Saturday, 30 December 2017

Movie review: Conclusion

Antaku: Anthony!!!

Dark Amethyst: *stops walking from noticing a name* ?!

After unexpected hearing a name, Team Blast (Eric and Maria Blakron, Sally Ukrone and Philip "Smasher" Caiden) runs to the hangar and sees Antaku and Dark Amethyst on the bridge over the door underneath the ship.

Dark Amethyst: *turns back and sees Antaku* You're must be Antaku... I've been waiting for you for the long time when you stalking me at many times...!

Antaku: Yeah...

Eric Blakron: *looks at them, but have a phone ring from his partner Ryan Blackonne* Yeah?

Ryan Blackonne (in phone): I finished watching a movie, i was trying to find you, but then my tracking app was crashed for no reason, after looking in various rooms and beating the heck out of soldiers, i was in the shield generator room, which i think its for the ship itself.

Eric Blakron: Hmmm... Thats good but i think il bring my girlfriend to help you, what do you think?

Ryan Blackonne: Maybe?

Sally Ukrone: You sure il help him to destroy something what he said?

Eric Blakron: Yeah, but you may also try to deal at some soldiers from this ship before they're trying to locking the generator room.

Sally Ukrone: Ok, il do it fast as you tell me. *runs away*

Eric Blakron: *nods for her acceptance*

However, after Blakron's plan and a small argument from Antaku's stalking at Dark Amethyst, antaku is approaching at him for what he want to see behind his mask.

Antaku: Take off you mask...  You don't deserve to wearing it...!

Dark Amethyst: ... What you think you'll see if i take it off?

Antaku: The face of important man from your friends, Anthony...

Bryan Emmerich: I think he's gonna unmask to showing if its Anthony or not.

Mystica: Just wait...

After 10 seconds of waiting, Dark Amethyst proceeds to taking off his mask which happens to be...


Team Blast (Without Ryan Blackonne and Sally Ukrone) was shocked to see Anthony was Dark Amethyst. Same for Bryan Emmerich and Mystica, but they're kinda predicted from Antaku's truth.

Anthony: That person you're talking about is no longer here...   He's pretty much being a weak and coward just like you, so i murdered him!!

Antaku: *approaches him slowly* ...  Thats what Obsidian said it when it comes of capturing a human victim like you as his "Chosen one".  But, you're still Anthony.

Anthony: No... Obsidian is wise and he knows who i am...!

Antaku: He used you to manipulating your memory to changing your name and turn yourself into evil to destroying your home planet.   You know its true for what he did.

Anthony: Its too late...

Antaku: No its not, you need to come back with us, since you're a hero in your home country for your brave and respectful attitude and free-speech for sharing everyone. We have to go with you to stop your "mentor". We miss you...

Anthony: *thinking himself that he saw his friends that he hung out for fun and write on the computer for attention, but later that he lost his patient and probably depressed* ... *looks down that he's probably sad for his attention* I've been depressed a lot... I just want to make attention to everyone, but i felt that nobody seems to accept, caring or helping for my problem... *sniffs* Will you help me...

Antaku: Yes, we can do anything for you to cheer up.

Accepted, Anthony drops his tear from his face that he finally get a help. After dropping his mask, he pulls out his lightsaber that he was originally to show it.

Antaku: *looks at it* You have a powerful weapon like before... *grabs it*

Meanwhile, Team Blast hears the noise outside the ship that the battle of military of Obsidian's army was started with shooting and explosion.

Eric Blakron: *hears it* I think the military are here to attacking this ship to save our city.

Marian Blakron: Yeah, i heard that.

While after waiting when Antaku holds Anthony's weapon...

Anthony unexpectedly stabs Antaku, leaving Team Blast, Bryan Emmerich and Mystica feel shock and panic from the activation of Anthony's lightsaber to Antaku's gut very hard.

Anthony: Thank you... You've help me to cheer up... For your death! *slashes away from him*

Antaku: *shivering with his eyes in static from his damage and falls off from the bridge and out of the gate to his death dramatically*

Anthony was very proud that he killed a cyborg look like of himself. But Eric Blakron was angry of killing Antaku (even though he barely know who Antaku is), with his body glows of his power that he shoots energy ball on Anthony gut

Anthony: *gets hit by an energy ball and feels that he's bleeding a bit*

But an explosion out of nowhere that the heroes and one villain hear it. Bryan Emmerich and Mystica fly to the other door that they meet Team Blast that they're preparing to leave the ship.

Meanwhile, Obsidian is alone to killing military soldiers with his weapon, but he hears an alarm sound from his mask about his ship's energy shield is destroyed. As he decided to going to the ship by stealing a helicopter to fly away.

Back to the ship, Ryan Blackonne runs around the hallway along with Sally Ukrone to find other hangar room to leave the ship, not before they notice their group to see them again, especially Ryan and Sally meet Bryan and Mystica. Once they quickly reunite, they run to find the hangar, while also beating every Ruby soldiers.

