Friday 11 October 2024

Movie Review: Transformers One


Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back for my Movie Review.

As a kid, there were three toys that I love to playing with, Hot Wheels, Lego and even Transformers. In case for the latter, its pretty cool to see a toys involving giant robots with their abilities to transforming into cars, jets, boombox, animals and more, its all about the good like Autobot fighting against the evil Decepticon for their power hungry to tanking over either Cybertron or even Earth for taking energy sources, they’re the flagship on Hasbro toy series, sitting next to My Little Pony (another favorite, but back when it was fun in 4th Gen with Friendship is Magic) for their ongoing run for competition next to Mattel with Barbies and the aforementioned Hot Wheels. Though unlike Mattel, Both Transformers and My Little Pony in the 1980s, while the ponies were introduced first in 1981, Transformers were debuted in 1984, three years after MLP. But I was born late as 1995 that I wish I could watching the first generation Transformers, instead I remember watching the anime Transformers from “Robots in Disguise” to “The Unicron Trilogy” from Armada, Energon to Cybertron (The latters are… Pretty cool, but a bit rich). But when Michael Bay shown up to giving us his take on Transformers, I felt underwhelmed for how BORING it is, which I was pretty much ignored them like nothing happened, or perhaps I should’ve watch more Transformers cartoons like “Tansformers Animated” or Prime. Though as I grown, I really want to get myself back into Transformers, not just for looking for toys, but also watching the shores in their different lore. But what they never have been is to have a theatrical animated Transformers after over decades.

“Transformers One” is a 2024 animated movie that was directed by Josh Cooley (the director of Toy Story 4), produced by Don Murphy, Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Michael Bay (Yup, its him again), Mark Vahradian and Aaron Dem, and written by Eric Pearson, Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari.

The idea of this movie cam after the release of Transformers: Age of Extinction, Paramount had a discussion with one of the writer Akiva Goldsman to do the work of Transformers for hope of its promise to Michael Bay’s version, but once he worked on Transformers: The Last Knight, it was a bust. Despite that, it seems Paramount wanted more when another writers Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari joined in. BUT, rather than making another Bay’s Transformers, they wanted to have a prequel story of Transformers, not just a prequel, but an animated film, which is something that we’ve never expected to having a theatrical animated movie based on Transformers, but it wasn’t the first. Back in 1986, when the first two seasons of Transformers was such a big deal, so much so they the people behind the show decided to go all in to making their own movie as a tie-in from the show with new characters and sadly, killing off Optimus Prime. Which despite it had a potential, it didn’t turned out both the reaction and the box-office, leaving the idea of animated Transformers movie left a shadow that made the G1 into a decline, despite of selling new toys for the sake of introducing new characters, but its a long story. Anyway, once Paramount has accepted to having an animated Transformers movie in a prequel story, it had a lot of promise, especially when they hired Josh Cooley as a director.

So, with all that said, will this movie will give us more than meets the eye, or is this film felt like it was created by Decepticon?

Well, lets find out.

The Story

Just to head up I may not be familiar of Transformers in Hardcore level, but I did learn for some since I briefly watched the G1 Transformers show. So with all that said, will the origin has a pretty good story? Well, for the most part, yeah, I definitely think so, sometimes for the writing.

The movie begins where it briefly explains Cybertron was born from the original kind name “Primus”. But due to Primus’s life came to at end, it transforms into a planetary form as Cybertron that we all know, along with birth of the population kind as “Cybertronian”, as well as giving cogs to the heroes that they were called “Primes”, but alas, they were gone without the most important thing in Cybertron what its called “The Matrix of Leadership” in order give more powers from planet’s energy resource called “Energon”. After the origin, we introduced Orion Pax (betefore he’ll be named Optimus Prime that we all know) who found the small documentary about the aforementioned origin, but after got himself into a hot water from being chased by Darkwing to get lost, he reunites his pal D-16 (before he’ll be named Megatron), even if they’re both working as miners to digging out Energon with Elita-1, despite after their freak accident with injuring one of worker Jazz, and weirdly demoting Elita (despite she didn’t do anything wrong). But after Orion and D been accidentally participating the race in celebration (despite they lost the race) they given a respect to heroic of Cybertron named Sentinel Prime, only didn’t last long that they’ve been thrown out by Darkwing and meet the eccentric B-127 (Even though he was named named “Bumblebee” in the movie, which il call him “Bee” for short) from down bellow. Despite thrown out, Orion found a map from Bee’s weirdly imaginary friend to finding the location that he assume there’s must be the way to seeking The Matrix. Its up to Orion Pax, D-16, Elita and Bee to find the way to finding The Matrix, along with hopefully having special cogs to transform and learn more truth.

