Anthony: Hmm... *throws a comic book of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" away* I guess il go to the other direction. *picks up "Wonder Woman 2017"* After three movies of disappointed and one is the worst, i hope this one will be good.... *opens a book*
*2 hours later*
Anthony: *feels surprised* That was... Actually better than three previous films...!

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.
Last years, i watched "Man of Steel", "Batman V Superman" and "Suicide Squad", which all of them are in absolute disappointed, even though Suicide Squad is my guilty pleasure, but understand that its bad. But Man of Steel and Batman V Superman are just a joke of disappointment for no development and poor cash-in of DC universe films.
After three films, i was nearly losing my hope for other DC films, but not before we have two other DC films will coming out this year. That is "Wonder Woman" and "Justice League". But first, we'll start with the famous Amazon in her film.
"Wonder Woman" is a 2017 film that was directed by Patty Jenkins, written (for story) and produced by Zack Snyder, other producers for the films with Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder (Who's Zack's wife) and Richard Suckle. other writers such as Allan Heinberg (for screenplay and story) and Jason Fuchs...?! (for story) Who the heck names him as "Jason Fuchs"?! I've heard the name a lot ridiculous like Fred Fuchs. That really starts to bothering me during a research...
Anyway, this is a type a film that when i heard about her movie, i was hoped that its gonna be a good one. Even though if you're familiar with Wonder Woman if you read the comics, TV show from the mid-late 70's or even some cartoons by my favorite creator Bruce Timm. So now we finally have her own live action film that we're highly anticipated.
So, with all that said, will this movie holds up for our favorite Amazonian, or is this film was suffered the same problem from before?
Well, lets find out.
The story
It begins in present time where Prince Diana received an old photo from the past, which it goes to an origin of her. She was created as a clay from her mother, before Zeus stroke a lightning at her to make a birth of Diana herself. As she grew up, she started training to become a warrior of her land Themyscira. However, an American pilot/spy named Steve Trevor was stranded in Themyscira from the German (Which this movie takes place in world War 1). Because of World War, Diana believes that Ares the God of War, is still alive when he was defeated by Zeus. Its up to her to leave her land to dealing not only Ares, but the Germans in the war.
At first, i though that its gonna be one of the film with no explanation with more action. But no, they've done better, which they finally made a setting development and stuff. Which we have the origin about Ares or the Trevor's flashback before stranded in Themyscira. I like how the movie starts in Diana's home land before going to World War 1 to showing her beginning, which we finally get the character development, but il get to that later. But my small nitpick of the movie is that it began in the present time for a bit, not until it goes to a huge origin, i mean they could just put an entire past instead of a big fat flashback from the present time, but thats just my opinion that i don't like.
Though the story is interesting for her origin, even if the movie started where she worked in Wayne's Enterprise.
The production
Before we have our film, Wonder Woman's movie was suffered a hell development, which it was first started back in 1996, it was originally that Ivan Reitman was a producer and possibly a director and Diana was supposed to be played by Sandra Bullock with a flawed personality. But again, the movie had a hell development with a multiple of change of scripts, directing, production and actors. That is until Patty Jenkins, Zack Snyder and other crews took over the development in 2015 and picked up Gal Gadot to playing as Prince Diana, but they brought her in "Batman V Superman", which is not only stupid or misleading, but its way too soon before she got her own stand-alone movie.
Anyway, the production of this movie looks pretty nice and well done. Its worth noting that it was filmed somewhere in Europe like UK, Italy and few others location. The action sequences was fun, intense and pretty entertaining, even though its hard to question like whenever the enemy shoots at her, since she uses her bracelets as a bullet protection, like why can they shoot other than her wrists? But its obvious that she has a quick reflex for her protection with her bracelets. Speaking of outfit, as i saw her outfit in "Batman V Superman", i think her outfit is pretty damn cool and beautiful, which it fits very well as an Amazonian warrior unlike her classic leotard for "America!". Don't give me wrong, i do like her classic outfit, but i like her outfit in the movie. Although the CGI effect was nicely work, but other times it feels a bit video game-ish, like during the flashback scene of Ares dealing against everyone and the gods.
