NOTICE: This review is posted during the premier of the second of My Adventures of Superman. Even though this review have nothing to do with second season before il watching it either on TV, streaming or digitally. Thanks.
Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to Show Review.
Last time, I made the first part of “My Adventures with Superman”, which I mentioned that we’re off to a good start. But if you guys missed it, here’s the link and il be waiting: Click here
You’re done? Okay, now we’re in Part 2 of the first season of MAWS, so lets finish this season, shall we?
But as always, considered my review a SPOILER WARNING.
My Adventures with Mad Science: After Jimmy was kidnapped, Lois is originally going on her own, but Clark shows up, despite his identity was already caught by her, to joining in to the campsite after they both unable to call Jimmy, even if its gonna be an uneasy start based on the aforementioned identity crisis, since Lois is going to finding Jimmy for him and him only than Clark (Wow there, don’t get too personal on Clark, since he’s meant to protecting his identity to saving people’s lives). While in their brief conversation to searching Jimmy in the woods, they ended up crawling through the fence, not before when going further, Clark is caught by an energy shield upon entering, which revealing to be a secret base, far away from Metropolis that’s called “Area 52”, (Huh, too bad no one doing a Naruto running towards Area 52 since the questionable event at Area 51, but I digress), based on discovering Jimmy’s phone from his recording video on livestream if there’s aliens or Sasquatch, even though Lois wonders at Clark if Jimmy knows he’s Superman, but Clark, again, chooses to keep in secret that Lois is pretty much tired of his “Double Standards”, despite Clark is meant to covering his identity between normal man and a hero…! But only they got startled by the robots. Meanwhile, we see Jimmy is strapped into torture by Monsieur Mallah (voiced by André Sogliuzzo), a French intelligent gorilla and a German robot name “Brain” (voiced by Jesse Inocalla), at first, Jimmy accept his fate that without his friends respond, he’s rather die from two unique fellas, but Mallah, being a good heart talking gorilla, decides to break him free and shares the secret origin behind Area 52, it explained that 22 years ago, the Area 52 is created by the US Government top-secret agency for working on a unique science experiment in their “Project Cadmus), while working with Task Force X for weaponry too. However, once they were discovered, Task Force X are turning against them, not only raided, but also causing the secret base in danger with by blasting at their black hole experiment, Brain (who used to be a human) lost his entire body that left nothing but a brain, and created a robot after him, (Talk about an experiment gone wrong for working the most notorious military base like Task Force X) while also sharing their black hole experiment that if its stabilized, it’ll creating a wormhole to a different dimension. Back to our main heroes, Clark and Lois are trying to get away from the robots after they got started, Clark tries his powers to fight back, but no avail from the shield’s effect to weakening his powers. Once they reached to the base, Clark rips the door open, not before he gets confronted by both Mallah and Brain, thankfully Jimmy interferes the fight that both Clark and Lois are not looking for trouble, despite they’re making trouble for not responding him, along with, somehow, acknowledges Clark is Superman all along (I get his accidental from his strength, but how does Jimmy knows behind Clark?? But, its just beyond us…). Not before they’re about to get raided by the robots, at first, we thought they’re from Area 52, but in reality, they’re from Task Force X as “OMACs”, thankfully, Mallah and Brain (along with their experimental monsters) come to help our heroes to defend the base against those OMACs. However, they’re probably outnumbered from OMACs as they’re full back, much of getting closer to the black hole room, Mallah suggest Clark to use the code to activate the backup system. However, while defending the black hole room, Jimmy and Lois are questioning at Clark for their friendship fallout cause they wanting him to coming out who he is, Clark responds that he doesn’t want to revealing himself as a humanoid alien when he’s nervous of his exposure, all he wants is living as a normal human being and wanting to be friends while keeping himself in secret without causing his friendship to breakdown (Yeah, I know how you feel when it comes for being a person being isolated in a closet), though Jimmy said it doesn’t matter what he is, they’re friends for who he is, while Lois said its okay if he’s ready to be opened (despite Clark tried to coming out in previous episodes, even though Lois already knew about Clark’s behind his glasses). But speaking of “being opened”, Mallah hears it as a Plan B by opening a black hole in mass critical for stabilizing, basically means he took a risky sacrifice in front of our heroes and his robot partner. In the end, despite their risk, the black hole ended up bursting into portal, finally saving themselves from Task Force X’s OMACs. Before saying goodbye, Jimmy is making an interview with Mallah and Brain, Lois suggest to share a fascinating secret to Daily Planet, while Clark got a discussion from Brain, Brain tells him to revealing that Task Force X are out to get both them and him (as Superman), since, as I said, they’ve been involved with work with them 22 years ago, though he suggested to come together, but Clark, while understood that, but he chooses to stay in Metropolis, not just being a hero, but also reconciling his best buds. As they left, both Brain and Mallah are preparing themselves to going into a portal of different dimension. But alas, at the final moment, The General arrives in now abandoned Area 52 with recruiting Dr. Ivo for his deal to the returning Parasite to take down Superman. Though I find it rather nice for the progress story and character development, but taking place in Area 52 is… Kinda out of place in this episode in my opinion, so, il give it a pass.
