Thursday, 9 December 2021

Movie Review: Venom Let there be Carnage


Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.

From three years ago, i reviewed Venom which although its a pretty good film that i called, but the movie has a some problems with some moments that came off as questionable (like the lobster scene which makes me go "Really???"), the main villain being so forgettable for his writing and of course, the lack of violence that we're asking for, since Venom is a badass anti-hero. But then again, despite the problems that have to agree, i still like the movie, not the best, but at least Sony tried, until we had a hint in the end.

"Venom: Let there be Carnage" is a 2021 Marvel's superhero that was directed by Andy Serkis (Yup, its Gollum from Lord of the Rings series and motion-capture performer), produced by produced and written by Kelly Marcel and Tom Hardy (And yup, Eddie also produced in this movie) and co-produced by Avi Arad, Matt Tolmach, Amy Pascal and Hutch Parker.

As i said before, in the mid-credit, the movie hinted us when they briefly introduced Cletus Kasady, making it an obvious sequel plan to having an epic battle between Venom and the possibly the most deadliest villain in Marvel history, Carnage. I mean yeah, Carnage is the most rarest Marvel character to be in the media since most of Spider-Man animated shows, like the one from 1994 on Fox Kids. Although Sony even tried to bring Carnage in the supposed sequel of The Amazing Spider-Man, but it got canned for bad it went from its sequel, until we finally got it.

So, with all that said, is it a worthy waiting for Carnage, or is this film that we got let go by Venom?

Well, lets find out.

The Story
Since this is the movie about dealing with Carnage, you think that its gonna be different for its plot right? Well, im not so sure.

The movie begins by a flashback in 1996 where we introduce Cletus Kasady lives to hanging out with Frances Barrison in St. Estes Home, however, due to building up their relationship, the police came to taking Frances to different institution to "Ravencroft Institute", leaving Cletus all alone in devastation that drove him insane to becoming a serial killer, meanwhile, a young policeman Patrick Mulligan holds Frances in a police van, not before when Frances (who has sound manipulation) tries to escape by doing her super sonic scream at Mulligan, until she got shot in the eye and later being taken to the facility, despite Mulligan believes that he killed her. Fast forward to present time, our old friend Eddie Brock is called by Mulligan for the interview after Cletus refuses to tell at anybody, other than Brock since a year ago. Anyway, after the interview, his symbiote Venom goes to find out a clue for how many bodies Cletus killed before, even if the relationship between Eddie and Venom is pretty much going down as before since Venom can't stop moaning over the lack of eating brains and chocolates, making Eddie is losing his patience and his limit with his symbiote. But thing went lower, as his relationship with Anne Weying is split again, which she's engaged by Dr. Dan Lewis that makes Venom getting pissed that his love has taken away and the conversation of Cletus Kasady before the death row went to a breaking point to a near fight where Cletus bites Eddie's hand (with a mixed of blood and symbiote going in his body), as a result, Eddie and Venom are fighting each others for losing everything like before and they ended up separate much like before (Aw S(bleep), here we go again...!). And finally, Cletus has breaking free from death row thanks to his symbiote named Carnage to break free for not only getting Frances back ,but also want to kill Eddie and Venom, its up to Eddie that he's gotta tell the truth without losing himself, along with struggling relationship of Anne and his symbiote Venom.

Though its quite nice to having Cletus on the loose of his violent escape, but problem is that the story is pretty much playing like before, where Eddie is going back to be a loser and pretty much being a puppet from Venom before their ended up fell apart, but its more about the question for why Brock is with Cletus based on the interview. I mean, i appreciated that we have Cletus Kasady in this movie for confronting Eddie Brock, whoop-dy-do, but its just that the execution would've gone better when they shouldn't recycling the same plot as before, otherwise it makes Eddie going back to his endurance test. Aside from the plot issue, while the writing is not bad, the humor in this movie is... Well, maybe not bad, i kinda did chuckle, but at least the jokes aren't as cringe as before.

While the writing is average and the plot with Carnage is good to have it, but its just the plot with Eddie and Venom feels like we've seen it before that i wish it could've make something new to building up the bromance between of two.

The Presentation
Aside from a questionable writing (for better or for worse), what about the presentation? Well, it looks not bad, even if some might have a problem.

They started on England with the photography began on Leavesden Studios in Hertfordshire and their filming started at the campus of London South Bank University, even though its not to location i was expecting for, but they eventually going back to San Francisco with various location like Tenderloin, North Beach, Nob Hill (where it took place in Grace Cathedral), Potrero Hill (with the use of Anchor Brewery for police station) and a fine place called "Palace of Fine Arts" in Marina District. Aw well, the filming locations is pretty good to going back since before with more places in San Francisco.

As for the effects and the design, well, its almost the same as before, but since this is the film with Andy Serkis involve, its gotta be done with motion capture when they transformed into Venom and Carnage, which is something what it should've been in the first movie. Which is good, despite sometimes, the effects could be "Yeesh!", one of which is when Kletus transforms into Carnage, you see his face is like stretched up before covered by his symbiote, which it looks soo video game-ish quality, not the good one, but more like PS3-like quality of awkward.
As for the design, Venom looks pretty much like before, but i still like his appearance, even though most people wants his symbol than nothing but veins, but for me, i didn't mind, he still looks cool and somewhat creepy. And as for Carnage? Ohhh dear, he's quite possibly the most terrifying presentation i've ever seen, im not saying its bad, i mean they did a pretty good job to make him looks like a nightmare to life, especially with his inclusion of blades and spikes on his symbiotic body. He's basically a symbiote walking nightmare on your dream, but il give a credit for Sony, they did a nice work for the design of Carnage.

