Note: This review was originally to be after GP Monaco, but i decided to wait for few days later. Thank you.

Well, this gonna be my first review with Blizzard, the company that we all know and love that they made World of Warcraft and Starcraft (I wonder if they made a WoW version of Starcraft, it would be awesome too.).
Although i've never play them ,but i did played the first and two Starcraft games, which they're great, even though im only a fanboy of age of Empires.
But then, Blizzard decided to make an online shoot'em up game that is Overwatch, a 2016 game game we praised for our anticipation, since they introduced a new characters in the game called "Heroes of the storm".
With all that said, can this game will be a best Blizzard work of 2016, or is it gonna be a trainwreck of controversies?
Lets find out.
Like i said before in my thoughts of Beta, its similar game style of Team Fortress 2, but completely different, like rather than fight your player opponents, you can team up with players to fight against the AI, it has a customized match and even weekly brawl match that whether is with obstacle or even a rivalry like Genji vs Hanzo or even Widowmaker vs Tracer. There four type of matches, Assault is a capturing location points to fight against these defenders, Escort is kinda like TF2 bomb match where you bring a vehicle to the enemies base, Assault/Escort is a mix with two type of matches where you capture a location and escort the vehicule to the enemies base and control that is kinda like King of the hill match with 2 or 3 rounds to win the battle.
Even though its fun at first, but gets repetitive that you'll live in the same map that is a little bit short since it has 12 maps. It makes you wish you want to play other type of match like Oddball, capture the flag, moving King of the hills or Slayer. I guess its because Blizzard try not to make this boring as Call of Duty or even Halo.
For the graphic, it looks pretty cool and it kinda looks like a work of Pixar or even Dreamworks with the character designs. The backgrounds are pretty impressive for the Sci-fi game, with desert like Route 66 with hover-cars, a futuristic studio of Hollywood, and even half steampunk of King's Row. They did a great job for a Sci-Fi concept. And of course, we all know the controversy of Tracer's butt from before that result an outcry of SJW for Nothing. Or maybe some people felt that her early pose wasn't as good for her personality. Because of that, they decided to make a new pose that not only beat SJW, but also based on a vintage cheesecake pin-up pose. Pretty creative, guys.
But sometimes that found a glitch like when i died as Bastion, my head fall through the world that i can a sky through the ground.
As for the characters, they're pretty interesting that even some of them has one weapon or some has two weapons (Like Mercy for example that she has potion staff and a single pistol.). They're 6 of them are offense, 6 of defenders, 5 of tanks and 4 supporters, in total, it has 21 type of characters in the game. Thats a lot than TF2. For my fav offense that i played, it will be Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76 and Tracer (Even though i wish i could play others like Genji or McCree.
), as for defenders, it will be Bastion, Junkrat, Torbjorn and Widowmaker, for Tanks, it will be D.Va and Roadhog and for supporters, im not sure about them, i like Zenyatta and Mercy. And unlike TF2 characters, these guys has their ultimate move like Soldier 76 will easily shoot you down with his special vision, Winston going rampage if his glasses is broken, Bastion turn into a tank or even Mercy revives you (Heroes never dies!).
But sometimes, the characters can be unfair to kill them. For example, Bastion can turn into a turret form to easily defends the location with a friggin chaingun that you'll lose all your health. Another example is Mei (I know that she's cute, but hear me out.) although she only has a freezing gun, but she can also block her opponents with her wall of ice or even Reinhardt uses his big shield, despite that he's a huge target. Or others that is outright unfair to survive yourself, like when D.Va put a self-destruct of her mecha, it explode with more megaton that you'll never able to run far away from that.
As for the bad thing about this game? Aside from a repetitive maps and matches, the game also has a microtransaction of loot boxes. Yup, its another type of game that has a thing that we hate so much. But these loots as a microtransaction? No, this is just stupidly lazy, why we wanna waste our wallet to buy these box. I mean i don't care about those junks, i want to leveling up to get a new loot box to have a new paints, new skin or costumes, new icon, new pose or even a new highlights to introduce the characters. Stupid microtransaction... But the game doesn't have a campaign gameplay, instead, the story only shows in the trailer or even a introduction of the game. Which the story tells at the origins that there's protection of the world called "Overwatch" by United Nation to stop the evil force called "Omnic Crisis" which they want to taking over humanity. Despite Overwatch kept saving, but they cause a lot troubles with accusations of corruption and sedition, which result that many people turned against them and Overwatch was destroyed for the terrible accident. However, it was believed due to an argument of the members to end Overwatch, even though it may or may not be confirmed for UN.
I gotta say, its kinda like a mix between Terminator and Marvel's Civil War which is a story about the team saved the world, but cause a lot of controversies of accidentally kill those villagers. Aside some cliche's but i kinda like the origins, despite the game also has a pre-order origins skin characters like i luckily have them free.
Overall, Overwatch is a fun game and it could be a great game by Blizzard. It has an interesting gameplay (Despite its getting tiring.), great graphics and fun characters. Even though the game has not contents what we want like ranks, upgrade weapons, story gameplay and even has a microtransaction. Even though t eh game came out with $60 in retail store, but in game stores, its expansive like $80. So i bought the copy in retail, but hey, its less expansive than Doom 2016 had.
Now i though il give 10 or 8 out of 10. But since i like Overwatch with characters, backgrounds and somewhat fun gameplay, i decided to give it a 9/10.
