Sunday, 17 November 2019

Movie Review: Ford V Ferrari

Anthony: I was resurrected from these shiny stones?!

Red Diamond: Ugh... Yeah...! It hurts so bad...!!! *shows her burnt and wounded right hand*

Annie: Yeah... Anyway, we collected these rocks that were called "Infinity Stones". These stones are used for impact powers, especially for the snap to wiping out in half of livings. But thankfully RD saved our universe.

Anthony: Ah ok. So... now what?

Blackonne: Well, i guess thats it and we might as well to live happily ever after.

Anthony: Right, may i have the gauntlet with these stones?

Red Diamond: Are you sure about this?

Anthony: Nah, il be fine, besides, these stones will be like my valuable collection to keep myself safe and possibly powerful.

Red Diamond: I don't think this will--

Anthony: *grabs Diamond's Infinity Gauntlet quickly* Thanksalotbye! *then quickly uses Space Stone to teleporting back to his home world*

Annie: Uhhh... Is this guy going nuts or what???

(Review Starts)

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.

As a kid to adult, i love Motorsports, its always my favorite sports involving cars racing each other on the tracks, its fun, impact, scary and entertaining to watch on the crowd or even on screen. Especially that i grew up with Formula 1, Formula E, Indycar (at the time), DTM (also at the time), karting, rally and some others out there, or even a toy cars like Hot Wheels. However, there's one that i like, but barely watch (since im from Canada), its the one that many European fans are always love to watch, which is the 24 hours of Le Mans, this is easily the most memorable racing event that viewers love to watch and talking about for decades, as you know, the goal is to racing for 24 hours with three/two drivers switching seats before the time is up to the finish line. There are several films that took place in 24 hours of Le Mans, but then we have a recent film that takes place that we all remembered, most of.

"Ford V Ferrari" (aka "Le Mans '66" outside of US) is a 2019 motorsport film that was produced/directed by James Mangold, co-produced by Peter Chernin and Jenno Topping, then written by Jez Butterworth, John-Henry Butterworth and Jason Keller.

Even though i never grew up with 24 hours of Le Mans, but there had be plenty of memorable stories in Le Mans, whether is the Audi's R18 e-tron quattro's impressive record in 2015, the unlikely stock car race in 1976 due to oil crisis or even a father and son racing in 1950. But today, we have a movie based on Le Mans's biggest game changer, which is having an American supercar competing against Italian's supercar in order to defeat the domination in 1966.

So, with all that said, will this movie will make it to the finish line, or is this film will be unprepared to be in the Circuit de la Sarthe?

Well, lets find out.

The Story
With a movie based on true story, you think it follows accurately, well it was quite nice to follow for the racing and a car development.

The movie starts where Carroll Shelby was on his racing career with the 1959 24 hours of Le Mans, though despite he won the race with Roy Salvadori, he was forced to retired due his heart condition, resulting him working his own car company, then we have Ken Miles, a British for not only a racer, but a mechanic as well, but didn't turned out that it was forced to shut down after winning his race on Willow Springs International racing, and Ford is in financial struggle with lay off employees, though they originally to be with Ferrari for the deal of purchase, but it was quickly didn't happened, because Fiat offered the bigger deal to Enzo Ferrari to keep their business open for the racing. For the sake of rejected, the owner Henry Ford II wants to defeat Ferrari in Le Mans, so the Vice President Lee Iacocca hires Carroll Shelby, who's the owner of his own car company "Shelby America" to building an endurance car, along with Shelby bringing Ken Miles for not only helping to building it, but also testing it. Its up to ford, Shelby and Miles to test the famous Ford GT40 to testing it before the car is perfect to go for racing.

Its a nice story what it brought us as a modern viewers like myself, since it mainly focuses not just a racing, but its all about building Ford GT40 in order test it out if the car is good enough, even they have to struggle the obstacles like brake, a stiff steering and most importantly, the speed in order to push the limit over Ferrari. I mean we've heard many other teams like Porsche, March and other car companies try hard to building bigger and better car to competing against the biggest Italian car company, or even Ford as a newcomer. Though the movie also has a subplot involving Ken's struggle from his family, since he wanted to keeping himself secret before admitted for his real truth, specially the scene where Ken's wife going faster while arguing him for dangerous reason (i mean jeez lady, take a chill pill while you're in conversation while driving!).

Not to mention, it was well-written for the story and even the dialogue is also pretty good for the car design and perhaps the character development for motivating.

The story is pretty good to follow with well execution with the writing what we cared for.

The Presentation
Its no secret that the presentation itself looks amazing for 2019.

The setting of this movie looks nice and perfect that it takes place in 1960's with old cars, the clothing, the depiction of the old racing rule and several others.