But you what would've make a great job? Violence in action scenes. You know why? While the action scenes are cool, but the film is still lacked violence like blood and gore that they put it a PG-13! I mean come on, if Venom is a lethal protector and Carnage is the most cruelest villain in Marvel, show us some blood and gore, Deadpool is ultra-violent than this movie! Like, it frustrates me and some fans, the reason why they did this, its to make quick bucks on box-office to be perfectly clear to be PG-13. Oh really? Look at Deadpool's own film, it made money than the budget as an R-rated movie, its not because of the excuses of rating, because it has to be done right when we have a badass anti-hero.
Im sorry for my rant, because between this and Venom's first film, these are just nothing but "What If" (no pun attended) what the fans (including myself) wishes the presentation should've gone better with mature contents.

Aside from a hiccup moments of the effect and kicked in our crotch for not having blood and gore content to be a PG-13 film, but at least they did a decent job.

The Characters
While the story is pretty much repetitive as before with new plot, what about the characters? Well, i feel like they're pretty much the same but they have some update.

Lets start with Eddie Brock and Venom (reprised by Tom Hardy), though he eventually gets better after the first film that he becoming an investigative journalist and be with his symbiote Venom, unfortunately, aside of trying to finding the clue frm Cletus Kasady, he's pretty much going back to square one since before, aside his job remained, he's having a struggling relation with his symbiote, due he kept moaning for brains and his love Anne Weying is engaged with Dan Lewis due to unfit together, making him feel like in the same way as before, but at least he didn't got fired from his job. Even though i don't like how he's like going back to the same struggle, but Tom Hardy still selling his performance that i enjoy.

As for the rest of main cast, there's maybe not much, Anne Weying (reprised by Michelle Williams) who's Eddie's ex that she's engaged with Dan Lewis (Reid Scott), although, they did trying to helping out our hero.

So what about the new ones? Well, i think we can all agree that the new ones are a lot better.
First is Cletus Kasady/Carnage (played by Woody Harrelson) this guy is not only a memorable villain, but he's also the most cruelest villain i've ever seen, which at first, we though he needs a chemistry with Eddie since they first met (at the mid-credit of the first film) and by the time they reunite before the death row, he becomes more desperate and dead-serious on him that not only he bit him, but also ended up turning into a walking nightmare as "Carnage", like i said for his presentation, he's easily the most scariest villain i've ever seen with a combination of symbiote, a blood, a blades and spikes with all that. And of course, Woody did a pretty good work for playing the most disturbing villain in Marvel history.

Next, we have Frances Barrison, aka Shriek (played by Naomie Harris) though she's a secondary villain and love interest of Carnage, she's described as a damaged soul person for being isolated, which i have to admitted, i kinda feel sorry for her that you can tell she's in love of Cletus so bad since they first met in institute. Especially she wants him so bad, despite she didn't notices about symbiote's weakness of high noise, since she has the ability of screeching noise from her shriek (hence her name). Even though i may not being familiar about Shriek, by Naomie did a pretty good work of her role as Carnage's unlikely sidekick/love interest.

And lastly we have Patrick Mulligan (played by Stephen Graham), the detective who has a traumatic past when he was beaten by Shriek before shot her down that he believes that she's presumed dead (But not really). Though i assuming he's building up that he's trying to get his revenge to questioning between Eddie and Cletus for the blame, despite he's asking Brock for the evidence of Cletus's killing before becoming Carnage. He might be an interesting character, but its safe to say his role is foreshadowed by Eddie Brock's focus, making Mulligan's focus kinda being lacky, though Stephan did a good work of his role.

As for the remaining characters, there's not really much to say, there's Mrs. Chen (reprised by Peggy Lu) who 's the convenient store owner and probably the second person who witnessed Eddie with Venom and Camille Pazzo (played by Sian Webber) who's the head doctor of Ravencroft.

Carnage is easily a better villain role than Riot from the first film, but the characters are mostly remains the same with some update, though i still wish Eddie won't have another struggling problem like before. But il give a credit for their acting they did a good work.

And now for my final opinion of this film.
This movie is quite of.... Dare i say, unique film?
Yeah, the movie is quite of chaotic with actions, Carnage is easily steal the villain's spotlight and the presentation is good at the moment.
Everything else is like they tried to be different, but really need to make some change or be original, while the writing is ok, but its just the plot of Eddie's second struggling of bad luck has no reason since we already have his bad luck at the first film, some the effect could be "Yeesh" at the time and some characters, aside of Carnage could've done better.
Though yes, i think we can agree that its a superior from the first film, but i felt that it kinda has a same problem from the first film, still Carnage is a memorable villain than Riot. But is it a recommended film? Well, im not sure, though im sure some of you will agree that its better than first one, if you wanted something better than first one, this one is for you.

I gave the first Venom a 7.5/10, but im when it comes to this film, im probably gonna give the same rating, mainly, another 7.5/10. I really wish they could've write something better.

So this ends of my movie review, if you guys have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at comment bellow and support me on

Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.

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