Anthony: That was close for-- *sees a comic book on the floor* Hm? A comic book? *picks up one book* "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2"? I never seen the first one, but il guess il find out in this sequel. *opens a book to read (or watching a movie)*
*2 hours later*
Umm... It was.... Ok...?

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.
Well im going back to Marvel Cinematic Universe to take a look one of the fan favorite of franchise a long with Civil War and few others you like, is "Guardians of the Galaxy". Although i never seen the first one, but many people enjoyed this movie with great actions, funny and likable characters for a fun performances.
When the first one was successful for critical acclaim and great box-office, they made a sequel for an exciting anticipation. With the result.... It was kinda different.
"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" is a 2017 Marvel superheroes film that was written and directed by James Gunn and produced by Kevin Feige. This is one of the film that its not anticipation, but more likely a curiosity, despite that i never seen the first one.
So, with all that said, will this movie will be a good sequel, or is it gonna be obscure from far away of the Galaxy?
Well, lets find out.
The Story
It takes place in 2014 after the first film, Star-Lord, Drax, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon and Baby Groot work together as the titular group. The leader of Sovereign race, Ayesha tell them that she brough Gamora's sister name "Nebula", who's a prisoner who attempt to stealing batteries. Once they left, but Rocket stole the batteries for his plan, which resulting Ayesha very mad to sending her armies to stop them and hiring Yondu Udonta, but they escaped. Meanhwile, Peter Quill (Star-Lord) meets a mysterious father named "Ego" along with Mantis where he raised her, Ego wants to have a family reunion to his own planet. Peter accepts that he, Drax and Gamora come together to Ego's planet, while Rocket, Nebula and Baby Groot will be in the planet to fixing a ship, not before they're being captured by Yondu's crews.
So yeah, i find the story is getting splitting up, which i was rather confusing and perhaps cliche. Its due to the fact i don't know who's the main villain of the movie, because i had a hard time to thinking for the story. And they brought a "father and son relationship" in the movie that doesn't help out for Ego and Star-Lord. And there's a rivalry of Gamora and Nebula, but i find that its just a waste of time with filler. Though the story story with the escape from the evil crews with Rocket and Groot was interesting and funny, but couldn't make it quicker from a 2 hours film. As for the jokes, it still there that i find it funny.
The story is probably average at best to describe, its as if Gunn was trying way to hard to make it creative, but not too good.
The production
Good lord, the production of this movie was amazing and colorful. I really like how Kevin was done for the concept with colorful space, creative background and a well-done makeup (Especially with Drax). The background design in Ego's planet looks pretty nice and colorful, especially the flashback egg-thingy that it kinda reminds of Krypton's ship with a flashback from "Man of Steel", but more colors. And like the first film, at least i like the design of Rocket Raccoon, which they're trying made him look like a realistic raccoon rather than playing silly of cartoony, which im glad they done it. But like Suicide Squad, they played some songs that you may or may not familiar with, but at least they some songs that i never heard of. But my tiny nitpick, is that they played "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac two times from the first act and the final act, they could've play some song from the trailer like "hooked on a feeling" by Blue Swede or David Hasselhoff (Maybe not the last one, but it would've been a nice pick for Peter Quill, since he's like a fanboy of David.).
The production is a fantastic job for beautiful backgrounds and nice design. Despite they should've play "Hooked on a feeling" in the movie than the trailer. Just saying.
The characters
Im sure some of you are familiar of members of "Guardians of the Galaxy". But if you never heard of them like myself, il try my best to describe and giving my opinion. Even though we have some new characters in the film.
First is the leader of the group, Peter Quill aka Star-Lord (Played by my favorite actor, Chris Pratt), originally a human alien thief of "Ravagers", he's a type a guy that we love for his personality and some culture reference, but not too much as Deadpool. However, i get the feel that he's went down a bit in this movie, but i won't tell the truth for spoilers. Despite that, i like Chris Pratt's performance of the leader of the group and he's always my favorite.