Kiss Kiss Fall in Portal: After showing his capsule ship to revealing himself as a humanoid alien (aka Kryptonian) to impressing at Lois and Jimmy, Clark proceeds to pop the question to going on a date with Lois, which she happily accepts. By next day, Jimmy notices both Clark and Lois (separately) are setting up their schedule for their date, whereas Clark is putting… Rather a but too much pressure for his schedule plan, while Lois is having a mix of dating and investigation that she wants further detail about Clark’s past (even though this must be a hint for next episodes, more on that later). Clark has finished his dating plan to hopefully the date is gonna be smooth, there’s a knock knock at the door, its none other than Superman’s annoying little pest named “Mister Mxyzptlk” (voiced by David Errigo Jr.), interrupting him for a new mission, he demands Clark to suit up that Lois will potentially hold in hostage, aside of briefly talking about the multiple of alternative Superman in different universes (Yup, we have another Multiverse Cliché. Ah, Multiverse Cliché, never change…). Meanhile, Lois and Jimmy are going out to waiting for Clark, but at the same time, they’re caught by the group of inter-dimensional peacekeeping force with four AU version of Lois Lanes (first created by what appears to be Classic Lois Lane as “Lois Prime”, even if she doesn’t looks like she in Prime Earth), saying that our main Superman is in danger to be involve with Mxy. While Jimmy likes to sharing his Flamebird with AU version of Jimmy name Jalana (voiced by Kimberly Brooks, aka Jasper from Steven Universe), as well as other Loises, the main Lois Lane secretly checking the other document about more other universe versions of her, until she sees “File X” that its forbidden, unless there’s a secret key, more on that later. Back to Superman and Mxy, they reached to Earth-1’s museum that the chaotic god is looking for (aside of fascinating Easter Eggs like the helmet of Doctor Fate, a “Flight Ring” that appears to be orange, which im guessing its a ring of Orange Lantern), which happens to be an audio recorder that he break and stealing it, but Superman (probably goes Indiana Jones style) to demanding him to put that back cause “That belongs in a Museum!” and of course, he wants to get back home for dating plan, but as far as we’re concerned, it was all setup by Mxy that not only he lied to Clark, but also using him get into trouble. And trouble indeed, after arriving on Earth-14, Superman and “Mxy-what-his-name” are caught by the ship of Lois Lanes, Superman tries to capture Mxy to punishing, the Multiverses Lanes shoots Superman down, in an unexpected moment that the green gun blast weakens him (Again, more on that later to the end), which it makes a terrible mistake that Mxy captures their ship to fly away to Earth Prime thanks a secret key in the audio recorder to Prime Headquarter (despite he forgot to realizing our main Lois Lane is in a ship after getting punished by Leader Lois (voiced by Lauren Tom).). Upon entering headquarter (along with seeing multiple versions of Lois Lane, another nice Easter Eggs), Lois found a secret File X that he wants to know, right before she’s ambushed by Mxy once he found his hat to going FULL POWER! Thankfully the other Loises, Jimmy and Superman arrive to dealing with the mess from our annoying little pest, but the chaotic god goes to tricking them in his cloning ability to cause a struggle finding the real Mxy. But before that Superman found our main Lois Lane to confessing together that their dating plan gone badly due to their multiverse journey, whereas Clark is completely struggling for being forced to be into Superman that he wants to be in a normal date, while Lois blaming herself for stealing File X that he’ll never know, despite of which side, they eventually understood and of course, giving themselves a first kiss. But after their first kiss, they gotta stop Mxy’s Beast Mode, first Superman chases at Mxy, even if he tried, but thankfully, he made a tricky backup with main Lois uses one of multi-portals to snatching his hat and Jimmy retrains Mxy from another portal, beating him in, in another over-used cliché, “The Power of Love and Friendship!”. While Mxy is eventually arrested, Jalana secretly letting Superman, main Lois and Jimmy going back where they belong, finally going back to their normal life in peace, even if its too late to finishing their date. However, the episode ends where Lois checking File X, upon looking at it, it showcases that… We see many different versions of Superman are a threat against humanity, which is something Mxy briefly shows up for one more warning, once he left, the file opens to revealing a glowing green crystal, a thing that hurts Superman will never know, it is called “Kryptonite”…!