The production is well-done, even if the CG feels slightly cheap.
The characters
Unlike any other films in DCEU, this one has a development that we can finally know and like.
First is Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman (played by Gal Gadot). Unlike in Batman V Superman who appeared without any likability, here, it made look good and probably likable. She's strong, brave and other times curious. Even though she might be desperate that she wants to stop the war to bring peace in Europe, which it may sounds a bit immature. But the downside is not just the character, but the Gal's role. Im not saying she has an acting problem, which she did a nice job, but she had an issue of her life. Its because she was pregnant, this means that they had to reshooting and put a green cloth all over her belly to avoid her pregnancy. Pretty ironic for the post-production...
Next, we have Steve Trevor (played by Chris Pine, aka Captain Kirk from Star Trek). As we know, he's a love interest/sidekick of Diana. Being a pilot and spy of America, he's know to be a bit sneaky, nice and a little bit awkward for his difficult explaining (Like somebody needs to give a bottle of water and a lasso of truth for his... Well, Truth.). Even though i never notice who play as Steven, but i've never noticed that he was played by Kirk. But still, Pine did a nice work of his role.
And we have Sir Patrick Morgan (played by David Thewlis). Even though i never know who he is, but he's a nice character for his plan to dueling against German and some villains with deadly gas. I've not much else to say, but David did a nice work of his role.
There're few other character in the film, especially with Steve's partner like Charlie, a Scottish former sniper of PTSD (played by Ewen Bremner), Sameer, a French Moroccan con-artist and a secret agent (played by Saïd Taghmaoui) and maybe Etta Candy, who's a friendly British (played by Lucy Davis).
They also include the Amazonian like General Antiope, who's Diana's aunt (played by Robin Wright) and Queen Hippolyta, who's not only the queen of Amazonian's land, but also Diana's mother (played by Connie Nielsen). I expected that the Amazonians could make more appearance to wondering about Wonder Woman or any plan for a backup, but nope, they're only appeared in the first act and they're never to be seen or mentioned ever again (Perhaps they'll come back in "Justice League.).
For the villains we're looking for, we have Ares, who's a god of war. I can say he's a badass looking villain, but he was kept secret unless in final act. They also have other villains like a fictional Erich Ludendorff (played by Danny Huston) and Doctor Poison, a poisonous chemist with deadly gas and a better look than the comic (played by Elena Anaya). But the two villains are rather forgettable, they're more like a secret henchmen.
Though the characters are good and probably well-developed, but some characters could've doing better in the film.
And now for my final opinion of the film.
Overall, after three movies of disappointment, Wonder Woman's finally a movie that is good. With interesting story, well-produced and some good characters. Even though the opening sequence of present time could've get rid of, some CG are not as good realistic of quality, which im aware and some characters would've make a good development. But the movie has suffer a controversy that some of you guys all know.
Aside of censorship in Lebanon, the movie theater in Austin, Texas is doing something soo bad that its just outright sexist, they put the film in the theater and put a sign that women are allowed to watch the movie, not for men. Like seriously, its just ridiculous and stupid for almost every men in Texas, they could just give a chance to watch it, but no, they went to say "F*** you boys! Only girls have to watch this movie! :D". I mean for F*** sake, there's no reason to be sexist for the opening theater film! I swear, if they do the same thing for other superheroine films in other theaters, il be pissed even more for sexism...!
Despite the flaws of ban and sexism, its actually superior film DCEU. If you're a fan of Wonder Woman of DC universe, i recommend to watch the film. It may not be perfect, but still, its a good movie. And il be waiting for their next film for few months later such as "Justice League".
Il give this movie a 7.5/10.
So this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.
*review ends*
Anthony: Well, i guess im done with adaptation of comic book films, well kinda. But now... *opens his phone for a calendar for the event with "Vintage F1 in Australia"* I guess im ready to going in the country for my racing plan. *bring his bags to going in airport for Australia*
To be continued...