Once they finally found the hangar after 10 minutes, but get interrupted by Anthony with his purple lightsaber.

Anthony: Do you think you're going to leave without battling me...?  Because i know you're trying to sabotage my ship!

Bryan Emmerich: *sees him and his wound gut that he's bleeding, believing that Anthony is not a hybrid gem, but more of a human* I... I thought you're a hybrid gem! That is just ridicu-- *but interrupted from shooting from the helicopter that it was stolen by Obsidian*

Obsidian: You're underestimating my apprentice!!

Eric Blakron: You bastard!

Bryan Emmerich: Yeah, but is it just me or why is he bleeding than being static like any gems?

Obsidian: Well... Looks like you not only expose his face, but also asking for his blood?

Bryan Emmerich: Yeah, why is that?

Obsidian: You see, not only i want to killing off the humanity, but i also want to capture them as my elite warriors that make them much stronger than gems. Especially from a few days ago, i captured him to my operation room that i created a piece of gemstone into a liquid and injected him to make him much stronger and of course, changing his memory to change his name and removing his past. It will be my successful plan to torturing humans as my elite warrior that i can change the homeworld! *make his evil laugh for his plan*

Bryan Emmerich: You changed his memory to make Anthony as an enemy?! I don't want him as evil, he's our friend to save our own world!!

Obsidian: Well to bad, he's your enemy that he will kill you!

Eric Blakron: *throws fireball at Obsidian's rotor of helicopter*

The fireball hits at the helicopter that its about to be malfunction to falling down, but Obsidian quickly get out of the chopper and jump to the hangar. Anthony runs at Bryan Emmerich with his lightsaber swing at him in attempt to decapitating him. But Brian pulls his own lightsaber out of his pocket to parrying it, resulting Bryan and Anthony have a duel lightsaber. Eric is confronting Obsidian with his own torso glows in his preparation for a fight.

Obsidian: So you want to fight me with your bare hands? Very well... *took his own weapon away for his fist fight with Eric* And if you said you need him to save your world? I don't think so, he belongs to me!

Eric Blakron: Prove it then! *runs after Obsidian to punching on his gut*

Obsidian got hit and two of them proceeding to fight each other with bare hands. Sally Ukrone look behind two battles that there's a transporter.

Sally Ukrone: *whispers at them* Guys, i see a transporter behind them. We better have to sneak up before we have to call them, what do you think?

Smasher: *whispers back* Thats good, but we have to pick which way to pass them.

Marian Blakron: *whispers* Maybe to the left?

Sally Ukrone: Ok, we have to sneaking in without getting caught from the bad guys's eyes.

Ryan Blackonne: Ok.

Once they're trying to sneaking way from for of them fighting each other, but Anthony kicks Bryan down to the ground and sees them sneaking that he caught them with his eyes. Resulting them trying to running away from Anthony to jump on the transporter.

Unfortunately, the military brought three vehicles with rocket missiles to shoot down the ship. As they blast rocket missiles to the ship that it damages that it start to destroy itself.

Back to our heroes and Obsidian, they hear and feel the rumble of the ship that it got hit that its about to destroy with big alarm red of destruction. Due to the rumbling, the heroes and Obsidian falls on the floor of hangar, but Anthony falls, walks back in risk and nearly falls off from the hangar by holding a hangar platform edge for his life, especially losing his lightsaber all the way down to the city.

After Obsidian knocking down Eric Blakron, he notices Anthony is hanging the floor for his life that he was going save him in attempt to escape the Earth when the ship is destroy from missiles.

Obsidian: *runs at the gab to save Dark Amethyst (Anthony)*

Eric Blakron: *gets up slowly that he's not done with his body glows even more that he's going at fight back at Obsidian, by grabbing his shoulder to turn back to face-to-face, punching him multiple times on hus gut and face, until he finishes him with a hard punch on his face to damaging his mask*

Obsidian: *get punched in his face hard with his mask got damaged that he's falling off from the hangar. But unexpectedly, he was saved by a transporter and flies away with a pilot* We'll meet again, human scum!!

Eric Blakron was finally relief to defeating Obsidian, but the rumble goes aggressive that the ship is about to explode, as the heroes run to the transporter to fly away from the ship. But Anthony was losing his grips to keep hanging from the floor, but slip is too much that he's falling all the way down of doom. 

While the heroes and Anthony are off the ship, but the was falling slowly, but not before it goes to a big explosions with plenty of debris flying down and the people in Earth was celebrating that its over and capturing some Obsidian's minions to the asylum or the others (who are turned into a gemstone) was taken to the science lab for the collection for the research.

Team Blast land on the ground safely that they get off the transporter for their victorious. But their celebration was too soon, which Marian Blakron was concerned about Anthony. Once they looked around, they found him who lays on the ground. Bryan Emmerich was checking him if he's dead or not, but it turned his heart is beating, but he's suffered a coma from his fall. Devastated from his fall, Sally Ukrone brings her phone to call 911 to bringing an ambulance...

