin-off with a gameplay style of Dynasty Warriors. Even though i find it an interesting game, but its probably boring and repetitive to go around killing enemies. Unless i felt like to say "Feel the power of my, Maageehhk!11!!one!1!!!". (Man, that voice acting Dynasty Warriors 3 is hilariously bad... XD)Overall, Pokken Tournament is a great spin-off. Like i said, im not a huge fan of gameplay of Tekken, but at least i gave a shot to play. I has a great graphic with a detail, the gameplay is interesting and roster is not bad. Although some people was not expect to be similar to Street Fighter, but this game was made by Bandai Namco Studios, the same company with Soul series and adaptation of animes like One Piece, Naruto and Dragon Ball. If you're a fan or Pokemon or Tekken, this one is for you. If not, well it maybe hard to tell if its a good spin-off, but for me, i like it, even though i never heard of a storyline of Tekken.For my rating, il give 8.5/10.So this ends of my game review, if you have your opinion or suggestions, let me know in the comments bellow.Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out. ;)
Warning: The following review contains strong languages and a major spoiler if you haven't seen that if you love and hate. Readers discretion advised*walk out of cinema in a disappointing mood* .... They Fucked it up...
*sigh* Its been over 2 in a half hours and... I cannot believe how disappointing it is after a week that ignored all the critics of love and hate...Anyway, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is a 2016 superheroes that was directed by Zack Snyder, produced by Charles Roven and Deborah Snyder and written by Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer. This is one is the most anticipating film for DC fans like me. Its been a long years that we want to see two famous heroes in a big brawl. Well, kinda, mainly because there's The Dark knight returns part that it has a battle between them. Not to mention, it also has more characters in the movie, not only Batman, but also Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Aquaman, The Flash, Cyborg and Doomsday. Which i like to see them all when i was waiting.So, can this movie will be a greatest DC universe movie, or this movie will be suffered by Kryptonite?Lets find out.The storyIn 18 months after Man of Steel, Superman became a hero of Metropolis. And by that, i mean he has nothing but problem that he almost kill everybody since he fought General Zod. Meanwhile Ben Afleck-- i mean, Bruce Wayne is starting his career as Batman in Gotham City, not before he was looking at Superman as his target, because he thinks he's a bad hero. Meanwhile (again), a 20 year old(?) Lex Luthor became a millionaire to introducing his corporation after he found a Kryptonite. Not before he meets an unknown antiques dealer Diana Prince for some reason. Not before she stole Bruce's scanner and... take it back to him. Later on, Batman was trying to steal a Kryptonite from Luthor, but it was too late because Superman blocked his way. Then later at dark night, Batman was suited up with titanium armor to fight Superman, but not before they heard that Superman's mother was capture, because Luthor wants Kal-El to kill Batman.To me, the story is pretty hard to tell at the beginning, it goes to a build up of a rivalry with Batman and Superman, but then it goes to a sub-plot where Lois Lane found some sort of bullet that she found that has nothing to do with the main plot. I asked a lot of question at plenty of stuff that has in the plot, but most of them are just a filler for no reason.But the ending... Where do i begin? After a battle of Batman and Superman, they just stop for a warning reason that Superman tells Batman that he has to rescue Martha Kent from Luthor and Superman is going to fight his main nemesis, but not before Lex created one of Kal-El's dangerous enemy, Doomsday. Which i though the battle of Doomsday is gonna be in the second act of the movie, but its in the final act. Which it has an great fight. But it has a problem, you where Superman was knelled whenever he noticed a Kryptonite? But here, the movie decided to change the rules that he bring a Kryptonite spear to kill Doomsday, but not before he was also killed by Doomsday. Then after a funeral, Batman is confronting at Lex Luthor for a vengeance reason in the prison and walked away like nothing happened.Yeah, you probably noticed that the movie is like what if you bring "The Dark Knight returns" and "The death of Superman" in the blender. Well, some part was loosely, you see, in "The Dark Knight returns", Bruce returned as Batman with an age of 55 to not only beating bad guys, but also fighting at the authority before he fight Superman before his death with a heart failure. But here, Bruce is like 30 year old while wearing an titanium armor while fighting against Superman.The story itself is pretty complicated to follow, it barely called "The story", which its just nothing but confusing...The productionDespite the lack-luster of the story, the production work is well done with over $250 million of budget. If has a great effect in this