Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review. Well, im going back to Marvel films. Specifically, Marvel Cinematic Universe, like i said last year, i am a big fan of it, it has likable characters and great action movies.
But this time, this one is going to a brawl between the members of The Avengers. Which is the movie that il review it, because i expecting to see a great superheroes battle. It was directed by the Russo brothers (Anthony and Joe who also did with Winter Soldier.), produced by Kevin Fiege and written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely.
So, can this movie will be a great Royal Rumble, or is it gonna be disappointed as Batman V Superman?
Lets find out.
The story
Ever since The Avengers is in the mission to fight the bad guys, but things is going down of hill. After Scarlet Witch accidentally threw Crossbones (aka Brock Rumlow) with her telekinetic power, he blew next to a monument of Wakandan, causing to kill the workers and it got controversial news. Because of that, Thaddeus Ross a man who charge in fictional U.S. Secretary of State (I say fictional, because in reality, it was charged by John Kerry.) is informing that United Nation is going to control The Avengers that its either accept or retire them. Tony Stark is support them after a many times that he and the members of The Avengers that they cause a disaster in various countries. But Steve Rogers refused it, because he wants his team to be safe from UN. So The Avengers was separated for the ultimate combat from the protection of politics.
As you may not know, it was based on the comic with a same name that was originally written by Mark Millar. Despite the same concept, it also add a subplot that was involve with Bucky Barnes (aka The Winter Soldier) who killed someone who got the serum and Bucky has to deal with his nemesis, a Slovakian terrorist name Helmut Zemo.
The story itself is impressive and i gotta say, it has a better truth than Batman V Superman. You heard that DC universe, Marvel did it right! Despite the similarity, its much more fun with 5 vs 5 or six heroes.
The production
Im not sure to say, the production is always great for MCU. It has a great action scenes and even a cool looking costumes. For example, for Vision, it was done with motion capture, because of his skin colors of texture and few other like the actors where jumping around behind the blue screen if you seen it on Facebook, even though it has a good stunt scene with a string or some its just a low jump. ^^; Some that i was surprised like Tony Stark's wrist armor when he fight Bucky or even a size of Ant-man that it find it surprisingly cool. But the only problem is that some scene is almost spoiling like War Machine has been blast down and almost die, i mean come on, don't spoiled it that many people thinks that he's dead. However, they said that this is the last Captain America standalone movies with trilogy, although they still have a plan for next movies with him in Infinite War part 1 and 2.
The production is always great like before, but they could've avoid some spoiler scene in the trailer.
The characters
Im pretty sure you're familiar with all these characters.
First there's Captain America aka Steve Rogers (Played by Chris Evans.). Even though im not a fan of him, but he's a great hero. He has super strength, overly protective with powerful shield which he can see faster for some reason... ^^; Even though i never seen two previous Captain America movies, but hey, he's interesting that Chris did a great job.
Next there's Iron Man aka Tony Stark (Played by Robert Downey Jr.), he's my personal fav hero in Marvel Universe, he's genius with technology and he has a sense of humor thanks to Downey's role. I mean he's like a show stealer to enjoy the movie. But in this movie, he's a main antagonist that he's a tyrant of UN like in the comic, but im ok for that to follow the story. Robert Downey, you're always did a great job for his role. Oh btw, he's still going his role in the forth Iron Man, thats a bonus. :)
Then there's Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff (Played by Scarlett Johansson), she's also my fav hero in the movie that not only she's beautiful, but she's pretty badass with agility and her gadgets since she worked as a spy and a former of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Even though i still want her own standalone movie... But meh, at least Johansson has always a great role.
Next is Bucky Barnes aka Winter Soldier (played Sebastian Stan). Like Steve Rogers, i never seen his previous films, but i find him pretty badass and outright brutal, despite that he's an anti-hero and a friend with Steve Rogers. Even though he was disappeared before, until he returned with a powerful robot arm on his left.
There a few other heroes like Hawkeye (played by Jeremy Renner), Scarlet Witch (played by Elizabeth Olsen) Ant-Man (The one that i mentioned before that he was played by Paul Rudd.), Falcon (another one that i mentioned before that he was played by Anthony Mackie), War Machine (played by Don Cheadle) and Vision (played by Paul Bettany). But they also brought newcomers like Black Panther and of course, Spider-man.
For Black Panther aka T'Challa (played Chadwick Boseman), i find him an interesting character, despite he's supposed to be a character with sympathy since he wanted to save his father T'Chaka. But he could've introducing in his own movie than Civil War, but i guess im ok for that, il wait for his own movie.
For Spider-man aka Peter Parker (played by Tom Holland), Spider-man is the character it has been debated for the best role, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield or Tom Holland. I remembered Tobey's role that i though he had a great role when i was young. Looking back as i grew up, he always have a great role. As for Andrew, he find him an interesting role since he played "The amazing Spider-man", which he almost steal the show. But now we have Tom Holland, despite he's young with 19 year old, but i think he did a great job for his role, so i can't wait to see his own movie in MCU of "Spider-Man Homecoming".
Finally there's another antagonist in the movie, Helmut Zemo, played by... Daniel Bruhl? A same guy who played Niki Lauda from Rush? Well, i guess this is the second time i mention him. Although he's cool and did a great job, but the only disappointed part of him is that he doesn't wear his signature costume like his mask in the comic, it didn't happen until the future films of MCU.
And if you're wondering about Stan Lee's cameo, he's in the movie, because... We love Stan Lee. ^^
And now for my final opinion of the film.
Overall, Captain America Civil War is impressive film with a Royal Rumble superheroes with interesting story, likable characters as always and the production is great and as always, it has a fun sense of humor. Even though some that was disappointing like the absent of Zemo's mask and some scene in trailer is almost spoiling. And boy, this movie is been over two in half hours like Batman V Superman. If you're a fan of Marvel or a fan of superheroes battle Royal, this one is for you. Its much more better than Batman V Superman.
Since im a fan of Marvel, i give this movie a 9/10.
So this ends my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know on the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out. ;)
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