*walk of the theater* ... Wow... What a-- Oh wait, i think i did a same reaction of Star Wars, but... it... was... Awesome! :D

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.
When i was prepared to watch Inside-out in 2015, i saw a trailer of Zootopia, which it may be a promising movie. I mean, i like Disney, i like anthropomorphic, what could possibly go wrong?
If you ask me, yes, i do like anthro, they're look either cool, handsome and pretty cute. I know they're plenty of people who loves the species that we make that are fictional that are original, some that are cliches and some that are.... to far for maturity... ^^;
Anyway, Zootopia is a 2016 Disney movie that was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore (The same guys who work with previous successful films like Wreck-it Ralph and Tangle.) and produced by Clark Spencer. But this isn't the only film what we got for this year, this is gonna be the second time that they release two films in this year, the first time was back in 2002 with Lilo and Stitch and Treasure Planet. Whats the second movie of this year you may ask? Its Moana, which il save it at November.
So, can this movie will be great to have another anthro since they did before, or is this movie that i'd watch a bad human movies?
Lets find out.
The story
It begins about a bunny girl name Judy Hopps who's dreaming to be a cop of Zootopia Police Department. Once she done it when she grew up, she finally work as a cop as "The first rabbit in ZPD" where she works as... A parking duty. Yeah, its not as exciting as working as a lawyer in Montreal or New York. But not until she meets Nick Wilde who works with Finnick who's secretly a crime for selling a "pawpsicle" for money. Just then she heard about a missing of Mrs. Otterton which apparently he used to be friend with a scariest crime name Mr. Big, which he was turned into a savage predator to kill anyone, its up to Judy and Nick to find case to stop the savageness.
Now first of all, i though the story is about Judy tried to arrest Mr. Big, but i was probably wrong, instead, its all about finding the case of infection to turning into a predator. But how it does that? I won't explain the truth, because spoilers... ^^;
But either way,i find it a pretty original story. Yes, i know its all about cops solving a dangerous case, but its much more interesting in this movie. It also have a motivational message about a predator and prey or some others, which is a well written dialogue, they did a great job of that, if anyone wants to learn about the animals. As for the gags in this movie, it was pretty funny at many parts of this movie, especially in the scene where Judy and Nick visit to DMV with sloths, which the best part and the most laughable moments we've ever seen, i mean i was laughing out loud with viewers in Cinema. XD
So the plot in this game is well written that it has, interesting motivational and fun gags.
The production
Im pretty sure that you're like "Its a Disney CGI of goodness and nothing else to say". But it has the best work, like the character designs are pretty good what they look like in anthro, they look almost like in real life, but with cartoons with a great textures of fur and skins. The background is absolutely beautiful with nature and the fictional city, the city itself looks colorful like in real-life city such as Shanghai, Chicago and some others. As for the animation movements, it has a great job how to move or portray of animals like size, weights and abilities.
The animation of this movie is well done for the textures and movements.
The characters
These characters are quiet likable as Inside-out (kinda...)
First is Judy Hopps, a cop of ZPD from Bunnyburrow (Voiced by a Ginnifer Goodwin. Aka Mary Margaret/Snow white from Once upon of time). I can say that she's my fav character in the movie, she's optimistic, heroic cop and she's quiet adorable as a bunny. We always dream to work in department to save the city like her. And Ginnifer did a great job her main role.
Next there's Nick Wilde, a who's a con artist (Voiced by Jason Bateman). He's also an interesting character, he's caring, charismatic, intelligent and funny. I mean he almost steal the show that we love to watch for fun. Speaking of role, he was originally to be a main protagonist, but he was changed to a support. Oh well, at least Jason is also did a great job.
Then there's Chief Bogo, the cape buffalo who's the main officer of ZPD "(voiced by Idris Elba). He's much as being a big boss in the movie, but he's highly prejudiced of realistic, he's Intimidating, serious and he's always doesn't give a damn, mainly he cares of heavy-weight mammals on duty unlike Judy. He is damn cool and Idris has an amazing role of voice acting.
There's a few other characters in the movie, there's Leodore Lionheart who's an interesting character as a mayor, but a small appearance, Duke Weaselton is a crook for robbing foods and he's also funny (And yes, his name was given from a character with a same name from Frozen and they're voiced by Alan Tudyk), Flash is a slow sloth, but he's the funniest character in the movie, because of his slow personality (XD), Mr. Big who's the most fearsome crime in the movie, but not a main antagonist and there's Gazelle, a famous pop star in Zootopia (she was voiced by the famous pop star Shakira, nice choice. :D).
These characters are great, cute and funny when we see them in the movie.
And now for my final opinion of this movie.
Overall, Zootopia is definitely a best movie i've ever seen. Great story, amazing animation and a fun characters. I can easily think that this could be the best film of 2016, well if not THE best film, because they're plenty of them that il watch that its either great, disappointed or for the worst. If you guys love Disney or anthropomorphic, this one is for you. Its one of the greatest that i've seen.
It definitely deserve to get a 10/10. Go watch it, its always a must watch film. ^^
And btw, you think il end with a happy ending review? *start to feel serious* Not really, because next time, il going to see one film this is going to be serious for my anticipation of good or bad, which its going to be a movie where two heroes is going to fight each other to the death if you've seen a multiple of trailer with a Man of tomorrow and The cape crusader confront together. Unless you'll easily thinking yourself "You're going to see Batman V Superman?", yes... I will...
But il save it for two weeks later, because of my grand-parents meeting of Happy Easter. So il be patient to find out.
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know in the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out. ;)
*meanwhile of CD HQ*
Corporate Driver: *sigh* why does he review a lot of good movie... Im sick and tired of all of his bullS***! I better have to make something to screw him up with disappointments and S***y one. In fact, im gonna give one that he'll like...