movie during the action. Some timessome part is not easy to tell whats going on like during the even of Man of Steal, its almost like a deleted scene, but taken in the theater. Speaking of deleted scene, Barbara Gordon (aka Batgirl) was attented to be in the movie, but it never happen until the DVD and Blu-Ray release. Not to mention, you can see Zod's body in the movie that i think he was supposed to be on Lex Luthor's plan. He was originally that Michael Shannon will be in the movie, but he was never accepted, so they bring Greg Plitt to look like Zod, but not before he died when he got ran over by a train in 2015. Ouch... ^^;For the costumes, they look great. For Superman's outfit, its looks interesting. And yes, i am aware that costume was based on The New 52. As for Batman, its just... Well, Batman. Its nothing else to say. But i like his armor suit, it looks pretty damn cool. And for Wonder Woman, its looks great, her outfit feels like she's wearing a gladiator armors (Well, almost, mainly because she was born in Greek thanks to a creation by Zeus, even though we'll wait for her own movie next year.), even though some fans missed her classic outfit like in the comic, but im ok for that. And finally for Doomsday design, when he's in the first form, i though he looks nothing like in the comic, until he evolved to his second form. I find him looks pretty damn scary. 0_0The production of the movie was actually great when it comes to a superhero film.The charactersWell, these characters is probably a mix...For Kal-El/Superman/Clark Kent (played by Henry Cavill) was return after the first movie. However, its not easy to tell that he's either good or bad. I mean yeah, he's the hero of Metropolis, but he's rather lame after he nearly killed anybody which makes everyone called him a controversial hero. He would've been an interesting character, despite Henry did a good work.Next there's Batman/Bruce Wayne (played by Ben Affleck). I know lot of people were criticized when he was announced before the movie came out. But in this movie, i think Ben did a nice work, even though he's kinda emotionless Its as if he's trying to be serious, but failed a bit... ^^; But my problem is why does he using a gun to kill people, i know he does it on purpose, but at least he has a creative gadget like he has a gun with a Kryptonite smoke. Even though Batman is good, but at least Ben had a better acting than Kristen Stewart in Twilight.Then there's Lex Luthor (played by Jesse Eisenberg). I was expect to see Jesse in serious acting with egotistic. But unfortunately, he's probably the weakest in the movie. I know Jesse has been in a comedy films, but not for DC movie, here he's rather over the top of silliness and lame. I know this was before he became serious for his hatred of Superman, but remember, Lex was like 20 year old, i think... ^^; But i heard that in Justice League part one, he will be played by Heisenberg from Breaking Bad. Hope its gonna a good one.Finally there's Wonder Woman (played by Gal Gadot). She's an interesting character. at first, i though there's no Diana Prince, until i noticed her in LexCorp. But she never appears as Wonder Woman until the final act, pretty shame... Even though i never heard of Gal Gadot, but she did an interesting job.Even though there plenty of other characters like Lois Lane, Perry White and few others, they're either ok or boring.Finally, there's The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg in the movie. I was expect to see them in the movie. But to bad, they're only in the small appearances until their own movies and Justice League part 1 and 2. They even include Shazaam, but meh...And know for my final opinion of this film.Overall, Batman V Super: Dawn of Justice is easily the most disappointing film i've ever seen. The production was great, amazing composure of Hans Zimmer and a descent acting. But its the writing, the characters and the ending that they didn't executed well. Its as if it was focus on action rather than the story with an important explanation. It was also considered a Box-office success when it comes to the anticipation. But of course it had a battle of positive and negative for the criticisms. Some people loved with a great action, but some hated, because of lack of story and a lack of characters. Personally, im a neutral, because like i said, it would've been great movie, but it didn't holds up for the writing. If you're a fan of DC with a coo action, its for you. If not, its probably lamer than Man of Steel.My rating is 5/10.It could've get 6/10 when it comes to an important story than an action sequence or maybe 4/10 because of plenty of action, but i decided to go with 5 out of 10. Oh well, lets hope Suicide Squad will be better than Batman V Superman.So this ends of my review, if you have you opinion or suggestions, let me know in the comments bellow.Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.*Meanwhile*Corporate Driver: Good... Good...! My plan actually work to be the most disappointing film. Now i heard Suicide Squad was reshooting, lets hope this one is bad. For my money! *makes his evil laugh*To be continued?