I will say, its pretty nice to bring us back to the past where it all begin before we have Autobot and Decepticon, especially when our unlikely heroes are going out to seeking The Matrix, along with their character development build up. However, while I enjoy the origin, though it can be too simple and kinda cliché with some elements, such as being the chosen ones, the dark secret Sentinel (yeah, SPOILER ALERT, its a villain’s plot twist cliché) and it can be a bit complex in the movie throughout the movie. Even if I can be a bit nit-picky with some moments didn’t make any sense like why Elita got fired when she’s done nothing wrong, how Bee found the map without realization and why Sentinel congratulating Orion and D for nothing in Transformers version of Indy 500. Yeah, the writing can be questionable for some logic. But of course, what’s not better way to have a humors, which will say, I find some jokes are chuckle worthy that I laughed at some moments, but if only the jokes won’t get too much on Bee, sure I did chuckled some Bee’s humors, but once a limit needs to give him a limit than forced, not to mention, even though the movie is meant to be made for kids, but most of the jokes are kinda mature that we should’ve know that its a PG animated film, based toys involve robots turning into vehicles or others. However, while its not perfect, the movie also has a chemistry between Orion Pax and D-16, which I find the development between of two are like the focus and I can see why, since can feel these two are meant to be good friends, but the more you watch, the more separation build up they’re about to, which is exactly the difference between of two is day and night, you can fee Orion wants to be help in his lighter path, while D-16 is on a verge of losing respect and potentially twisted by the dark side. Especially with an appreciation about the world building about Cybertron from the aforementioned origin.

While the writing aren’t as perfect, and some jokes are mixed of chuckle worthy or forced, the story is pretty nice to bring us to the prologue that, while a bit slow, but the more we watch, the more fun and action impact it gets.

The Animation

The movie’s budget costs between $75M to $147M (though its estimated) and I will say, it looks pretty good and of course, for a theatrical film based on Transformers, its worth of update with going back to the old route.

For starter, the background is no stranger to going 80’s-like detail and the colorful chrome either inside or outside of Cybertron and I gotta say, they look colorful and amazing, the city in Cybertron looks pretty cool and probably creative for being a cite from normal side or weirdly upside down (kinda like the Hollow Earth in Monsterverse, but in futuristic city). Of course, outside of city, it also has a creative with a mix of metallic mountain formation, nature overgrown and other fascinating location design, sure it may not look vibrant, but the colors and even some effects are fascinating.

One thing that I give an appreciation is the character designs. First, I like to pointing out the animation of this movie is done by “Industrial Light and Magic”, they used to be involved with the live action character designs in Bayverse. This time, gone is the clutter with gears, pieces and stuff all over for the cheap sake of realism in Bay films, here, since this is an animated movie, they went back to the old route by having the character designs look more like they came from toys (You know what they said, movies or shows are made to selling toys since the 80s.), and I gotta say, not only its a right decision, but also the character designs are pretty good, almost like a mix of 80s and modern, sure their faces are metallic human-like, which is odd design, unless some of your are like “Hey, this is like the modern facial animation of Transformers: Beast Wars”, and you know what? By looking between of two, they kinda do. Though il give also a credit for the effects, for the characters, whether be their eyes with iris, a glowing chest once they have cogs to of course, seeing them transforming into vehicles that we love to see for obstacles and action. There’s also the Quintesson aliens, though these guys have nothing to do with the plot, but I will say, even though im not familiar with Quintisson aliens (even if they have nothing to do with the plot), but having born as an alien robot from its appearance, they look unique and kinda disturbing.

Of course, since this is Transformers movie, its no stranger that we have action scenes, I will say, those action scenes are fun to to watch, while we start out slow from Orion Pax chasing away from Darkwing, a racing with Orion and D-16, and even avoiding obstacles. But of course, like the story, the longer you watch, the more intense action impact we gotten into from creative battle with transformation, the impressive use of cinematography, to even some moments are brutal that some are either getting injured or even body counts. Keep in mind, while they gave us some cool action for kids, but its still rated PG, MCU style, but at least its a lot fun to watch than the current MCU.

Like I said, gone is the clutter and cheap stake from Bay’s films, the animation of this movie is outstanding for its bringing back to the old route, fun action and colorful design and presentation.

The Characters

When it comes to the characters, a lot are pretty much in a minor roles or minor developments, but I do enjoy the voice acting (even if its another one of those animated movies with all-star casts) along with some giving us a promising character development. I know when we saw them in a trailer, we were pretty doubtful for their roles, but keep in mind, this is the origin story of Transformers, which again, the longer we watch, the more fascination it goes.

Starting off with the main protagonist in the movie, Orion Pax, aka Optimus Prime (voiced by Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth), when we first introducing him, he’s more of a curious and adventurous miner, which he could causing troubles for being cocky that he wants to help, but as it goes on when he learns about The Matrix, he becomes mature and brave for his honor to Cybertron for peace, I know it sounds I like spoiled the movie, but easy to predict how our familiar characters will become after they learned, which is exactly how Orion grows, even though his development is more like an unlikely chosen one to be the hero, but il give a credit what they’re trying, sure its not like the same voice as legendary Peter Cullen, but Chris did a pretty good work of his role of Orion.