Once the ambulance brought Anthony in hospital after 20 minutes from driving, Team Blast was in the waiting room, while Bryan Emmerich was in recovery room with doctor for explaining how Anthony was in coma. Doctor explains that after examining about his body, he's suffered a blunt forced trauma, a horrific wound from its bottom left torso from the fireball, broken right arm and broken left knee. But he also said that he has a weaken heart and amnesia, which Bryan realizes that it was Obsidian's plan that he created an experiment that causes his heart fragile and changing memory. Doctor said that it may take about  1 to 1 months for cure him on surgery.

After several weeks where Team Blast was waiting, despite helping the city for cleanup from debris from ship's destruction to throwing in the junkyard, they found out the once voice message from the doctor, although the surgery of Anthony's wounds went well and woke up, but it didn't do well for the lost memory and the fragile heart. However, Bryan Emmerich returns to his fellow partners that he create his chemistry that it can heal the heart and refreshing memory with his own blood and unknown chemistry ingredient that he found in rare store. Once they they arrive in the same hospital to the patient room, Bryan brings his needle with his chemical, inject him and...    It was succeed, Anthony feels his heart is cure and remember himself.

Bryan Emmerich: Im happy you're ok and got your own memory back, pal.

Anthony: Yeah... *looks down*

Marian Blakron: whats wrong, Antho?

Anthony: *sigh* I know that im always risking myself...  As i said before, i wanted to have fun and attention to everyone that i like to talking the movies, video games, shows and others that i like to share with everyone...  I mean, i wanted to do something for fun, not just the people all over the world with the internet, but for you guys, Team Blast.  Not matter how i try to give my opinion, make fun of or giving the fact what we love or hate, i felt that i didn't get attention to everyone, i have reactions that are completely empty, i was waiting, waiting and waiting for the reaction whether they love or hate my explanations and stuff...

Bryan Emmerich: Hmm... I know that its not easy for you for the reception, you're rather an indie reviewer.

Anthony: Yeah, not only that, but i have a difficult thought for keeping my money.

Ryan Blackonne: What do you mean? You have consoles, cool cars like Mustang and Formul8r and some others in your own home.

Anthony: I know, but its just that i wasted a lot for my big plan that i need like new laptop, new video game console and perhaps tablet for my new level. The combination of the lack of support, wasteful of money, without my friends, running out of blocking my ideas and my attitude problem, it easily cause myself to a depression...

Bryan Emmerich: Oh...

Marian Blakron: Oh my gosh...

Eric Blakron: Hmm...

Anthony: Even though i left my room that i traveled in various dimension and then back into our world that i had a special racing event, i though im in a fun man again, but it didn't make it very long that i nearly killed myself from the crash, which i felt its too soon that im still in risk of my life, until you probably know what happened to me.

Bryan Emmerich: Yeah, when you got captured and turned against us with Obsidian.

Anthony: My depression gets too much that i turned evil with him that i wanted kill everyone in hatred without my attention nor respect...

Marian Blakron: Yeah... But im pretty sure you felt desperate to get attention and help, right?

Anthony: *sniffs* Yeah...   I just really want a help with everyone, even with you guys... I always hated myself when i kept losing my experience that i always want to kill myself...  *starts crying from his pain and depression*

Marian Blakron: Ohh... *gives him a hug* Its ok Antho...  Its ok... There's no need to kill yourself or anything bad on you... We're still with you for your help of your problem...

Anthony: I tried that i want to...

Marian Blakron: I know that you want to have patient if they like your work or not... Its more like a practice or a test for you, you need to take your time for your plans and stuff...  But, we think you're doing not bad, you're such a nice, kinda smart and a funny person. But you can take a break if you want if you're having a block or something. Believe not just yourself or even enjoy your idea, but also your friends that you can hang out with if you're in the mood. So please, don't be in negative if the depression hits you again, we're still here with you, so does your friends in the internet, Anthony.

Anthony: Thanks...  Whenever you said to me, you reminding me when i hugged with my mom while crying when i was young...  My mom understand how i had a problem that i lost my positive attitude when i was in school or in my home...  I really want to have a help for learn from my trouble...

Marian Blakron: I understand Anthony...   I understand what you feel back them... *kiss on his cheek*

With Anthony was cured and live happily, but he's still having a difficult the lack of his honesty, respect and struggling with depression. But Team Blast is still with him for the help of his problem, difficulty or perhaps a panic. After leaving hospital, he's finally going back to his home for take a relax in his room to take a nap, watching a movie and reading a book. After 2 days, he comes back as a happy person to have fun, entertaining and sharing story and his opinion with everyone what he like to talking about. Although he's making his own list for his plan in his future. Despite his flaws, he's glad to be back normal and lives happily ever after...


Corporate Driver: *sighs* I am so sick and tired of losing a lot, since not only those idiots destroyed that unknown object over the city, but it also ruined my headquarter from plenty of dog-fighters!!!