Zero Day Part 1: We started out in prison room at Task Force X where two members of Intergang (Rough House and Silver Banshee), Livewire and Heat Wave are brought out of cell, only to get electrocuted by The General with his partners, Amanda Waller and Dr. Ivo, scolding them for stealing TFX’s weaponry for criminal activities, but he’s going to setting up the plan for Ivo for “Moving Day” (As always, more on that later). Meanwhile, in the middle of the night, Clark got himself unusual moment that he got himself into, he has “Super-Hearing”. This new power got himself waking up early in the night, coming down to helping innocent people in Metropolis, only he has a breath hearing from the voice of The General. By next mourning, Jimmy comes back (after hanging out with his parents) not only he sees he received a new numbers of Flamebird account, but also seen Clark is… Probably going too much pressure from his Super-Hearing with taking too much coffee (Jeez Clark, I get you have Super-Hearing, but not like for going Java-Nutty for clean up the mess). But it wasn’t just an emergency or uncontrollable hearing, but also heard about The General for Task Force X’s setup for destruction (and probably trying to taking down Superman), again… Too much pressure for his new power…! Meanwhile, Lois Lane is going back to her business (aside of receiving gifts from Clark as Superman), but what she’s surprised to hearing, is when Perry White brought special guest editor into Daily Planet, its none other than Vicki Vale (voiced by Andromeda Dunker) from Gotham Gazette, even though there’s a rumor that based on her award winnings at GG, she’ll possibly leaving there to joining Daily Planet for more award winning, but for DP. So Vicki teaming up with Lois and Jimmy for new report by… Asking if Superman is posing a threat (Oh god… Here we go…). Speaking of Superman, he’s going in the air for using his Super-Hearing to finding out about The General, but overusing Super-Hearing means that could cause a pain in the head if its too much, until after saving one girl to her mother, he heard the report about the return of last remaining member of Intergang is “Mist”. While Vicki, Lois and Jimmy are both going out to ask anybody for what do people think about Superman, despite Vick has a doubt about him, Superman swoops at Lois and Jimmy in secret to telling them that he’s been looking for Mist for the connection with The General, while Lois and Jimmy trying to telling him to calm down in control, but Superman chooses to flying away to finding him, much for being overwhelmed in his mind. However, after asking anyone on the public, Vicki proceeds to asking one more person in question, its none other than Alex (You know, the same guy who works with Dr. Ivo before). When asked, Alex believes that Superman is the threat of the world, blaming him for ruining AmazoTech to putting bankruptcy and laying off the employees, and also saying he uses his powers for violating the law for putting people lives at risk, but Lois tries to doubling down that Superman isn’t a threat as she thinks, but her concern is overwhelming that, unfortunately, Vicki is on Alex’s side for his truth (Jesus, I think Alex might be Lex Luthor…), Lois and Jimmy trying to tell the way Alex said is a complete bias, but its too little too late for Vicki’s supporting on him. Speaking of overwhelming, Superman tries to reaching after Mist, but protection and Super-Hearing is too much, not only dropping himself, but crashed from a truck, causing the people in Metropolis starting to losing their support of our hero, but after hearing the call of Lois and Jimmy discussing that he’s in deep trouble from what happened, this makes more concern to his friends that not only he’s going to losing himself, but also showing his heroic act is going down from public’s reaction, Jimmy feels Clark is burning out, while Lois wants him to going back to be normal, but alas, Superman refuses that he has an unfinished business to going after The General at Task Force X, but before that, he eventually found Mist to question of his invisible running, once Mist eventually answered he’s looking for the remaining members of Intergang after they were taken away from Task Force X before they’re going into Moving Day. As he arrive to catch the jet for their moving, he was ambushed by two Intergang members, Livewire, Heat Wave Dr. Ivo’s Parasite and Slade Wilson, despite his best to fight them (along with potentially going into BEAST MODE, but he’s outnumbered to fighting against and ultimately being defeated by Ivo’s power of Ego, before gets electrocuted by The General’s partner Amanda that its enough to punishing Superman. And in the end, Superman is defeated and being taken into Task Force X...
