Warning: The following review contains violent and disturbing content. And its also focus on PS4 (Which i have one). Readers description advised.

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to game review.
We played a lot of FPS games in our times, Call of Duty, Halo, Serious Sam, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake and so on. But there's one FPS game that was considered to be a goriest game ever made, that is Doom.
Doom is an early example of ultra-violent FPS game that was made by id software with John Romero back in 1993. Its one of the most popular and controversial game in history that it has a sequel one year like with Doom 2 and Doom 3 for 10 years later.
I remembered play Doom 2 on XBOX 360, it was pretty fun, even though it was hard to play, even though i'd rather play a PC version. And of course, it was announced that there's a development of Doom 4. However, it has a hell development for the story, the game mechanic and the publisher, until they start over to make it as a reboot in 2013. I was kinda disappointed, but il find out about the reboot, which it will be in our current gen like XBOX One, PS4 and PC.
And now the game finally came out that i finally bought it to gave a shoot.
So, can this game will be a good reboot for the first Doom, or is it gonna be disappointing as 343's Halo or Destiny?
Lets find out.
I never noticed that the game came out on Beta with multiplayer like Star Wars Battlefront EA or even Overwatch. But i heard that the Beta version wasn't as good because it feels like id version of Halo, but i've never try it.
Anyway, the gameplay itself is not much to say, its just a FPS game. Unlike some games that you carry two weapons only, you can carry every weapons like the original did. You start using a pistol, which surprisingly it was unlimited of ammo, which it works well, until it became useless at later that you pick up a shotgun, a heavy rifle and even a good'ol Chainsaw. But the chainsaw is limited of fuel which is shame, i guess its because they make it like in real life. Speaking of melee, you can even do a melee attack, if you make your enemy being stopped and weak, you can do a fatality melee. Its bloody and cool, but it might be old if you used it a lot. But it helps that give you an ammo and extra health. Like the original, you cannot reload your weapon to keep you magazines, instead you need to find more ammos to kill them. The weapons are interesting, even though i haven't get them at later. And before you ask, yes, the BFG 9000 is in the game, but i won't tell where it is. The game is not only a FPS, but also a First-person platform, which is little bit hard to challenge to jump and climbing, but hey, at least its better than Duke Nukem Forever.
The enemy design looks cool and much more creepier than before, especially with Revenant, it looks pretty scary that it will hunt you dream. The AI was good to look at, but it can be annoying, like when i try to kill those Imps, they just run away like a cowards. Maybe its because they want to find the place to climbing. And yes, these Imps actually climbing. Not to mention some enemy is big that it takes a big hits, if you wanna use a rocket launcher, a super shotgun, a plasma rifle or even a BFG 9000.
Speaking of climbing, the control is good, but a bit slippery from a camera (In my opinion when i played). Like any games, you can hold a trigger button to choose your weapons. Except for the chainsaw, you pick it up by pressing a button (like square for PS4), you can also use a side weapon like a frag grenade to the left button trigger (L1), even though its unlimited, but its recharging for some reason. You can press a pad of PS4, it shows a map, the upgrade of weapons, upgrade of special armor and even some description of weapons, Union Aerospace Corporation's stuff, monsters and more. There's also a rune, but i don't care, because most of them are hard to get a bonus.
As for the story, i was expecting to be like the original Doom or Doom 2, but it was completely different, but a bit like Doom 3. The plot is that you play as a Doom Marine (Rather than Doomguy for the name) who breaks free from the prison with his strength, which it appears that everyone zombi-- I mean these possesseds who's try to kill you. It turns out that the portal of hell was opened by an evil female worker name Olivia Pierce who refused to work with Dr Samuel Hayden for a research. Its up to you have to save UAC of Mars to close the portal and stop her.
I was a bit disappointed for the story, because it feels cliche about a worker who betrayed a boss for peace and turning into a villain to taking over the world. I prefer the first story where you have to fight them from their hellish threats.