Secretary Driver: Don't you mean "Starfighters" of these evil gems?

Corporate Driver: I don't give a S***!! Could you call somebody to clean up my HQ to fix my stuff. And also asking them to pay me for permission?

Secretary Driver: Ok, but do you think paying is--

Corporate Driver: F** off and ask anyone to clean my place for F*** sake!!

Secretary Driver: Ok ok, il do it... Geez... *picks up a phone book to call random strangers for help*

Corporate Driver: Now then... Next time, il take control many companies for my favor of changing and perhaps cancelling... *crackles*

The end?

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Movie review: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Previously on Movie review 2017...

Antaku: Im here to save you guys...

Bryan Emmerich: Ok, but we want to know who you are and what are you come from?

Antaku: I come from other dimension where i saw a man named Anthony who's trying save me from Major Kusanagi.

Bryan Emmerich: Ah ok. Anything else about Major or Anthony?

Antaku: ... I know what happen to Anthony...

Bryan and Mystica: Huh?


Obsidian: *stand in the rooftop with Dark Amethyst* Looks like we're gonna win to taking over this city before the entire world.

Dark Amethyst: *nods*

Obsidian: *hears an alarm buzzer from his mask of calling and starts to calling one of his minion* Yes, Ruby?

Ruby (radio sound): We're in intruder alarm!! There's some other being who's breaking the prisoners free that we're trying destroy it, but one of them has power to poofing us down!! We need you-- *interrupted from the attack out of nowhere and disconnected*

Obsidian: Hmm...  They're must be breaking out to fight back on us...  Dark Amethyst, go to our ship to find the prisoners and kill the intruder.

Dark Amethyst: *nods and runs away to find the transporter*

Obsidian: *looks away that he notices human military vehicles coming to attack his army* They're coming... 


*Team Blast (Eric Blakron, Ryan Blackonne and Philip "Smasher" Caiden in their Ford Mustang 2017. And Sally Ukrone and Marian Blakron in their Chevrolet Camaro open hooded) go to the city to join the war.*

Ryan Blackonne: Ok, im pretty sure Bryan Emmerich and his girlfriend got kidnapped by those evil gems to kill them or something, im pretty sure we're to find some kind of flying vehicle to get in this big ship.

Smasher: Yeah, im pretty sure we better get a helicopter?

Ryan Blackonne: I don't think it'll work, cause they don't like chopper. How about their that transporting their army?

Smasher: Yeah, i think it is.

Eric Blakron: Yeah, looks like we're arrive to the city.

Ryan Blackonne: Ok, we better find the transporter before it'll flying away.

*While they're finding, they see one transporter lands on the ground to sending our soldiers*

Smasher: There it is!!

Sally Ukrone: Il take care on those bastards. *jumping out of Camaro to attacking the soldiers*

Smasher: *climbs out of a car*

Eric Blakron: What are you doing?

Smasher: Il try my best to get in the transporter...! *jumps away from the top of Mustang to the transporter before fly away, which he punches the head of pilot (Peridot) and throws it away that it poofs into a gemstone and piloting a transporter*

*While some members of Team Blast knocking down soldiers, they're getting in transporter to flying to the ship to landing in the hangar*

Marian Blakron: You did a nice one to stop the enemy pilot.

Smasher: No problem.

*As they land in the hangar, they get out of the transporter, beating up more soldiers and runs around the place to finding Bryan Emmerich and Mystica*

Smasher: Im pretty sure the ship itself is like a maze that we have to find them as possible.

Sally Ukrone: You bet so.

Ryan Emmerich: *looks around, until he sees a dark room with a light* There's something in the room, come with me, please?

*when they check the room, it turns out its a room of a movie "Star Wars: The Last Jedi".*

Eric Blakron: There's a movie in the dark room? Why the hell they have that?

Smasher: Yeah, its a long story...

Ryan Emmerich: Hmm... May i wanna stay there, because i was curious to see this movie.

Eric Blakron: Ok, but you better activate your phone radar to figure out where are we, ok?

Ryan Emmerich: Ok. See ya later.

*As they left for their mission, Ryan Blackonne is sit on the chair to watch a movie*

Ryan Blackonne: Alright, i saw "The Force Awakens" which it was great, so maybe it'll be great too? Only way to find out.

*2 in a half hours later*

Ryan Blackonne: Hmmm...  Its a great movie, but... I don't think its perfect as "The Force Awakens"...

*review starts*

Hello everyone, i am Ryan Blackonne, and this is a movie review.

From two years ago, we have "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", a film that was considered to be a major success for the box-office and a great comeback, which we can't wait for Ep. 8.

Then last year, we say "Rogue One", which is the first anthology of Star Wars franchise, which its nice at first, but it would've been better.

So after 2 years of waiting, we got this movie that we're highly anticipating.

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" is a 2017 sci-fi film that was written/directed by Riam Johnson and produced by Kathleen Kennedy and Ram Bergman.