To be continued...

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.
When i was prepared to watch Inside-out in 2015, i saw a trailer of Zootopia, which it may be a promising movie. I mean, i like Disney, i like anthropomorphic, what could possibly go wrong?
If you ask me, yes, i do like anthro, they're look either cool, handsome and pretty cute. I know they're plenty of people who loves the species that we make that are fictional that are original, some that are cliches and some that are.... to far for maturity... ^^;
Anyway, Zootopia is a 2016 Disney movie that was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore (The same guys who work with previous successful films like Wreck-it Ralph and Tangle.) and produced by Clark Spencer. But this isn't the only film what we got for this year, this is gonna be the second time that they release two films in this year, the first time was back in 2002 with Lilo and Stitch and Treasure Planet. Whats the second movie of this year you may ask? Its Moana, which il save it at November.
So, can this movie will be great to have another anthro since they did before, or is this movie that i'd watch a bad human movies?
Lets find out.
The story
It begins about a bunny girl name Judy Hopps who's dreaming to be a cop of Zootopia Police Department. Once she done it when she grew up, she finally work as a cop as "The first rabbit in ZPD" where she works as... A parking duty. Yeah, its not as exciting as working as a lawyer in Montreal or New York. But not until she meets Nick Wilde who works with Finnick who's secretly a crime for selling a "pawpsicle" for money. Just then she heard about a missing of Mrs. Otterton which apparently he used to be friend with a scariest crime name Mr. Big, which he was turned into a savage predator to kill anyone, its up to Judy and Nick to find case to stop the savageness.
Now first of all, i though the story is about Judy tried to arrest Mr. Big, but i was probably wrong, instead, its all about finding the case of infection to turning into a predator. But how it does that? I won't explain the truth, because spoilers... ^^;
But either way,i find it a pretty original story. Yes, i know its all about cops solving a dangerous case, but its much more interesting in this movie. It also have a motivational message about a predator and prey or some others, which is a well written dialogue, they did a great job of that, if anyone wants to learn about the animals. As for the gags in this movie, it was pretty funny at many parts of this movie, especially in the scene where Judy and Nick visit to DMV with sloths, which the best part and the most laughable moments we've ever seen, i mean i was laughing out loud with viewers in Cinema. XD
So the plot in this game is well written that it has, interesting motivational and fun gags.
The production
Im pretty sure that you're like "Its a Disney CGI of goodness and nothing else to say". But it has the best work, like the character designs are pretty good what they look like in anthro, they look almost like in real life, but with cartoons with a great textures of fur and skins. The background is absolutely beautiful with nature and the fictional city, the city itself looks colorful like in real-life city such as Shanghai, Chicago and some others. As for the animation movements, it has a great job how to move or portray of animals like size, weights and abilities.
The animation of this movie is well done for the textures and movements.
The characters
These characters are quiet likable as Inside-out (kinda...)
First is Judy Hopps, a cop of ZPD from Bunnyburrow (Voiced by a Ginnifer Goodwin. Aka Mary Margaret/Snow white from Once upon of time). I can say that she's my fav character in the movie, she's optimistic, heroic cop and she's quiet adorable as a bunny. We always dream to work in department to save the city like her. And Ginnifer did a great job her main role.
Next there's Nick Wilde, a who's a con artist (Voiced by Jason Bateman). He's also an interesting character, he's caring, charismatic, intelligent and funny. I mean he almost steal the show that we love to watch for fun. Speaking of role, he was originally to be a main protagonist, but he was changed to a support. Oh well, at least Jason is also did a great job.
Then there's Chief Bogo, the cape buffalo who's the main officer of ZPD "(voiced by Idris Elba). He's much as being a big boss in the movie, but he's highly prejudiced of realistic, he's Intimidating, serious and he's always doesn't give a damn, mainly he cares of heavy-weight mammals on duty unlike Judy. He is damn cool and Idris has an amazing role of voice acting.
There's a few other characters in the movie, there's Leodore Lionheart who's an interesting character as a mayor, but a small appearance, Duke Weaselton is a crook for robbing foods and he's also funny (And yes, his name was given from a character with a same name from Frozen and they're voiced by Alan Tudyk), Flash is a slow sloth, but he's the funniest character in the movie, because of his slow personality (XD), Mr. Big who's the most fearsome crime in the movie, but not a main antagonist and there's Gazelle, a famous pop star in Zootopia (she was voiced by the famous pop star Shakira, nice choice. :D).
These characters are great, cute and funny when we see them in the movie.
And now for my final opinion of this movie.
Overall, Zootopia is definitely a best movie i've ever seen. Great story, amazing animation and a fun characters. I can easily think that this could be the best film of 2016, well if not THE best film, because they're plenty of them that il watch that its either great, disappointed or for the worst. If you guys love Disney or anthropomorphic, this one is for you. Its one of the greatest that i've seen.
It definitely deserve to get a 10/10. Go watch it, its always a must watch film. ^^
And btw, you think il end with a happy ending review? *start to feel serious* Not really, because next time, il going to see one film this is going to be serious for my anticipation of good or bad, which its going to be a movie where two heroes is going to fight each other to the death if you've seen a multiple of trailer with a Man of tomorrow and The cape crusader confront together. Unless you'll easily thinking yourself "You're going to see Batman V Superman?", yes... I will...
But il save it for two weeks later, because of my grand-parents meeting of Happy Easter. So il be patient to find out.
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know in the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out. ;)
*meanwhile of CD HQ*
Corporate Driver: *sigh* why does he review a lot of good movie... Im sick and tired of all of his bullS***! I better have to make something to screw him up with disappointments and S***y one. In fact, im gonna give one that he'll like...
To be continued...
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