Aside for a cool monsters designs, but the graphics is the weakest in the game, it feels like it was from Doom 3 with a slightly better. Which some texture of background is blurry and sometimes in hell if you're nearly finish level it gets all red. I mean, could you tone down of red background? But sometimes, the game has a glitches like when i fought those Imps, one of them is going on the floor of UAC or even when i fought Mancubus with my rocket launcher, he mouth is wide open and never move. But some others that it made me scared a bit like my camera went almost out of the world. They could've delayed the project to fix some parts in the game
There a few others like Snapmap, its an in-map game that it came up from Escalation Studios with their game called Severity, but it got cancelled due to a lack of publishers. Anyway, i find it an interesting idea, you can create your own map of multiplayer online or local game, nice touch. Finally there's multiplayer, its not much to say, it has a matches like "Deathmatch", domination, and others. Like before, it feels like Halo's online multiplayer matches a bit.
Overall, the game is above average, great gameplay, the enemies are cool and scary, the music is impressive and the weapons are great to be back, unless there's a new one that i was like "Meh, i never heard of.". Even though the story could've been creative, the graphics feels little bit dated, the glory kills are repetitive and some bonus like Runes is not my kind. But i have no idea why this game was cost $80 for a slightly disappointed game, it should be worth of $40, $50 or $60. Anything than 80 dollars, and the season pass is even worse, its also not worth of price like $55, it could've just make it to $20. I mean Cmon Bathesda, there's no reason to release this game with expensive price with combining together of $130 (A game with a season pass), that price is only belongs to a monopolized company like EA. I hate what they do that... But for some reason Bathesda felt embarrassed of a negative review that they want silence if the websites reviewers like IGN or Destructoid have a copy. Talk about a cowardly behavior, you need to accept the criticism that the game has a problem like need to fix it with a patches.
Now i would've give an 8 for the rating, but i decided to tone down a bit with my official rating of 7/10.
Even though its nice to bring back, but not as fresher than the original Doom. Lets hope id will make a improvement sequel to have a better story and better graphics to learn their lesson.
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or suggestions, let me know on the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out. ;)

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to game review.
We played a lot of FPS games in our times, Call of Duty, Halo, Serious Sam, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake and so on. But there's one FPS game that was considered to be a goriest game ever made, that is Doom.
Doom is an early example of ultra-violent FPS game that was made by id software with John Romero back in 1993. Its one of the most popular and controversial game in history that it has a sequel one year like with Doom 2 and Doom 3 for 10 years later.
I remembered play Doom 2 on XBOX 360, it was pretty fun, even though it was hard to play, even though i'd rather play a PC version. And of course, it was announced that there's a development of Doom 4. However, it has a hell development for the story, the game mechanic and the publisher, until they start over to make it as a reboot in 2013. I was kinda disappointed, but il find out about the reboot, which it will be in our current gen like XBOX One, PS4 and PC.
And now the game finally came out that i finally bought it to gave a shoot.
So, can this game will be a good reboot for the first Doom, or is it gonna be disappointing as 343's Halo or Destiny?
Lets find out.
I never noticed that the game came out on Beta with multiplayer like Star Wars Battlefront EA or even Overwatch. But i heard that the Beta version wasn't as good because it feels like id version of Halo, but i've never try it.
Anyway, the gameplay itself is not much to say, its just a FPS game. Unlike some games that you carry two weapons only, you can carry every weapons like the original did. You start using a pistol, which surprisingly it was unlimited of ammo, which it works well, until it became useless at later that you pick up a shotgun, a heavy rifle and even a good'ol Chainsaw. But the chainsaw is limited of fuel which is shame, i guess its because they make it like in real life. Speaking of melee, you can even do a melee attack, if you make your enemy being stopped and weak, you can do a fatality melee. Its bloody and cool, but it might be old if you used it a lot. But it helps that give you an ammo and extra health. Like the original, you cannot reload your weapon to keep you magazines, instead you need to find more ammos to kill them. The weapons are interesting, even though i haven't get them at later. And before you ask, yes, the BFG 9000 is in the game, but i won't tell where it is. The game is not only a FPS, but also a First-person platform, which is little bit hard to challenge to jump and climbing, but hey, at least its better than Duke Nukem Forever.