Part 2: After arriving too late to finding Clark (as Superman) Lois and Jimmy are in panic to figuring out what to do, unless they got themselves a Plan B from Flip Johnson’s NewsKid Legion, doubtful at first, but they agree for not just finding out about Superman, but also their plan to spread the words that Superman will always be our hero. Speaking of the latter, Superman is taken to the torture prison room, The General interrogates at him for being the menace of the world, as well as sharing his traumatic past that changed him what he called “Zero Day”, where 22 years ago, The General used soldier at the military base in front of the UFO (with probably a familiar symbol what I noticed), despite The General used to be a happy fella with Amanda when they were young adult, they used the UFO blast its energy to open up a portal to releasing an alien ships with army coming down for invasion with a main alien in his armor called “Nemesis Omega” that… On second thought, this must be the invasion of Kryptonians in their plan of conquering Earth, based on, again, a very familiar symbol shape. Right before the invasion was abruptly stopped by, lets just say, Red Earth of destruction to not only shutting down the portal, and the robot army, but also dropping down this UFO. It left The General a personal scar in his memory that not only he formed Task Force X, but also with Superman caught, he’s going to using him as their weapon for their will, but Superman, was distraught for what he saw about Then General’s past, despite he had nothing to do with, which… it leaves Superman felt into sadness for what he’s treated from Task Force X, unless if he’s not from The General’s body language after the interrogation, but Amanda Waller refuses his doubt that she’s still believing Superman is “Pure Evil”. But after she turns off her security camera, it made Livewire her opportunity to break free, not just herself, but also Intergang, Heat Wave and Dr. Ivo, the latter of which made himself an opportunity to have a rematch against the depressed Superman for not only trying to killing him off, but also getting even more power hungry by absorbing energies like electricity, this cause a Full Alert to Task Force X to stop the prisoners, but to no avail including Livewire took a harsh electric contact on Slade’s right eye, leaving him half blind (Well, so much for his health recovery…), this makes Superman after getting smashed off the walls by Parasite, he managed to escape free and eventually found by Flip Johnson to bringing him into Newskid Clubhouse, this gives Lois and Jimmy coming to see him again for what’s happening. But Clark (as Superman) shares his distraught feeling for what he saw about Zero Day, saying he’s not like the people on Earth, thinking himself as a destructive alien invader against Earth as a weapon, but as we all know, he had nothing to do with with invasion nor even working with Nemesis Omega, since he’s made to be a hero, but also as a respectful person behind his alien kind (Yeah, its pretty emotional and probably nicely written how not even Superman is all perfect, but rather putting himself at risk or even having a devastation feeling for what he didn’t know, its easy to feel the pain and feel sorry for Superman how he’s been treated what he haven’t heard for how he was born from, he deserves better not just being a hero for people’s lives, but also wanting to be normal in peace…). However, despite of sympathy to Clark in his struggle of his heart for who he is, Dr. Ivo’s Parasite goes into full on Kaiju mode for absorbing more energy for not only looking for hunting Superman again for his ego, but also wanting to be bigger for more powers (he’s clearly needs some help…!), despite Superman’s effort to facing against Parasite, but it wasn’t good enough for Ivo’s more power. With no other option, Jimmy decides to to make his Flamebird streaming video for recording live, not only quickly done his face reveal, but also sharing his and Lois words, explaining that even though Superman isn’t the same as Earthlings, he’s here, because he uses his powers for protecting people for goods and peace, but Superman isn’t the only one, even humans can use their own (though with super powers, weapons, gadgets nor not) to saving lives without a threat or even hurting anyone. (I will say, its a pretty nice monologue to share Superman deserves better and humans deserves better to be together rather than judging him as a threat against the society). And surprisingly the spread the words helped out well to helping Superman that people in Metropolis are shutting down their electricity in order to stop Parasite’s hungry power to leaving him vulnerable, Superman is able to punishing him, thanks to having a new power called “X-Ray Vision”, he breaks through Parasite’s monstrous body to pulling Dr. Ivo out, leaving Parasite turns into statue in the middle of Metropolis (Huh, a reference of Shin-Godzilla). In the end, Superman is eventually recovered from emotional pain that he’s thankful for Lois’s spreading the words for their potential loving relationship, while Jimmy is setting the stuff to moving on, but what Jimmy doesn’t know is when bringing Lois’s bag, it has File X about other versions of Superman (again, our main Superman are not like the others…!), but in Task Force X, The General is kicked out by Amanda Waller for his failure not only Superman broke free, but also responsible of Dr. Ivo’s threat (Sounds like we might have a potential bag guy turns good, but not yet…), despite being no longer the head of TFX, The General has one last straw from Amanda to giving him a new gun called “Omega Cannon”, an advanced pistol that could kill somebody in one shot… (Oh and as for the remaining prisoners, they were never at the near end of the season, unless they’ll come back in the next season.)