Next we have Gamora, a daughter of Thanos (played by Zoe Saldana), she's known to be an assassin for seeking redemption and trained by her father. Although she's supposed to be a love interest from Star-Lord, but its obvious she's more like an anti-hero of the group, she's strong independent and badass alien girl. Beautiful aside, i find that she's a pretty cool character, and yes, its the same atress who played "Uhura" from J.J. Abram's Star Trek.
Third member is Drax the destroyer (played by the former WWE superstar, Dave Bautista), he's a highly skilled warrior to looking for a fight at Thanos for his family's death. Even though that he used to be a bad guy, but i think he's also an interesting character of this movie. Despite of badassness, but he's actually pretty funny in the movie.
Fourth member is Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), he's an alien anthropomorphic raccoon bounty hunter with a mastery of weapons and military tactics. Even though he has a similar personality like the first movie, funny and cranky, but he's sorta become mentor of Baby Groot (Since i think the first Groot was sacrificed. Again, i never seen the first one, but spoiler?). He's yet another likable character in the movie, he's not only cute, but also pretty badass with his guns.
finally there's Baby Groot (played by Vin Diesel), he's pretty unlikely than the first film. But sure he has the ability to planting his arms to beat the bad guys or other times he's just doing nothing. Even though he's just a kid, but i wish he could've get more action. And i've nothing against Vin Diesel, he's a badass actor since he's decades with Fast and Furious films. And no, i never seen "The Fate and the Furious".
Finally, lets get some new characters.
First is Ego (surprisingly played by Kurt Russel), he's a mysterious ancient being that he;s supposed to be a father of Quill. Although i find pretty strange that he's a planet human being, which he created his home planet by himself. Even though he couldn't avoid from "father and son" cliche, which im not sure if he fits in with Star Lord. Despite the flaws, Kurt did an interesting performance over the years of his career, probably better than his role in "Man of Steel".
Next we have Mantis (played by Pom Klementieff), she was raised by Ego and she has the ability of Empathy. She's a type of character who's lonely and kinda depressed, i kinda felt bad for her. Even though i find her kinda creepy since she looks bug-eyed, i guess its they're trying to be look like human-like bug for a face, but im sure if she's either cute or creepy. Even though i never heard of Pom, but i think she did a nice work.
Then there's Yondu Udonta (played by Michael Rooker, aka... Merle Dixon from The Walking Dead?), who's a buccaneer and the leader of Ravagers and he's supposed to be a fatherly figure of Quill. What i heard, they're trying to be a bit look like in the comic, whether you agree or not. At first i though he has nothing to do with the plot, but i was wrong, he was the leader of the group that he was looking for Guardians of the Galaxy. The funny thing about him is that he has the ability of manipulating arrow with whistles, i find it strange, but ok? Despite of questionable casting choice, Michael did an interesting job as a leader of the group. I mean i wouldn't expect if Marvel studio bring Norman Reedus in MCU, just saying.
Next up, there's Nebula (played by Karen Gillan), she's an adopted daughter of Thanos that she's supposed to be a sister of Gamora. Even though she has a hate relationship of her sister. She seems to be a bit similar to Blackfire, who's an evil sister of Starfire for her power. But Nebula was likely an anti-adopted sister that she wants to kill Gamora. But my problem, is that she's rather a filler that it has nothing to do with a main plot. Sorry Nebula, im not sure if you're likable in the movie.
And finally, there's Stakar Ogord, aka Starhawk (also surprisingly played by Sylvester Stallone), he's also an interesting character in the movie, he's an high rank of Ravanger and an history with Yondu. Although he did a great acting, but my problem is that he has less appearance, he appeared in the first act and final act. Talk about a waste inclusion in the movie.
They're a few other characters like Ayesha (played by Elizabeth Debicki), who's a queen of her races and... Taserface (played by Chris Sullivan) *snicker* Whats with his name... X3
The characters are quiet good in the movie, but some are probably a waste of space for either filler or even a waste of appearance.
And now for my final opinion of this film.
Overall, "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" is probably an above average film, the story is not that great, the production is well done and the characters are great and some that are forgettable. I maybe agree with my friend or something, that i should've watch the first one before the sequel, i know its not easy for my curiosity to see this movie. If you like Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe its for you, if not, just stick to the first one.
Il give this movie a 6/10. It may not be watchable, but its rather averagely entertaining.