From before, we've seen the ending where Rey founded a rare planet "Ahch-To" to see Luke Skywalker for teaching to become a Jedi, while the First Order unexpectedly return for revenge.

Although we already know that before the film came out, our legendary actress Carrie Fisher was sadly passed away after she was finished acting, which of course, this movie must be dedicated to her.

So, with all explained, will this movie will be strong with the force, or is this film will probably become a blacksheep since "The Empire Strikes Back"?

Lets find out about it.

The Story
As you know, it picks up right after "The Force Awakens", where of course, Rey come to Ahch-To to see Luke Skywalker for helping Resistance. However, Luke refused it, due to the fact he was disillusion for the failure of Jedi and learning about the death of Han Solo, despite that Rey was mysteriously talking to Kylo Ren with telepathy vision. Although Luke revisit a Millennium Falcon, he was surprise to see R2-D2, so he decided to accepting to Rey for teaching her about the lightsaber and the force. However, the Resistance was been followed by the First Order after Starkiller Base was destroyed. So its up to our heroes has to find the way to dueling at First Order once again.

Though the main plot was actually interesting, which is similar of "The Empire Strikes Back", because of the Jedi training and the truth, which it would be interesting to making Rey prepared to be powerful like Luke. But sadly, the main plot was stopped to the subplot about the Resistance been chased by the First Order, not before where Finn and Rose has to find the way to dealing First Order's big ship with Supreme Leader Snoke, by finding a codebreaker about the tracking device thingy from the First Order's ship and later on, it never happened nor mentioned anymore. Another element that's a waste of time is during the first act when Kylo Ren notice General Leia, which we though he's gonna killing her, but of course, it never happened anymore. (sorry if i spoil it.)

The story itself is rather above average, it would've been mainly focus on Rey's training, but it goes to a other plot that never happened or not. Talk about a confusion writing. And speaking of writing, its rather pretty cool and some part of dialogue has a sense of humor that it did made me laugh.

The production
Like "The Force Awakens", the development of this movie looks fantastic, whether it was done with CGI and sometimes practical. The most famous example for practical is BB-8, it was done with remote control while filming, they did a nice work on that. the filming location and how it looks is fantastic and beautiful, like filming of Ahch-To was located on Skellig Michael, Ireland, even though it had a difficult filming in the island, due to the rough weather and condition, which they film this place for four days. Another location example is new planet called "Crait", the filming was located on Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, its a cool place choice for a new concept of planet. The action sequence, once again, it looks great like a roller coaster, especially with old speeders on "Crait" or the space battle in the first act. The designs looks pretty cool with new weapons, new vehicles (like the new A-wing and Kylo Ren's fighter) and creatures. But the one creature that i probably don't like is a furry bird creature in "Ahch-To" named "Porg", though i know it tries to be look cute, but i can't stand, because of its noise, which it sounds like kid's scream synthesizer. I mean it gets annoying easily for me. Even though there's some scenes that went in illusion, like a scene where Rey follow the path of force of meditation or perhaps a mirror scene. I mean, i though i was watching Star Wars, not "Doctor Strange 2".

The production of this movie is still looking fantastic for the creative, innovation production and probably one creature that i don't like.

The characters
Im sure some of you probably familiar with the characters in "The Force Awakens". For some others don't il give a summarize a bit and explain right now. Not only that, but it has some new characters.

First is our main hero named Rey (played by Daisy Ridley), she's known to be a scavenger in Jakku and later on, she was revealed to be a Force-sensitive girl from the past. Which of course, we're routing her that she'll become a Jedi to facing at First Order, but i won't spoil about her. But of course, i can say she's an interesting character and Daisy did a nice job of her character.

On her side, we have master Luke Skywalker (played by Mark Hamill), from before, he's a young hero that he likes to adventure in galaxy and follow the path of Jedi like his father. In this movie, he's rather serious and self-imposed, since the failure of the Jedi after thirty years. Even though he's like Yoda in mysterious planet, but rather serious since (with the title suggest), the Jedi has coming to an end. Its not easy how we consider whether Jedi was real or even a legend from decade ago at prequel trilogy. Despite that, Mark Hamill did a great work of his role, which is nice to see him as his famous character in Star Wars history.

Next, we have General Leia Organa (played by the late Carrie Fisher), as we know before, she's the princess of rebel and a sister of Luke. Here, she's been aged and became a general of Resistance for dealing the First Order. Even though there's nothing change, but Carrie did a great job of her role, considering that its her final role in the movie before past away one year before the film came out recently.

Then we have Finn (played by John Boyega), he's known to be a former Stormtrooper who escaped to the Rebels. He was an interesting character in the movie, even though he was used in the subplot to finding a codebreaker. Although still, Boyega did a nice work of his role.

Next, is Poe Dameron (played by Oscar Isaac), he's known to be an expert pilot of X-wing in rebel with BB-8. Here, despite a bit the same, but he's more of intention for his plan, like we he wanted to bring ever members of Resistance in the transporter to save themselves. I think he got an interesting extra persona when it comes to a backup plan. But still, Oscar is also nice work of his role.