Even though some people are disappointed to be good like give it 8 or 7 out of 10, im ok for their opinion sine it has some flaws.
It may or may not be the best game of the year, but we'll find out that Blizzard add some new characters and other contents
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.

Well, this gonna be my first review with Blizzard, the company that we all know and love that they made World of Warcraft and Starcraft (I wonder if they made a WoW version of Starcraft, it would be awesome too.).
Although i've never play them ,but i did played the first and two Starcraft games, which they're great, even though im only a fanboy of age of Empires.
But then, Blizzard decided to make an online shoot'em up game that is Overwatch, a 2016 game game we praised for our anticipation, since they introduced a new characters in the game called "Heroes of the storm".
With all that said, can this game will be a best Blizzard work of 2016, or is it gonna be a trainwreck of controversies?
Lets find out.
Like i said before in my thoughts of Beta, its similar game style of Team Fortress 2, but completely different, like rather than fight your player opponents, you can team up with players to fight against the AI, it has a customized match and even weekly brawl match that whether is with obstacle or even a rivalry like Genji vs Hanzo or even Widowmaker vs Tracer. There four type of matches, Assault is a capturing location points to fight against these defenders, Escort is kinda like TF2 bomb match where you bring a vehicle to the enemies base, Assault/Escort is a mix with two type of matches where you capture a location and escort the vehicule to the enemies base and control that is kinda like King of the hill match with 2 or 3 rounds to win the battle.
Even though its fun at first, but gets repetitive that you'll live in the same map that is a little bit short since it has 12 maps. It makes you wish you want to play other type of match like Oddball, capture the flag, moving King of the hills or Slayer. I guess its because Blizzard try not to make this boring as Call of Duty or even Halo.
For the graphic, it looks pretty cool and it kinda looks like a work of Pixar or even Dreamworks with the character designs. The backgrounds are pretty impressive for the Sci-fi game, with desert like Route 66 with hover-cars, a futuristic studio of Hollywood, and even half steampunk of King's Row. They did a great job for a Sci-Fi concept. And of course, we all know the controversy of Tracer's butt from before that result an outcry of SJW for Nothing. Or maybe some people felt that her early pose wasn't as good for her personality. Because of that, they decided to make a new pose that not only beat SJW, but also based on a vintage cheesecake pin-up pose. Pretty creative, guys.
But sometimes that found a glitch like when i died as Bastion, my head fall through the world that i can a sky through the ground.
As for the characters, they're pretty interesting that even some of them has one weapon or some has two weapons (Like Mercy for example that she has potion staff and a single pistol.). They're 6 of them are offense, 6 of defenders, 5 of tanks and 4 supporters, in total, it has 21 type of characters in the game. Thats a lot than TF2. For my fav offense that i played, it will be Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76 and Tracer (Even though i wish i could play others like Genji or McCree.
But sometimes, the characters can be unfair to kill them. For example, Bastion can turn into a turret form to easily defends the location with a friggin chaingun that you'll lose all your health. Another example is Mei (I know that she's cute, but hear me out.) although she only has a freezing gun, but she can also block her opponents with her wall of ice or even Reinhardt uses his big shield, despite that he's a huge target. Or others that is outright unfair to survive yourself, like when D.Va put a self-destruct of her mecha, it explode with more megaton that you'll never able to run far away from that.
As for the bad thing about this game? Aside from a repetitive maps and matches, the game also has a microtransaction of loot boxes. Yup, its another type of game that has a thing that we hate so much. But these loots as a microtransaction? No, this is just stupidly lazy, why we wanna waste our wallet to buy these box. I mean i don't care about those junks, i want to leveling up to get a new loot box to have a new paints, new skin or costumes, new icon, new pose or even a new highlights to introduce the characters. Stupid microtransaction... But the game doesn't have a campaign gameplay, instead, the story only shows in the trailer or even a introduction of the game. Which the story tells at the origins that there's protection of the world called "Overwatch" by United Nation to stop the evil force called "Omnic Crisis" which they want to taking over humanity. Despite Overwatch kept saving, but they cause a lot troubles with accusations of corruption and sedition, which result that many people turned against them and Overwatch was destroyed for the terrible accident. However, it was believed due to an argument of the members to end Overwatch, even though it may or may not be confirmed for UN.
I gotta say, its kinda like a mix between Terminator and Marvel's Civil War which is a story about the team saved the world, but cause a lot of controversies of accidentally kill those villagers. Aside some cliche's but i kinda like the origins, despite the game also has a pre-order origins skin characters like i luckily have them free.
Overall, Overwatch is a fun game and it could be a great game by Blizzard. It has an interesting gameplay (Despite its getting tiring.), great graphics and fun characters. Even though the game has not contents what we want like ranks, upgrade weapons, story gameplay and even has a microtransaction. Even though t eh game came out with $60 in retail store, but in game stores, its expansive like $80. So i bought the copy in retail, but hey, its less expansive than Doom 2016 had.
Now i though il give 10 or 8 out of 10. But since i like Overwatch with characters, backgrounds and somewhat fun gameplay, i decided to give it a 9/10.
Even though some people are disappointed to be good like give it 8 or 7 out of 10, im ok for their opinion sine it has some flaws.
It may or may not be the best game of the year, but we'll find out that Blizzard add some new characters and other contents
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.
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