*2 hours later*
Anthony: *feels surprised* That was... Actually better than three previous films...!

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.
Last years, i watched "Man of Steel", "Batman V Superman" and "Suicide Squad", which all of them are in absolute disappointed, even though Suicide Squad is my guilty pleasure, but understand that its bad. But Man of Steel and Batman V Superman are just a joke of disappointment for no development and poor cash-in of DC universe films.
After three films, i was nearly losing my hope for other DC films, but not before we have two other DC films will coming out this year. That is "Wonder Woman" and "Justice League". But first, we'll start with the famous Amazon in her film.
"Wonder Woman" is a 2017 film that was directed by Patty Jenkins, written (for story) and produced by Zack Snyder, other producers for the films with Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder (Who's Zack's wife) and Richard Suckle. other writers such as Allan Heinberg (for screenplay and story) and Jason Fuchs...?! (for story) Who the heck names him as "Jason Fuchs"?! I've heard the name a lot ridiculous like Fred Fuchs. That really starts to bothering me during a research...
Anyway, this is a type a film that when i heard about her movie, i was hoped that its gonna be a good one. Even though if you're familiar with Wonder Woman if you read the comics, TV show from the mid-late 70's or even some cartoons by my favorite creator Bruce Timm. So now we finally have her own live action film that we're highly anticipated.
So, with all that said, will this movie holds up for our favorite Amazonian, or is this film was suffered the same problem from before?
Well, lets find out.
The story
It begins in present time where Prince Diana received an old photo from the past, which it goes to an origin of her. She was created as a clay from her mother, before Zeus stroke a lightning at her to make a birth of Diana herself. As she grew up, she started training to become a warrior of her land Themyscira. However, an American pilot/spy named Steve Trevor was stranded in Themyscira from the German (Which this movie takes place in world War 1). Because of World War, Diana believes that Ares the God of War, is still alive when he was defeated by Zeus. Its up to her to leave her land to dealing not only Ares, but the Germans in the war.
At first, i though that its gonna be one of the film with no explanation with more action. But no, they've done better, which they finally made a setting development and stuff. Which we have the origin about Ares or the Trevor's flashback before stranded in Themyscira. I like how the movie starts in Diana's home land before going to World War 1 to showing her beginning, which we finally get the character development, but il get to that later. But my small nitpick of the movie is that it began in the present time for a bit, not until it goes to a huge origin, i mean they could just put an entire past instead of a big fat flashback from the present time, but thats just my opinion that i don't like.
Though the story is interesting for her origin, even if the movie started where she worked in Wayne's Enterprise.
The production
Before we have our film, Wonder Woman's movie was suffered a hell development, which it was first started back in 1996, it was originally that Ivan Reitman was a producer and possibly a director and Diana was supposed to be played by Sandra Bullock with a flawed personality. But again, the movie had a hell development with a multiple of change of scripts, directing, production and actors. That is until Patty Jenkins, Zack Snyder and other crews took over the development in 2015 and picked up Gal Gadot to playing as Prince Diana, but they brought her in "Batman V Superman", which is not only stupid or misleading, but its way too soon before she got her own stand-alone movie.
Anyway, the production of this movie looks pretty nice and well done. Its worth noting that it was filmed somewhere in Europe like UK, Italy and few others location. The action sequences was fun, intense and pretty entertaining, even though its hard to question like whenever the enemy shoots at her, since she uses her bracelets as a bullet protection, like why can they shoot other than her wrists? But its obvious that she has a quick reflex for her protection with her bracelets. Speaking of outfit, as i saw her outfit in "Batman V Superman", i think her outfit is pretty damn cool and beautiful, which it fits very well as an Amazonian warrior unlike her classic leotard for "America!". Don't give me wrong, i do like her classic outfit, but i like her outfit in the movie. Although the CGI effect was nicely work, but other times it feels a bit video game-ish, like during the flashback scene of Ares dealing against everyone and the gods.