Hearts of the Fathers (The last one of Season 1): Okay, looks like we’re reaching at the last leg, my friends, here we go…! It begins where we see Clark Kent arrives in the field, and witnessed an evil Kryptonian “Nemesis Omega” who not only opens the portal for alien invasion, but also killing his best friends, only to find out it was all of nightmare for what he sees, so Clark is concerned for another invasion by arriving at his home (mainly flying into his grown capsule) to argue at his AI father Jor-El, Superman believes his father is responsible for both invading and takeover his home Earth, despite Jor-El tries to denying this, but Superman refuses to know that he’s going to be much more protective on Earth. Yeah… Bad calls what you think, Kal-El… As we reach to November, they’re planning for celebrating Thanksgiving (After all, in USA, November is always a celebration of Thanksgiving, while in my homeland Canada, we celebrating it in the second week’s Monday at October. The more you know.), however, despite the statue Parasite is still in a city (You better clean up the mess at 2nd season, Superman), Jimmy is concerned for what he saw about File X that he needs to coming to expose the secret (Yeah, better not expose the darker truth in front of Clark)… Before they’re going on a celebration of Thanksgiving, they’re going back to Daily Planet, but they got themselves an announcement from Perry White, at first they may sounds like they made a bad intern, but it ended up a success to promoting both Clark, Lois and Jimmy as a new reporters, giving them their desks for their new duty. Despite suggesting to stay at work, but Perry decides to be optional to letting them celebrating Thanksgiving, until he has a secret discussion at Jimmy, more on that later. And so, Clark, Lois and Jimmy are going to celebrating Thanksgiving at Kent’s family house for their preparation, whereas Martha is both welcoming and thankfully to Lois for how Clark became a hero, despite she shares how Clark felt like he’s treated like an afterthought (despite we see one picture from the right that, im pretty sure the little girl must be Lana Lang, you know, Clark Kent’s childhood friend before he moved on to Metropolis?) before having friends like Lois and Jimmy, while Jonathan is busy watching over the precious turkey in his “Turkey Zone”. But one thing Lois is concerned is about her father, despite Clark is promised to finding The General, but after knock knock at the door, it happens to be none other… Than The General, who happens to be Lois Lane’s father (apply name “Sam Lane”) all along…! As they sit together in a living room, Sam Lane is questioning at Clark if he looks way too familiar, while Clark tries to act like nothing happened, which Clark tries to get a private discussion about what happened at Lanes, even if Kent family didn’t buy for their preparation feast, while Sam calmly doesn’t take so kind at Lois when seen the article about Superman, but when Clark briefly comes back to the living room for struggling to hiding himself from Sam Lane’s doubtful question, Jimmy has eventually arriving for celebration (even if he arrives late for preparation) ranging from Clark and Martha are in alert from Sam’s unwelcoming arrive for hanging for, so Jimmy had heard enough that he needs to talk at both Clark and Lois for what the heck just happened. But not before when File X is dropped from Lois’s bag, Clark sees it in his curiosity, but without warning, the file opens to exposing Kryptonite in front of Clark, completely collapsing himself on the ground one of the most painful weakness we’ve ever see. But Clark isn’t the only in danger, down bellow, Jor-El hears the Kryptonite is here, this causes the ship comes out from the ground and setting up for second attempt of invasion after 22 years, while Sam Lane is trying to call the emergency for bringing military (Yeah, it will be too late for emergency…), only to get caught by Lois Lane from hearing this, she’s losing her respect at her father for his kept-secret for being involved with Task Force X and the aforementioned 22 years about of “Zero Day”. But when a bigger Kryptonian robot trying to kill the Lanes family, Clark quickly changes into Superman to stop the machine, along with Jimmy exposes Kryptonite at human sized robots in accident, the ship blasts its energy to open the portal once again, but with one ship is about to coming out. With no other option, Superman is going to make one the most life risking way to prevent the ship from the portal, by taking the File X’s sphere