The enemy design looks cool and much more creepier than before, especially with Revenant, it looks pretty scary that it will hunt you dream. The AI was good to look at, but it can be annoying, like when i try to kill those Imps, they just run away like a cowards. Maybe its because they want to find the place to climbing. And yes, these Imps actually climbing. Not to mention some enemy is big that it takes a big hits, if you wanna use a rocket launcher, a super shotgun, a plasma rifle or even a BFG 9000.
Speaking of climbing, the control is good, but a bit slippery from a camera (In my opinion when i played). Like any games, you can hold a trigger button to choose your weapons. Except for the chainsaw, you pick it up by pressing a button (like square for PS4), you can also use a side weapon like a frag grenade to the left button trigger (L1), even though its unlimited, but its recharging for some reason. You can press a pad of PS4, it shows a map, the upgrade of weapons, upgrade of special armor and even some description of weapons, Union Aerospace Corporation's stuff, monsters and more. There's also a rune, but i don't care, because most of them are hard to get a bonus.
As for the story, i was expecting to be like the original Doom or Doom 2, but it was completely different, but a bit like Doom 3. The plot is that you play as a Doom Marine (Rather than Doomguy for the name) who breaks free from the prison with his strength, which it appears that everyone zombi-- I mean these possesseds who's try to kill you. It turns out that the portal of hell was opened by an evil female worker name Olivia Pierce who refused to work with Dr Samuel Hayden for a research. Its up to you have to save UAC of Mars to close the portal and stop her.
I was a bit disappointed for the story, because it feels cliche about a worker who betrayed a boss for peace and turning into a villain to taking over the world. I prefer the first story where you have to fight them from their hellish threats.
Aside for a cool monsters designs, but the graphics is the weakest in the game, it feels like it was from Doom 3 with a slightly better. Which some texture of background is blurry and sometimes in hell if you're nearly finish level it gets all red. I mean, could you tone down of red background? But sometimes, the game has a glitches like when i fought those Imps, one of them is going on the floor of UAC or even when i fought Mancubus with my rocket launcher, he mouth is wide open and never move. But some others that it made me scared a bit like my camera went almost out of the world. They could've delayed the project to fix some parts in the game
There a few others like Snapmap, its an in-map game that it came up from Escalation Studios with their game called Severity, but it got cancelled due to a lack of publishers. Anyway, i find it an interesting idea, you can create your own map of multiplayer online or local game, nice touch. Finally there's multiplayer, its not much to say, it has a matches like "Deathmatch", domination, and others. Like before, it feels like Halo's online multiplayer matches a bit.
Overall, the game is above average, great gameplay, the enemies are cool and scary, the music is impressive and the weapons are great to be back, unless there's a new one that i was like "Meh, i never heard of.". Even though the story could've been creative, the graphics feels little bit dated, the glory kills are repetitive and some bonus like Runes is not my kind. But i have no idea why this game was cost $80 for a slightly disappointed game, it should be worth of $40, $50 or $60. Anything than 80 dollars, and the season pass is even worse, its also not worth of price like $55, it could've just make it to $20. I mean Cmon Bathesda, there's no reason to release this game with expensive price with combining together of $130 (A game with a season pass), that price is only belongs to a monopolized company like EA. I hate what they do that... But for some reason Bathesda felt embarrassed of a negative review that they want silence if the websites reviewers like IGN or Destructoid have a copy. Talk about a cowardly behavior, you need to accept the criticism that the game has a problem like need to fix it with a patches.
Now i would've give an 8 for the rating, but i decided to tone down a bit with my official rating of 7/10.
Even though its nice to bring back, but not as fresher than the original Doom. Lets hope id will make a improvement sequel to have a better story and better graphics to learn their lesson.
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or suggestions, let me know on the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out. ;)
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