While there's other heroes with old and new like Chewbacca who's played by Joonas Suotamo (Because Peter Mayhew is getting old of 73 with back pain, which he's probably going to retire his acting.), C-3PO (played by Anthony Daniels), Rose Tico (played by Kelly Marie Tran) who's a new character to working with Finn for the plan of tracking thing, DJ (played by Benicio del Toro), who's a codebreaker and probably intoxicated man and Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo (played by Laura Dern) who's an officer of Resistance.

As for the villains, we have of course, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (played by Adam Driver), he's cool villain for seeking revenge for Darth Vader and looking for Rey about the ending Jedi. Like before, no matter if First Order failed, it always made him in mental breakdown to destroying something. Even though now, it has a plot element where it has some sort of connection between Rey and Kylo, but again i don't want to spoil the truth, but Adam is always good job of his villain role.

From Kylo side, we have Supreme Leader Snoke (played by Andy Serkis), he's known to be the lord of First Order and probably strongest Sith since we finally reveal who he is in this movie. He has dark force and probably threatening villain for his demand towards General Hux or Kylo. Even though that i can't help bu thinking he sorta similar personality of Darth Sidious. His appearance was all done in motion capture like any previous film where Serkis has done from decades like "Lord of the Rings", but they did a nice work for his appearance and Andy did a nice job.

They're two other characters in First Order like General Hux (played by Domhnall Gleeson) and Captain Phasma (played by Gwendoline Christie).

Although the characters are likable if we're familiar of the classic Sci-fi franchise. But other times some old/new casts are appeared shortly for a minute or perhaps death, its almost like they're being objectified that we want to see them again for more appearance, but in reality, they appeared for like less than a minute.

And now for the conclusion of the film.
Overall, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" was a pretty good movie, but its not as perfect than "The Force Awakens", with story got split for the main focus was good, but others are a waste of time, the production looks fantastic for the creativity and the characters, although some are likable to watch, but others are objectified for a small moments. Even though that im aware that this film was either critical acclaim, or perhaps another "Blacksheep" Star Wars film since "The Empire Strikes Back". Even though its not the weakest film of the sequel trilogy, but hope for the better in episode 9. If you like Star Wars or following after "The Force Awakens", this one is for you.

I hate to say for Star Wars fans, i though it will be a perfect 10 rating, but it dropped that il give this movie an 8/10. again, its a pretty good movie, but not very perfect.

Well, thats all for the review. If you guys have your honest opinion or even request of review, let me know at the comment.

Thanks for reading, Blackonne out.

*review ends*

Ryan Blackonne: *leaves the room* Ok, i got this movie out of way, despite it would've been better than before... *grabs his phone to activate a map for scanning to find his partners*

*meanwhile, with Bryan Emmerich, Mystica and Antaku*

Mystica: Are you sure we have to find Dark Amethyst who's behind the mask.

Antaku: Yes, we have to deal with him before we go.

Bryan Emmerich: I don't know why is that, but i still wish if Anthony is fine...

*while they're sneaking, they're in the other hangar (with a bottom gate of the ship), they see Dark Amethyst who's standing in the bridge to finding the prisoners alone*

Mystica: *whispers* There he is!

Antaku: Ah...

Bryan Emmerich: Should we fight him?

Antaku: No... Il go after him for the real truth.

Bryan Emmerich: You'll go after him for negotiation?

Antaku: Yes, thats what i want for my order to know who he is, i know who this guy behind the mask is when i spied him secretly...

Mystica: Ok, be careful.

Antaku: *walks in to the bridge that he's far behind of Dark Amethyst*

Dark Amethyst: *starts to walking away*

Antaku: ...    Anthony!!!

Dark Amethyst: *stops from noticing a name* ?!

To be Concluded...

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Movie Review: Coco


Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.

From a few months ago, i talked about "Cars 3", a sequel that although it was considered to be improvement, but its not as perfect that it use the same story from the first movie, but with a new plot element.

Which it makes me wondering if their second film would better or disappointing us after "Cars 3"? Thats exactly il talk about the film that came out recently.

"Coco" is a 2017 Pixar animation film that was written/directed by Lee Unkrich, produced by Darla K. Anderson, written by Adrian Molina and Matthew Aldrich.

This is one of the film that it was announced from a few months ago that we're curiously find out about it. Which this animated movie included the theme of Mexican's "Day of the dead". In other words, its an animated movie with Mexican's culture, which i like that idea that i was popped in and find out. And as you already know, this is not the only film has Mexican's culture, there's a film called "Book of Life", which it was actually good, but i never seen this movie.

So, with all that said, will this movie holds up from Mexican's culture, or is this film ended up being foreshadowed by Cars 3 and Book of life?

