Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to a game review. We always love to play Pokemon. We like to go on the journey to catch any Pokemons in your PC collection, fight with anyone, get badges for a championship and even dealing with legendary Pokemon that either you catch for the championship league or maybe you don't care and beat it.
When i heard there's a Fighting tournament with Pokemon, i was anticipated to get it on Wii U. It was first came out last year (2015) in Arcade with a controller come out of cabinet, interesting idea. However, many people think that it as good, but we're still waited for Wii U version.
And finally the game came out in March 18 2016. As i heard, this game is a Pokemon version of Tekken. Im not a big fan of Tekken, because im mostly a fanboy of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Soul series. But, this is the first time i played this franchise. Maybe il buy a Tekken game to give a shot after Pokken Tournament.
So, can this game will be a good spin-off of Pokemon, or is it gonna be disappointing that i wish i could play a Pokemon version of Street Fighter?
Lets find out.
Obviously, its a fighting tournament of Tekken style. But like Pokemon, you're starting to introduce yourself as a trainer. Unlike any Pokemon game that you start typing your name and chose gender, you can chose your skin, your facial personality (i think?) and finally pick one of your main Pokemon. I was originally played myself in the game, but i felt im overplaying myself that i decided to play as a female of me named Annie and finally my main Pokemon is Gardevoir. After that, you meet Nia, a teacher with her Pokemon Weavile, she's with you for the very start, then you have to the practice that if you haven't play Tekken, thats fine, but again, its the first time.
For the control, you have three buttons to fight, X (strong attack), Y (weak attack) and A (Pokemon moves). Unlike any fighting games that you only play 2D (like Street Fighter) or 3D (Like Soul series), you play with two Phases, Field and Duel. Field phase is sorta like a third person fighting and Duel, obviously a 2D position. Which no matter how many times you use your special attack, it always changing phases, which they're might be annoying for the control that you want to the special attack or up or down. For jumping, most 2D fighting control that you use your joystick or D-pad to up for jumping, but in this game, the button was changed to B for jump, i know its a Tekken control, but can be difficult, but you can easily avoid from projectile or even using the air attack. You can even use your support Pokemon, but you have to pick two Pokemons for your support and pick one of them in one round. Which they're either attack, defend and enhance (which it increases your attack, defense and some special.). But your support are limited of recharging, so you have to wait little bit longer, until you'll use it, which is on L button. And if you asked, yes, you can block with R button. There's a synergy burst, which you increase it when you use your attack, when its reached higher, you can press L and R that your Pokemon will be powerful like some like Blaziken, Gardevoir and Lucario has a Mega-Evoltution and others like Pikachu, Machamp or Suicune are bursting their powers. But its limited, unless you do a combo to keep in powerful form. And if you press L and R in powerful form, they can do the Ultimate attack.
As for the Pokemon region? It takes place on Ferrum region. they're six place you wanna go, My Town (in old Ferrum town) is menu that you can change your setting of your character or changing your Pokemon. Practice (in Techne City) is obviously a practice for your skill of fighting tournament, even learn how the game works. Single Battle (in Tellur Town) is an endurance matches of you fighting with multiple of trainers. Even though its repetitive, but it helps to practice your fighting skills to fighting with CPU. Ferrum League is like Single player, but in tournament to become a world champion. Local battle (in Selen Island) is pretty much say, you and friend play together, but with different controllers. And finally there's online battle (in Neos City), its an online matches leveling up your rank.
For the roster, you have Lucario, Blaziken, Machamp, Gardevoir, Suicune, Weavile, Pikachu, another Pikachu with wrestling outfit (aka Pikachu Libre), Gengar, Sceptile, Braixen, Chandelure, Charizard and Garchomp. Unless you're a pro to beat the league to get Mewtwo, or maybe if you have an Amiibo to have Shadow Mewtwo like i have. But i was kinda disappointed, they're like 14 Pokemon in the roster (Not counted for Mewtwos), they could've just get add more like Lopunny, Genesect, Darkrai or even Greninja-- Oh wait, it was taken to Super Smash Bros...
As for the supporters, they're interesting, but you have three sets to chose your two pokemon suppoters that its either helping or useless. And i wish they could add more like Squirtle, Butterfree, Kirlia, Beedrill or even Honedge.
But before il end my review, i want to give you a fun fact. This isn't the first time we have a Pokemon fighting tournament., the first time that i noticed is Pokemon Type Wild, a Japanese indie fighting tournament that i think it came out during the 3rd or 4rth Gen. It goes into a Street Fighter style with Pokemon supporters with a 2D graphics that based on anime. I played it before that i find it interesting. And this is also not the first time i played with a crossover game style. The first is Hyrule Warrior, a Legend of Zelda spin-off with a gameplay style of Dynasty Warriors. Even though i find it an interesting game, but its probably boring and repetitive to go around killing enemies. Unless i felt like to say "Feel the power of my, Maageehhk!11!!one!1!!!". (Man, that voice acting Dynasty Warriors 3 is hilariously bad... XD)
Overall, Pokken Tournament is a great spin-off. Like i said, im not a huge fan of gameplay of Tekken, but at least i gave a shot to play. I has a great graphic with a detail, the gameplay is interesting and roster is not bad. Although some people was not expect to be similar to Street Fighter, but this game was made by Bandai Namco Studios, the same company with Soul series and adaptation of animes like One Piece, Naruto and Dragon Ball. If you're a fan or Pokemon or Tekken, this one is for you. If not, well it maybe hard to tell if its a good spin-off, but for me, i like it, even though i never heard of a storyline of Tekken.
For my rating, il give 8.5/10.
So this ends of my game review, if you have your opinion or suggestions, let me know in the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out. ;)
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