*In dark night in Montreal, Anthony (me) is running around in the city to find something if its a criminal. Once he goes to an alleyway, he sees Batman, who's waiting for him*
Anthony: *approaching him* Batman... I know what you doing, you want me to rewatch Batman V Superman since you're unappreciated my criticism?
Batman: No...
Anthony: Why not?
Batman: I've got another one for you, but its a spin-off.
Anthony: Of Batman V Superma--
Batman: NO!!! Its not Suicide Squad...!! Its this! *throws an envelop at him*
Anthony: *catches it* Ok...? *opens it that its a ticket to "The Lego Batman Movie".* Hm, Batman gets his own spin-off in Lego universe film.
Batman: So long... *grabs his grappling hook and jumps away*
Anthony: Wait! *sigh* Oh well, i guess i gotta talk about it.

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.
Well, im finally ready to talking about the movie of 2017, after two movies of last year that i'd rather buy the DVDs of them. Anyway, lets getting started for my main subject of 2017.
In 2014, i watched "The Lego Movie", i'd say this movie is fun and entertaining. It has great animation for a similar stop-motion in CGI, the characters are fun and the story is rather good. Ever since it was successful, they decided to cash in to make a movie, which i though its gonna be a sequel, but they're going to a spin-off with The Dark Knight himself, Batman.
"The Lego Batman Movie" is a 2017 animated film that was directed, Chris McKay and produced by Dan Lin, Roy Lee and two directors of their previous film, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, and finally written by Seth Grahame-Smith. This is the film that im curious about the spin-off featuring Batman from "The Lego Movie" that i expect to see him confronting against The Joker and other villains in Gotham with his master building mind. Well, i was sorta right when i watched it.
So, with all that said, will The Dark Knight rises for a good Lego Spin-off, is this film is not as "Everything is Awesome!".
Well, lets find out.
The Story
It begins as usual, The Joker along with his fellow villains is going to steal a powerful weapon to taking over Gotham City. But then, Batman come in to stop him. But he ended up taking to seriously that he's sick and tired of arch-rivalry by hating The Joker that he want to banishing him to the other dimension called "Phantom Zone". So its up to Batman to make his decision to end The Joker or perhaps apologizing him...?
Unlike The Lego Movie that it has an interesting story i ever watched, here, this is rather the strange. Im not saying is awful, but i find it to be pretty weak than the previous film. I mean, Batman wants to banish The Joker to the other world for hurting an arch-rivalry? Im not sure that i considered an interesting concept, i mean we love the battle between Batman and The Joker, but at least there's some that are great like Tim Burton's Batman or even Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. Aside that, there's even a subplot where Batman has his sidekick with Dick Grayson as Robin, which they'll considered a family to dedicated to Bruce Wayne's dead parents, and even where Barbara Gordon become a new commissioner after his father and join with Batman. I can say the subplot is more interesting with a main plot, even though the downside is that Batman prefers to working on his own, but il get to that later about "The characters".
The story is rather weak that i considered, but the subplot is much better like the comic that we all know.
The animation
Since this a spin-off of "The Lego Movie", the animation is once again, pretty great. They used the same stop-motion effect on CGI with a tricky ways, especially the minifigures limbs, how they moves and more. Not to mention, the facial animation looks pretty cool and sometimes funny. The background in this movie looks fantastic like before, its almost like they bought a lot of Lego Product to build a big city. Even though this is a CGI movie, if they'll do this real life, it will be a decade of development of realistic stop-motion. As for the gags, its likely average, some of them is worked, but some thats easily hard to work or perhaps a bit immature. But sometimes in the first act, it started to get strangely quiet that one example is that Batman is doing his business all alone and quiet. I don't why did they put that in the movie, its just a waste. Other time they made a Batman reference like from previous films if you've seen or not, not sure why.
There's not much else to say, its pretty much as another great animation since before, well except for one filler scene.
The characters
There's a lot of characters like in the first movie, well a bit less characters from other cultures. Not only that, but also a multiple of villains that some we love, but some that are forgettable like in the comic.