Lets find out

The Story
It began from the past where the late great great grandmother named Imelda had a relation with a famous musician, but he moved away to travelling in various countries. Because of that, she decided to banning musical stuff and focused with shoemaking. Fast-forward in present time(?), we have our main great great grandson named "Miguel" who's been dreaming to become musician like the late star named " Ernesto de la Cruz". But he realized that Ernesto has a same connection from his great great parents, but he got rejected by his grandmother Elena, believing musical is cursing the family and destroyed his guitar. Devastated from rejection, he ran away as if he was desperate to find out about his great great grandfather. After entering the cemetery, he grabbed a musician's guitar to play it, he realized that after playing it, he was transported to the other world, which happened to be "Land of the dead", since he was entered, he's going to find out about his great great grandfather.

I gotta say, i find the story itself is actually fascinating, its not just for the family or even the music, its more like about remembering the old time that we probably forgot about it. It is pretty sad that forgot what happen to the past about our late parents. But having idea of banning stuff that we like in the past might be hurting our pas that we easily forgot about. Though i may think the story feels a bit similar from the previous Pixar film "Finding Dory". Where "Finding Dory" is about being forgotten about family. In Coco, its about finding whether Ernesto is a father for a song or not. There's a subplot about the song "Remember me" for not only about finding the father, its for dedication to Grandmother Coco, but we not sure who did it for a tribute, but i won't spoil it for the truth.

The story is impressive and yet emotional that we understand about forgotten past that nobody want to believe or not.

The Animation
Like i said, its another great work of animation by Pixar. But in this movie, its not only great looking, but also pretty colorful since "Inside Out". For example, the design of "Land of the dead" looks pretty cool and colorful. There a lot of apartments with colors, i love it. As for the real world (aka Human world), its also looks pretty cool and nicely done for how Mexican's look like. As for the characters, for humans, they look pretty cool like previous Pixar films. And for the dead people in "Land of the dead", they look fascinated, but yeah, i know they're basically like a cartoony skeletons, but it looks nice and sometimes colorful from their body parts, though sometimes some female skeletons can be a bit fan-service-ish from the hips, its kinda weird that i looked at, but i digress. And for the work of animation, it works pretty nice for how the human moves, sometimes fast-pace and interesting effects like lighting, fading and colorful change.

The animation is amazingly done of Mexican cultures with colors, the designs and how nice and smooth of animation.

The characters
When it comes to the characters, i find some of them are quite interesting.

First is our main boy Miguel Rivera (voiced by young actor Anthony Gonzalez ), its obvious to tell he's a typical kid who conquer his dream to become famous for music. But he's not a typical dreamer, but he was fascinated from his great great grandfather, because he loves musical, despite that again, his family claimed that it causes to ruining their parentship for moving away to vanished. But to be fair, he's rather an interesting kid and i can say Anthony Gonzalez did  a nice work of his role and i think its the first time as a main role.

Next, we have Hector (voiced by Gael García Bernal). He's portray as a trickster who's trying to hide his identity for travelling in living world as a ghost in "Day of the dead". Which at first, i though he's gonna be like an out of context character of the movie, but in reality, he's a character for a plot device for helping Miguel for a music for his supposed great great grandfather. I find him good character and for the fun fact, Gael is not the only language that he voiced his character, but he also provided his role in Spanish language. Nice touch.

Then we have Elena Rivera (voiced by Renee Victor). She sorta like Imelda for protecting her family with banning music for obvious reason. Which at first, i usually hated her, because of over-protection from the "curse of family". Despite Renee did a nice work of her role, but she's easily my least favorite for her over-protective with banning.

Speaking of that, we have Imelda (voiced by Alanna Ubach), who's not only the one who first banning music, but she's also a matriarch of Rivera Family. Unlike Elena, i find her to be rather interesting, not because for her attention of music is bad, but its just that despite her death, its nice to see her in "Day of the Dead". Though she sorta have a sympathy for Miguel for music, but thats a different story, which again, i won't spoil it.

Speaking of sympathy, we have Mama Coco (voiced by Ana Ofelia Murguía). That lady is the one that i probably feel sorry for her, which she may know about her father, but she lost her memory from the past almost everything, since she's nearly dying. I mean, its not easy to find about the past, due to the issue of separation family.

Finally we have Ernesto de la Cruz (voiced by Benjamin Bratt). As you know, he's a famous musician that it got inspiration from Miguel. Even though he had an unexpected death in his stage of "Remember me". I find him to be interesting, for charming and love for the fans, especially for the dead people. And i think its the second time that i saw him since MCU's "Doctor Strange".

They're few other characters, most notable is various late parents of Rivera like Julio (voiced by Alfonso Arau), Rosita (voiced by Selene Luna ), Victoria (voiced by Dyana Ortellí) and brothers like Felipe and Oscar (both of them voiced by Herbert Siguenza). Although there's few mores aside of Rivera Family, especially some of them are voiced by John Ratzenberger (aka Hamm from Toy Story) and even Gabriel Iglesias ("DAAAYUUM!! 0_0"  I always wanna do that. XD)

Some of the characters are likable for their truth, personalities and others. Even though some that i don't like.