So this ends of my movie review, but im not done with comic book movies, because next time, il going back to another one, but in DC universe film that i hope it will be better..
And if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.
Well im going back to Marvel Cinematic Universe to take a look one of the fan favorite of franchise a long with Civil War and few others you like, is "Guardians of the Galaxy". Although i never seen the first one, but many people enjoyed this movie with great actions, funny and likable characters for a fun performances.
When the first one was successful for critical acclaim and great box-office, they made a sequel for an exciting anticipation. With the result.... It was kinda different.
"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" is a 2017 Marvel superheroes film that was written and directed by James Gunn and produced by Kevin Feige. This is one of the film that its not anticipation, but more likely a curiosity, despite that i never seen the first one.
So, with all that said, will this movie will be a good sequel, or is it gonna be obscure from far away of the Galaxy?
Well, lets find out.
The Story
It takes place in 2014 after the first film, Star-Lord, Drax, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon and Baby Groot work together as the titular group. The leader of Sovereign race, Ayesha tell them that she brough Gamora's sister name "Nebula", who's a prisoner who attempt to stealing batteries. Once they left, but Rocket stole the batteries for his plan, which resulting Ayesha very mad to sending her armies to stop them and hiring Yondu Udonta, but they escaped. Meanhwile, Peter Quill (Star-Lord) meets a mysterious father named "Ego" along with Mantis where he raised her, Ego wants to have a family reunion to his own planet. Peter accepts that he, Drax and Gamora come together to Ego's planet, while Rocket, Nebula and Baby Groot will be in the planet to fixing a ship, not before they're being captured by Yondu's crews.
So yeah, i find the story is getting splitting up, which i was rather confusing and perhaps cliche. Its due to the fact i don't know who's the main villain of the movie, because i had a hard time to thinking for the story. And they brought a "father and son relationship" in the movie that doesn't help out for Ego and Star-Lord. And there's a rivalry of Gamora and Nebula, but i find that its just a waste of time with filler. Though the story story with the escape from the evil crews with Rocket and Groot was interesting and funny, but couldn't make it quicker from a 2 hours film. As for the jokes, it still there that i find it funny.
The story is probably average at best to describe, its as if Gunn was trying way to hard to make it creative, but not too good.
The production
Good lord, the production of this movie was amazing and colorful. I really like how Kevin was done for the concept with colorful space, creative background and a well-done makeup (Especially with Drax). The background design in Ego's planet looks pretty nice and colorful, especially the flashback egg-thingy that it kinda reminds of Krypton's ship with a flashback from "Man of Steel", but more colors. And like the first film, at least i like the design of Rocket Raccoon, which they're trying made him look like a realistic raccoon rather than playing silly of cartoony, which im glad they done it. But like Suicide Squad, they played some songs that you may or may not familiar with, but at least they some songs that i never heard of. But my tiny nitpick, is that they played "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac two times from the first act and the final act, they could've play some song from the trailer like "hooked on a feeling" by Blue Swede or David Hasselhoff (Maybe not the last one, but it would've been a nice pick for Peter Quill, since he's like a fanboy of David.).
The production is a fantastic job for beautiful backgrounds and nice design. Despite they should've play "Hooked on a feeling" in the movie than the trailer. Just saying.
The characters
Im sure some of you are familiar of members of "Guardians of the Galaxy". But if you never heard of them like myself, il try my best to describe and giving my opinion. Even though we have some new characters in the film.
First is the leader of the group, Peter Quill aka Star-Lord (Played by my favorite actor, Chris Pratt), originally a human alien thief of "Ravagers", he's a type a guy that we love for his personality and some culture reference, but not too much as Deadpool. However, i get the feel that he's went down a bit in this movie, but i won't tell the truth for spoilers. Despite that, i like Chris Pratt's performance of the leader of the group and he's always my favorite.
Next we have Gamora, a daughter of Thanos (played by Zoe Saldana), she's known to be an assassin for seeking redemption and trained by her father. Although she's supposed to be a love interest from Star-Lord, but its obvious she's more like an anti-hero of the group, she's strong independent and badass alien girl. Beautiful aside, i find that she's a pretty cool character, and yes, its the same atress who played "Uhura" from J.J. Abram's Star Trek.