First is Batman himself, or Bruce Wayne (voiced by Will Arnett). He's best know as a dark and serious hero in Gotham to fight the bad guys over the decades. In this movie, he's more likely portrayed as a selfish hero who's focus on his own business to fight the bad guys and rather rude to his partners or even The Joker. In the previous film, he's much as nicer and funny, an ex-girlfriend of Wildstyle and at least he's likable. In this movie, he's just flat out rude that he's just ended up being unlikable. I mean, i know its all because of his vengeance of his dead parents, but don't take it too seriously for his portrayal. Even though Will did a nice job for his voice acting role.
Next we have Dick Grayson aka Robin (voiced by Michael Cera). He's much like in the comic, a young sidekick of Batman that he likes to working with him for a help. The strange thing about him is that he called Batman as his father (Which its because he also lost his family?) and speaking in other languages, thats a strange development of Robin, but ok? Not to mention, he wears his glasses and wearing his old fashion outfit like in the old comic, which he's little bit similar to Carrie Kelly's female Robin. And this is the second time that i have Michael Cera since "Sausage Party", but i think Cera did a nice work of his role.
On third we have Barbara Gordon (voiced by Rosario Dawson). She's going to be a replacement of his father for his old age, which im ok for that. She's pretty much as... Well, Barbara Gordon, who works as a hero in Gotham to dealing bad guys along with Batman. Even though she's maybe attractive at Batman ever since he sees her. But i was disappointed that she could've wear her Bat-outfit to join with Batman and Robin, but i won't tell when she'll wear it in the first place, since we see her as Batgirl in the poster, kinda feels like a false advertisement that we want to see... Although still, i think Rosario did a decent job as Barbara.
And finally there's The Joker (voiced by Zach Galifianakis). Now its not easy to tell who's the better voice acting role of The Joker, which we all know with Mark Hamill's role in Bruce Timm's Batman animated show that we all know and love. So for Zack's role, he's not bad, i guess its better than Jared Letto's role in Suicide Squad. He's known to be cruelty, insane and tricky. In this movie, he's rather portrayed as a sympathetic villain since he's an arch-nemesis of Batman, since The Dark Knight is flat out being a D*** to had enough of him and plan to banish him. Aside that, he looks pretty scary of his face with his sharp teeth, hope you kids will have a good sleep after seeing his creepy face.
There're few other roles like Alfred Pennyworth (voiced by Ralph Fiennes, aka Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter), who's Batman's butler and perhaps his partner and Harley Quinn (voiced by Jenny Slate) who's Joker's henchwoman and... Well, not much else to say for her.
For the character background, they picked up some Batman villains that we all know like Catwoman, Two-face, Clayface, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, The Penguin and Bane. But they picked some others that we probably don't like such as Polka-Dot man, Clock King, Calendar Man, Kite Man, Condiment King and... Egghead?
They also picked the hero background like the Justice League, which they appear in Superman's party club, but thats only part they appeared and never seen ever again. Such a shame.
As for the other characters like from other cultures? Well, i won't tell it for spoilers.
And now for my final opinion of this film.
Overall, The Lego Batman Movie is just rather my disappointed start of 2017 movie. Although the animation looks amazing, the characters are rather bellow average, which some of them that i like, such as Barbara herself or even Robin, but others are falls-flat like Batman himself for his selfish business. And the story is probably the weakest for the Lego Spin-off film, but the subplot is rather interesting with sidekicks join with Batman. Its not as awesome than The Lego Movie, but i can say its rather average. If you like Lego or Batman, this one is for you. If not, well im pretty sure you should watch either "The Lego Movie", or maybe some live action Batman movies.
Il rate this movie 6/10. Its just a bellow average movie.
Well, Batman could've give me something good of his film, but i guess its better than Batman V Superman.
Anyway, so this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion of any suggestion, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.
*end of review*
Anthony: *walks out of his home* Um, Batman? I finished my opinion of your movie...! Batman? *looks around that it doesn't respond* Bat-- *as he walks, he sees two doors of decision, the left one is for Nintendo Switch and the right one is "Logan" movie (Which they'll coming out the same day, March 3rd.).* Two doors? Huh, im pretty sure they'll coming out the same day or something, but which door shall i pick...?
To be continued...