with Kryptonite in it to pushing his then capsule all the way up above the clouds then gets in there, the downside is he’s gotta dealing with hostile robots, which again, he’s outnumbered nor strong enough, but thankfully, Papa Jor-El (in AI Hologram) comes to helping our hero shutting down those hostile robots. After breaking through the obstacles, Superman is willing to sacrifice to opens his sphere to exposing Kryptonite, not only he’s on a verge of putting his life on the line of one of his weakness, but also using it to breaking it at his then capsule’s generator (I believe) to not only destroying it, but also shutting the portal down to once again, interrupting the invasion with the invading ship cut off in one piece. Thankfully, Jor-El, despite telling his son that he should’ve been warned about Kryptonite, he eventually let him live into another capsule to sending him back to Earth, as if he’s understandable how Superman is, again, born to be a hero of Earth. Upon land back to Earth, Sam Lane is about to kill our hero for one last straw as he expected, but Lois blocks him that he doesn’t deserve to die like this, saying that he risked his life to save everyone, despite of Sam’s dismay for also being protective towards her, she demands him to let Superman go if he trusts him, and he eventually accepts and walk away. In the end, Clark (still wearing Superman) is eventually recovered to have a feast with Kent family, Lois and Jimmy, the latter of which to revealing his private discussion that he sold his Flamebird to Daily Planet, making Jimmy a millionaire, making an impressive reward for our heroes and live happily ever ever.
OR, so what we think…! It gave us a cliffhanging ending that after the portal is closed, we see a new robotic villain (aka Brainiac) that after the ship is destroyed from portal’s abruptly shutdown, he goes to after Kryptonian Warrior, telling him to go after Earth, this make Kryptonian Warrior seeing an opportunity that shall be kneel. (Does that mean… We have have ZOD?!)
And that’s the end of the first season of “My Adventures with Superman”. Quite of fun ride to start the season of this show, eh?
Overall, this is pretty good show and a pretty good start of the show, as I said in my mini review, I enjoyed the show for its nice revision writing, a heartfelt message how Superman isn’t as perfect what we’ve seen, it has some good funny moments, the animation is pretty good from Studio Mir, some characters are good and of course, the voice acting are so good that they’re having fun.
Sure, the show has some problems like some characters are under-developed or even appeared one episodes, its kinda fast pace, and focused a bit too much on action. And yes, I’ve already heard about its controversial decision that it was originally going to be aired on Cartoon Network, but decided to airing it on Adult Swim, despite it doesn’t look so mature oriented that its more like gearing towards teens, kinda like Smallville. But as far as im concerned, it won’t be the only time, I noticed some future shows that its gonna have a similar treat as Superman, but its a long story.Even though its not as perfect, but I still enjoy this show, especially that its nice to bring Superman back to a lighter tone after how they brought the Man of Steel into a dark zone (No offense, Henry Cavill…), its just what Supes needs. Whereas Batman is perfectly fitting for dark tone, while Superman fits in lighter tone, its DC’s coin side in a nutshell.
As always, this is definitely a Must Watch animated show for both DC fans and superhero fans, especially that I enjoy watching this show over and over again, this is like if you mixing Richard Donner’s Superman and Superman: TAS into what we have here. If you’re a fan of Man of Steel like me? This one is for you either you watch it on Youtube (though you gotta buy it digitally) or on MAX (But only in US, at least I can watch MAWS on Amazon Prime Video, but also subscribing Teletoon+, but again, different story).
If I wanna make my rating, im having a debate in my mind for either 8.5 or 9.5, which again, even though it has problems, but I enjoyed the show. But Im certainly giving this one a Trophy of Success. And yes, im looking forward to see the second season.
So this ends of my two parts Show Review, so what do you guys think of my brand new review? But of course, if you guys have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at comment bellow and support me on
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.
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