The location is also nice and accurate with California of Willow Spring and Riverside International Raceway and of course, the "Circuit de la Sarthe" in Le Mans. Its really to see the filming on the racing track.

Speaking of the track, the cinematography looks amazing with the lighting, quality and some effects. But of course, there's the racing sequences, they're obviously the highlight of this movie and its fun, intense and entertaining to watch as a racing fan like me. specially there are several moments with testing scene with Ford GT40, it looks nice to see for demonstration. And the whole racing scenes with Willow Spring, 24 hours of Daytona and of course, the 24 hours of Le Mans are easily the fun moments of the racing sequence, it made us not only goosebumps, but also routing for in the racing, especially for Ken Miles.

The presentation looks amazing for the quality to the racing sequences, because as a fan of Motorsport, i enjoy to watching the racing scenes with endurance cars since "Rush", though this one is about Formula 1, but i digress.

The Characters
As a biographical movie, the characters has to be portrayed right when it comes to this movie? Well, i can say that they're rather interesting, not just the personalities, but more of a acting with some of our familiar actors. I should also bring out that the film was supposed to star Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, but never happened but again, i digress.

First is Carroll Shelby (played by Matt Damon), he's the former racer and the owner of his own car company for developing sports cars, he's a fascinated movie version of Shelby, since he always cared about racing for building cars with his employees. Aside that i heard his appearance wasn't as accurate what the real Carroll Shelby looks, but i can cay that Damon did a nice work of his role.

Next we have Ken Miles (played by former Batman, Christian Bale), he's a hot-tempered and rather a cocky racer/mechanic for his struggle, since he was a big deal from Shelby. Even though he's hot-headed at the time, he's also pretty much hard working for not just racing seriously, but also working with cars, specially with Ford GT40. The chemistry between Shelby and Miles is fascinating to watch, since Shelby is sorta like a mentor while Miles is again, sorta like a rookie, since we can feel him as the underdog for rising up to 24 hours of Le Mans. But of course, Christian did great work of his role.

Then we have Lee Iacocca (played by Jon Bernthal) he's a vice president of Ford in order to helping out Shelby American to build the car. He's more a plot device for bringing Shelby to Ford for agaon, building their prototype car to be done. Even though he's not much else to say, but Jon did a good job.

Next we have Henry Ford II (played by Tracy Letts), he's the CEO of hos motor company for the struggle of employees and his revenge against Ferrari to Le Mans. Its no secret that he's the side character, he's big boss of his company to hoping the project will help to make more money and more marketability for his cars (especially since their infamous car called "Ford Edsel", but that's a different story). Though Henry is rather serious, but i can give a credit for Tracy for his interesting role.

And finally we have Enzo Ferrari (played by the Italian actor Remo Girone) its no secret that Enzo is the most famous founder of his company with his name. At first, he seems to be rather a nice guy, but when he was purchased by Fiat, we all know he's gonna be the main antagonist of the film. Though he has a minor appearance of this film, but at least its nice to see Enzo Ferrari in the big screen, for the second time since "Rush" (though he was played by a different actor than Remo).

While the rest of the characters are not much else to say, there's Mollie Miles (played by Caitriona Balfe), who's a concerned wife for Ken's business and maybe his life, Peter Miles (played by young Noah Jupe) who's the son of Ken where he's routing for his father, Leo Beebe (played by Josh Lucas) who's a senior executive vice president for scolding at our main heroes, Roy Lunn (played by JJ Feild) who's the engineer of Ford GT40 and Bruce Mclaren (played by Benjamin Rigby) who's the most famous racer around the world since he's been on F1 and even 24 hours of Le Mans.

The characters on this movie is quite enjoyable for the writing and even an impressive acting.

And now for my final opinion of this film.
Overall, "Ford V Ferrari" is easily another best film i've ever watched, the story accurately good, it is well-written, the presentation is fantastic, the racing scenes are fun to watch and the characters are pretty good at the times. Even though it had some small issues that i have, aside from different appearance of Carroll Shelby, but my small nitpick is that they could've include little more for the construction montage and some other characters in true story are missing, such as Mclaren's side driver Chris Amon, but thats just my own flaws that was missing.

This is easily another must-watch film if you like film based on history and even racing. If you're a fan of racing cars like me, get some friends together and watching it together, it will never disappoints.

Though i wanted to give this one a 10, but its not as perfect than the one that i loved so much like "Avengers Endgame". So i had to drop it down a bit for 9/10. It would've been a perfect movie, but at least they tried.

So this ends of my movie review, if you guys have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at comment bellow and support me on

Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.

(Review ends)

Anthony: Ok, so now i got that out of the way... *puts the Infinity Gauntlet on his briefcase and puts it underneath his bed* Lets hope no one can get these stones and everything will be alright without having intruders.

*ding dong*

Anthony: Huh, i wonder what's gonna be...

To be continued...

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