(And yes, i want to get Nintendo Switch in early March, but i need more money to get it that it cost 400$. Donate me, please???)
Anthony: *approaching him* Batman... I know what you doing, you want me to rewatch Batman V Superman since you're unappreciated my criticism?
Batman: No...
Anthony: Why not?
Batman: I've got another one for you, but its a spin-off.
Anthony: Of Batman V Superma--
Batman: NO!!! Its not Suicide Squad...!! Its this! *throws an envelop at him*
Anthony: *catches it* Ok...? *opens it that its a ticket to "The Lego Batman Movie".* Hm, Batman gets his own spin-off in Lego universe film.
Batman: So long... *grabs his grappling hook and jumps away*
Anthony: Wait! *sigh* Oh well, i guess i gotta talk about it.

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.
Well, im finally ready to talking about the movie of 2017, after two movies of last year that i'd rather buy the DVDs of them. Anyway, lets getting started for my main subject of 2017.
In 2014, i watched "The Lego Movie", i'd say this movie is fun and entertaining. It has great animation for a similar stop-motion in CGI, the characters are fun and the story is rather good. Ever since it was successful, they decided to cash in to make a movie, which i though its gonna be a sequel, but they're going to a spin-off with The Dark Knight himself, Batman.
"The Lego Batman Movie" is a 2017 animated film that was directed, Chris McKay and produced by Dan Lin, Roy Lee and two directors of their previous film, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, and finally written by Seth Grahame-Smith. This is the film that im curious about the spin-off featuring Batman from "The Lego Movie" that i expect to see him confronting against The Joker and other villains in Gotham with his master building mind. Well, i was sorta right when i watched it.
So, with all that said, will The Dark Knight rises for a good Lego Spin-off, is this film is not as "Everything is Awesome!".
Well, lets find out.
The Story
It begins as usual, The Joker along with his fellow villains is going to steal a powerful weapon to taking over Gotham City. But then, Batman come in to stop him. But he ended up taking to seriously that he's sick and tired of arch-rivalry by hating The Joker that he want to banishing him to the other dimension called "Phantom Zone". So its up to Batman to make his decision to end The Joker or perhaps apologizing him...?
Unlike The Lego Movie that it has an interesting story i ever watched, here, this is rather the strange. Im not saying is awful, but i find it to be pretty weak than the previous film. I mean, Batman wants to banish The Joker to the other world for hurting an arch-rivalry? Im not sure that i considered an interesting concept, i mean we love the battle between Batman and The Joker, but at least there's some that are great like Tim Burton's Batman or even Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. Aside that, there's even a subplot where Batman has his sidekick with Dick Grayson as Robin, which they'll considered a family to dedicated to Bruce Wayne's dead parents, and even where Barbara Gordon become a new commissioner after his father and join with Batman. I can say the subplot is more interesting with a main plot, even though the downside is that Batman prefers to working on his own, but il get to that later about "The characters".
The story is rather weak that i considered, but the subplot is much better like the comic that we all know.
The animation
Since this a spin-off of "The Lego Movie", the animation is once again, pretty great. They used the same stop-motion effect on CGI with a tricky ways, especially the minifigures limbs, how they moves and more. Not to mention, the facial animation looks pretty cool and sometimes funny. The background in this movie looks fantastic like before, its almost like they bought a lot of Lego Product to build a big city. Even though this is a CGI movie, if they'll do this real life, it will be a decade of development of realistic stop-motion. As for the gags, its likely average, some of them is worked, but some thats easily hard to work or perhaps a bit immature. But sometimes in the first act, it started to get strangely quiet that one example is that Batman is doing his business all alone and quiet. I don't why did they put that in the movie, its just a waste. Other time they made a Batman reference like from previous films if you've seen or not, not sure why.
There's not much else to say, its pretty much as another great animation since before, well except for one filler scene.
The characters
There's a lot of characters like in the first movie, well a bit less characters from other cultures. Not only that, but also a multiple of villains that some we love, but some that are forgettable like in the comic.