Third member is Drax the destroyer (played by the former WWE superstar, Dave Bautista), he's a highly skilled warrior to looking for a fight at Thanos for his family's death. Even though that he used to be a bad guy, but i think he's also an interesting character of this movie. Despite of badassness, but he's actually pretty funny in the movie.
Fourth member is Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), he's an alien anthropomorphic raccoon bounty hunter with a mastery of weapons and military tactics. Even though he has a similar personality like the first movie, funny and cranky, but he's sorta become mentor of Baby Groot (Since i think the first Groot was sacrificed. Again, i never seen the first one, but spoiler?). He's yet another likable character in the movie, he's not only cute, but also pretty badass with his guns.
finally there's Baby Groot (played by Vin Diesel), he's pretty unlikely than the first film. But sure he has the ability to planting his arms to beat the bad guys or other times he's just doing nothing. Even though he's just a kid, but i wish he could've get more action. And i've nothing against Vin Diesel, he's a badass actor since he's decades with Fast and Furious films. And no, i never seen "The Fate and the Furious".
Finally, lets get some new characters.
First is Ego (surprisingly played by Kurt Russel), he's a mysterious ancient being that he;s supposed to be a father of Quill. Although i find pretty strange that he's a planet human being, which he created his home planet by himself. Even though he couldn't avoid from "father and son" cliche, which im not sure if he fits in with Star Lord. Despite the flaws, Kurt did an interesting performance over the years of his career, probably better than his role in "Man of Steel".
Next we have Mantis (played by Pom Klementieff), she was raised by Ego and she has the ability of Empathy. She's a type of character who's lonely and kinda depressed, i kinda felt bad for her. Even though i find her kinda creepy since she looks bug-eyed, i guess its they're trying to be look like human-like bug for a face, but im sure if she's either cute or creepy. Even though i never heard of Pom, but i think she did a nice work.
Then there's Yondu Udonta (played by Michael Rooker, aka... Merle Dixon from The Walking Dead?), who's a buccaneer and the leader of Ravagers and he's supposed to be a fatherly figure of Quill. What i heard, they're trying to be a bit look like in the comic, whether you agree or not. At first i though he has nothing to do with the plot, but i was wrong, he was the leader of the group that he was looking for Guardians of the Galaxy. The funny thing about him is that he has the ability of manipulating arrow with whistles, i find it strange, but ok? Despite of questionable casting choice, Michael did an interesting job as a leader of the group. I mean i wouldn't expect if Marvel studio bring Norman Reedus in MCU, just saying.
Next up, there's Nebula (played by Karen Gillan), she's an adopted daughter of Thanos that she's supposed to be a sister of Gamora. Even though she has a hate relationship of her sister. She seems to be a bit similar to Blackfire, who's an evil sister of Starfire for her power. But Nebula was likely an anti-adopted sister that she wants to kill Gamora. But my problem, is that she's rather a filler that it has nothing to do with a main plot. Sorry Nebula, im not sure if you're likable in the movie.
And finally, there's Stakar Ogord, aka Starhawk (also surprisingly played by Sylvester Stallone), he's also an interesting character in the movie, he's an high rank of Ravanger and an history with Yondu. Although he did a great acting, but my problem is that he has less appearance, he appeared in the first act and final act. Talk about a waste inclusion in the movie.
They're a few other characters like Ayesha (played by Elizabeth Debicki), who's a queen of her races and... Taserface (played by Chris Sullivan) *snicker* Whats with his name... X3
The characters are quiet good in the movie, but some are probably a waste of space for either filler or even a waste of appearance.
And now for my final opinion of this film.
Overall, "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" is probably an above average film, the story is not that great, the production is well done and the characters are great and some that are forgettable. I maybe agree with my friend or something, that i should've watch the first one before the sequel, i know its not easy for my curiosity to see this movie. If you like Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe its for you, if not, just stick to the first one.
Il give this movie a 6/10. It may not be watchable, but its rather averagely entertaining.
So this ends of my movie review, but im not done with comic book movies, because next time, il going back to another one, but in DC universe film that i hope it will be better..
And if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.
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