The production is well-done, even if the CG feels slightly cheap.
The characters
Unlike any other films in DCEU, this one has a development that we can finally know and like.
First is Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman (played by Gal Gadot). Unlike in Batman V Superman who appeared without any likability, here, it made look good and probably likable. She's strong, brave and other times curious. Even though she might be desperate that she wants to stop the war to bring peace in Europe, which it may sounds a bit immature. But the downside is not just the character, but the Gal's role. Im not saying she has an acting problem, which she did a nice job, but she had an issue of her life. Its because she was pregnant, this means that they had to reshooting and put a green cloth all over her belly to avoid her pregnancy. Pretty ironic for the post-production...
Next, we have Steve Trevor (played by Chris Pine, aka Captain Kirk from Star Trek). As we know, he's a love interest/sidekick of Diana. Being a pilot and spy of America, he's know to be a bit sneaky, nice and a little bit awkward for his difficult explaining (Like somebody needs to give a bottle of water and a lasso of truth for his... Well, Truth.). Even though i never notice who play as Steven, but i've never noticed that he was played by Kirk. But still, Pine did a nice work of his role.
And we have Sir Patrick Morgan (played by David Thewlis). Even though i never know who he is, but he's a nice character for his plan to dueling against German and some villains with deadly gas. I've not much else to say, but David did a nice work of his role.
There're few other character in the film, especially with Steve's partner like Charlie, a Scottish former sniper of PTSD (played by Ewen Bremner), Sameer, a French Moroccan con-artist and a secret agent (played by Saïd Taghmaoui) and maybe Etta Candy, who's a friendly British (played by Lucy Davis).
They also include the Amazonian like General Antiope, who's Diana's aunt (played by Robin Wright) and Queen Hippolyta, who's not only the queen of Amazonian's land, but also Diana's mother (played by Connie Nielsen). I expected that the Amazonians could make more appearance to wondering about Wonder Woman or any plan for a backup, but nope, they're only appeared in the first act and they're never to be seen or mentioned ever again (Perhaps they'll come back in "Justice League.).
For the villains we're looking for, we have Ares, who's a god of war. I can say he's a badass looking villain, but he was kept secret unless in final act. They also have other villains like a fictional Erich Ludendorff (played by Danny Huston) and Doctor Poison, a poisonous chemist with deadly gas and a better look than the comic (played by Elena Anaya). But the two villains are rather forgettable, they're more like a secret henchmen.
Though the characters are good and probably well-developed, but some characters could've doing better in the film.
And now for my final opinion of the film.
Overall, after three movies of disappointment, Wonder Woman's finally a movie that is good. With interesting story, well-produced and some good characters. Even though the opening sequence of present time could've get rid of, some CG are not as good realistic of quality, which im aware and some characters would've make a good development. But the movie has suffer a controversy that some of you guys all know.
Aside of censorship in Lebanon, the movie theater in Austin, Texas is doing something soo bad that its just outright sexist, they put the film in the theater and put a sign that women are allowed to watch the movie, not for men. Like seriously, its just ridiculous and stupid for almost every men in Texas, they could just give a chance to watch it, but no, they went to say "F*** you boys! Only girls have to watch this movie! :D". I mean for F*** sake, there's no reason to be sexist for the opening theater film! I swear, if they do the same thing for other superheroine films in other theaters, il be pissed even more for sexism...!
Despite the flaws of ban and sexism, its actually superior film DCEU. If you're a fan of Wonder Woman of DC universe, i recommend to watch the film. It may not be perfect, but still, its a good movie. And il be waiting for their next film for few months later such as "Justice League".
Il give this movie a 7.5/10.
So this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.
*review ends*
Anthony: Well, i guess im done with adaptation of comic book films, well kinda. But now... *opens his phone for a calendar for the event with "Vintage F1 in Australia"* I guess im ready to going in the country for my racing plan. *bring his bags to going in airport for Australia*
To be continued...
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