First is Batman himself, or Bruce Wayne (voiced by Will Arnett). He's best know as a dark and serious hero in Gotham to fight the bad guys over the decades. In this movie, he's more likely portrayed as a selfish hero who's focus on his own business to fight the bad guys and rather rude to his partners or even The Joker. In the previous film, he's much as nicer and funny, an ex-girlfriend of Wildstyle and at least he's likable. In this movie, he's just flat out rude that he's just ended up being unlikable. I mean, i know its all because of his vengeance of his dead parents, but don't take it too seriously for his portrayal. Even though Will did a nice job for his voice acting role.
Next we have Dick Grayson aka Robin (voiced by Michael Cera). He's much like in the comic, a young sidekick of Batman that he likes to working with him for a help. The strange thing about him is that he called Batman as his father (Which its because he also lost his family?) and speaking in other languages, thats a strange development of Robin, but ok? Not to mention, he wears his glasses and wearing his old fashion outfit like in the old comic, which he's little bit similar to Carrie Kelly's female Robin. And this is the second time that i have Michael Cera since "Sausage Party", but i think Cera did a nice work of his role.
On third we have Barbara Gordon (voiced by Rosario Dawson). She's going to be a replacement of his father for his old age, which im ok for that. She's pretty much as... Well, Barbara Gordon, who works as a hero in Gotham to dealing bad guys along with Batman. Even though she's maybe attractive at Batman ever since he sees her. But i was disappointed that she could've wear her Bat-outfit to join with Batman and Robin, but i won't tell when she'll wear it in the first place, since we see her as Batgirl in the poster, kinda feels like a false advertisement that we want to see... Although still, i think Rosario did a decent job as Barbara.
And finally there's The Joker (voiced by Zach Galifianakis). Now its not easy to tell who's the better voice acting role of The Joker, which we all know with Mark Hamill's role in Bruce Timm's Batman animated show that we all know and love. So for Zack's role, he's not bad, i guess its better than Jared Letto's role in Suicide Squad. He's known to be cruelty, insane and tricky. In this movie, he's rather portrayed as a sympathetic villain since he's an arch-nemesis of Batman, since The Dark Knight is flat out being a D*** to had enough of him and plan to banish him. Aside that, he looks pretty scary of his face with his sharp teeth, hope you kids will have a good sleep after seeing his creepy face.
There're few other roles like Alfred Pennyworth (voiced by Ralph Fiennes, aka Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter), who's Batman's butler and perhaps his partner and Harley Quinn (voiced by Jenny Slate) who's Joker's henchwoman and... Well, not much else to say for her.
For the character background, they picked up some Batman villains that we all know like Catwoman, Two-face, Clayface, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, The Penguin and Bane. But they picked some others that we probably don't like such as Polka-Dot man, Clock King, Calendar Man, Kite Man, Condiment King and... Egghead?
They also picked the hero background like the Justice League, which they appear in Superman's party club, but thats only part they appeared and never seen ever again. Such a shame.
As for the other characters like from other cultures? Well, i won't tell it for spoilers.
And now for my final opinion of this film.
Overall, The Lego Batman Movie is just rather my disappointed start of 2017 movie. Although the animation looks amazing, the characters are rather bellow average, which some of them that i like, such as Barbara herself or even Robin, but others are falls-flat like Batman himself for his selfish business. And the story is probably the weakest for the Lego Spin-off film, but the subplot is rather interesting with sidekicks join with Batman. Its not as awesome than The Lego Movie, but i can say its rather average. If you like Lego or Batman, this one is for you. If not, well im pretty sure you should watch either "The Lego Movie", or maybe some live action Batman movies.
Il rate this movie 6/10. Its just a bellow average movie.
Well, Batman could've give me something good of his film, but i guess its better than Batman V Superman.
Anyway, so this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion of any suggestion, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.
*end of review*
Anthony: *walks out of his home* Um, Batman? I finished my opinion of your movie...! Batman? *looks around that it doesn't respond* Bat-- *as he walks, he sees two doors of decision, the left one is for Nintendo Switch and the right one is "Logan" movie (Which they'll coming out the same day, March 3rd.).* Two doors? Huh, im pretty sure they'll coming out the same day or something, but which door shall i pick...?
To be continued...
(And yes, i want to get Nintendo Switch in early March, but i need more money to get it that it cost 400$. Donate me, please???)
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