Next, we have D-16, aka Megatron (voiced by Brian Tyree Henry, aka Bernie Hayes from Monsterverse, and aka Jefferson Davis in Sony’s Spider-Verse), at first, he’s more of a regular Cybertronian who’s not looking for trouble, despite he’s more irritated from his fella Orion without hesitant to punishing and can be hotheaded, but unlike Orion, once he learned by about The Matrix, he’s potentially going down to the dark side, becoming injustice and menacing for his potential battle in genocide. He’s like Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, but instead of being cocky or childish, he starts out rather realistic and down to earth to becoming ruthless and evil that we all know. Like before, sure its no stranger its not like the legendary Frank Welker, but Brian is really surprising me for his impressive role of Megatron, he goes from normal and sorta tragic to becoming pure evil after the secret is revealed.

After that, we have Elita-1 (voiced by Black Widow herself, Scarett Johansson), she’s more of a no-nonsense discipline and the only female ally of Orion’s group, despite she’s been wrongfully victimized. I find her to be not bad, she’s more of a strong and serious former superior of mining towards Orion and D-16, even if she has no problem to punishing some (without harmful). She’s almost like the Cybertronian version of Black Widow, I mean, what do you expect they’re both played by Johansson, but il give a credit for her voice as Elita, she did a nice role.

Lastly, there’s B-127, aka Bumblebee (voiced by Keegan-Michael Kay, aka Toad from The Super Mario Bros Movie, and aka Ducky from Toy Story 4), he’s pretty much the eccentric Cybertronian from bellow and the obvious comedic relief in the movie in KMK standards. Like I said, he did gave me chuckling moments, but its just the comedy is a bit too much on him in, again, fashion from Keegan-Michael Kay, sometimes it works like his hilarious rightful option of running away from mountain formation to “Badass-atron”, but other times, its too much and questionable development from the start, either that or maybe Michael Bay is not a fan of Bee, but that’s just me.

As for the rest, a lot of them are having a minor developments, some are fascinating, but some that I wish they could’ve give us more. There’s Alpha Prime (voiced by Morpheus himself, Lawrence Fishburn) who’s the last living Prime who gives us the truth about The Matrix and partially about his group and world building, Sentinel Prime (voiced by Jon Hamm) who’s the great hero of Cybertron right before we found out his dark secret. Yeah, like I said, he’s another one of those villain with a twist, though I wish they could’ve give us more screen like he’s watching over our main heroes, but again, its just me, Starscream (voiced by Steve Buscemi) is the leader of his High Guard that he’s surprisingly less cowardly and less selfish, nice touch to make him badass, then again, I would love to see him more, along with Soundwave (voiced by Jon Bailey) and Shockwave (voiced by Jason Konopisos-Alvarez). And there also some I appreciate their appearance, but in cameos (though with potential) like Jazz (voiced by Evan Michael Lee) and Arcee (voiced by Jinny Chung). If only we would like to see them in their cameos like Hotrod, Ultra-Magnus, Ironhide or some of the Decepticon’s Seekers. Aw well.

While most of almost all of them have a minor roles, but its nice for their casting, and even giving us the character developments, especially for two main characters.

And now for my final opinion of this film

Overall, Transformers One is surprisingly a pretty good Transformers movie that they gave us.

The story is pretty good for the build up of the secret truth, the writing is good, the characters are good too, especially for the main characters’ build up, the animation is outstanding and colorful, the action are great, the humors can be good and it has a nice heart.

Sure, while I like some, but the writing is nowhere perfect with some flaws with clichés and some nonsensical logic, some humor is forced and aside the main characters, I would like to see their build up that I like, for the most part.

And to be fair, I think its safe to say that I’d rather watching this more than those godawful Michael Bay versions, sure Bay’s version can be fun, but its just flat out boring and absolute cringe. The difference is day and night, which im glad both Paramount and Industrial Light and Magic have learned after what Bay gave us to bringing Transformers back to its old route.

Despite the problems, its no stranger to be a Must-Watch film for Transformers fans and even non-fans. as a fan of animation (unlike the godawful Bay ones), I think I enjoy this movie, not perfect, but at least I enjoy this movie for all the good reasons and even appreciation to both Paramount and Industrial Light and Magic. If you’re curious about Transformers, I’d say give this one a watch, and maybe you’ll love Transformers for either actions or learning about the origin.

For my rating, im gonna give this one an 8.5/10. This is movie is so close to earning the Trophy of Success, but if it doesn’t have flaws, it would’ve been either 9 or 10. Aw well, better luck next time.

So this ends of my movie review, if you guys have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at comment bellow and support me on

Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out and Happy early Canadian Thanksgiving though.

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