And now for my final opinion of this film.
Overall, Coco is another Pixar's successful movie they've ever done. With beautiful story, amazingly colorful animations and the characters are pretty good. I can say the Mexicans will enjoy this movie for the not just for cultures, but also feels similar for looking back from the past that we missed a lot, despite if we're a part of parents, we like to keep in privacy in public, until later or not. Despite that, i can say its the best animated film of 2017. But if not THE best film of the year, since few months ago, i enjoyed Logan with 10/10 for a good respect to our legendary actor's final role. But will Coco will be better than Logan, or it'll get foreshadowed by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi".

Oh btw, you're probably wondering about Disney's short film called "Olaf's Frozen Adventure"? I can its a nice short. But my problem is WE GET IT!! FROZEN 2 WAS ALREADY ANNOUNCED TO 2019!! IT WOULD'VE BEEN OK TO PUT IT IN 2018!!!

Sorry!! Sorry, i lost my patient before Coco, im so sorry about my temper of losing patients, its just unprofessional. I supposed to be positive at the end of my review.  So either way, il give this short 8/10.

Anyway, il give Coco a perfect 10/10. Go watch it if you love Pixar and even Mexican cultures.

So this ends of my movie review, if you guys have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know in the comments bellow.

Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Movie Review: Justice League

Warning: This review contains Spoiler for the story (Except the final act). Readers Discretion is advised.

*Previously of Movie reviews 2017*

Bryan Emmerich: Well, that was actually a great one.

Mystica: Wow, thats pretty cool.

Bryan Emmerich: So, i guess we're only have one comic book remain. *picks up "Justice League Movie"* So now we got another one, but it was on DC Universe. Since we got a good one like "Wonder woman", lets hope its gonna be good too, right? *opens it up and looks at it*

*present time, at 2 hours later*

Bryan Emmerich: ... *sigh*  I would've been good potential, but it disappoints again...  And, maybe its better than Batman V Superman...?

*Review starts*

Greetings everyone, my name is Bryan Emmerich and welcome back to Movie Review.

Last year, we saw "Batman V Superman" which is the film that it disappoints us so bad for the waste of potential, with questionable story, production is just a teasing for how to look good like people like to talk about graphics than the gameplay and some of the characters would've done better. Then a few months ago, we saw Wonder Woman and it was surprisingly good that we're very happy it may considered to be a redemption, right?

"Justice League" is a 2017 DC Superheroes movie that was directed by Zack Snyder (Also wrote the story), produced by Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder, Jon Berg and Geoff Johns and written by Chris Terrio and Joss Whedon.

This is the film that many fans we wanna see a group of DC heroes on the big screen, especially that we've seen a fan-made videos that we really wish if it happens. However during the film development, it had a lot of issues for causing a delayed production. They originally attended to do part 1 and 2, but they changed it for plenty of reasons. The most recent is the second part is gonna be the focus of Batman, but Ben Affleck was about to stepped down of his portrayal of The Dark Knight, which he'll be replaced by different actor and also stepped down while developing another standalone Batman movie. And another reason is that Zack's daughter sadly passed away that he hired Joss Whedon in order for more writing, co-directing and even reshooting.

So, with all that said for the delayed an a dream come true to DC fans, will this movie holds up for Justice, or is this film gonna be suffer-able like Batman V Superman?

Lets find out.

The Story
It takes place sometimes after the death of Superman (Oh yeah, Spoiler alert if you haven't seen Batman V Superman), many people was depressed that The Man of Steel is gone. Many heroes like Batman and Wonder Woman work as a hero to facing against crimes and several villains. However when Diana Prince meets Bruce Wayne, she told about the main villain "Steppenwolf", where he his goal is to capturing three cubes called "Mother Boxes" to combining together for a dark energy on Earth, but he was being banished by the heroes of Amazons, Atlanteans, Olympian Gods and Green Lantern Corp (Wait what?!) to keep those boxes away in verious locations to keep safe like Themyscira, Atlantis and some unknown location. And due to Superman's death, the boxes is triggered that Steppenwolf is coming back for his plan B from "Darkseid". So, its up to Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg for facing at Steppenwolf.

Though its an interesting story though kinda typical story of heroes, but here's the problem, the story ended up being rush, i mean its just that it start to explain about the plan, and then it changed that we introduce the other heroes. Like come on, just slow down that we can meet some others later on. But the one part that it pinches me is the subplot where our heroes decided to brought Superman back alive in the Second act. I mean Why?! Why did they brought him back early?! Like it would've been ok to bring him back in the third act, but instead, they're like "Ugh, we're too weak, lets him Superman back alive". I mean, i know its because they wanted him back for the second Standalone Superman movie, but come on, this is just the rushed story of S*** load of F***!!

The plot of this movie would've going slow down, even though that they brought one character alive too soon before the third act. Talk about a thin plot...

The production
To be fair, the production itself of this movies is rather alright to tell for how it looks. The action scene is pretty cool, intense, but it kinda went short. I mean, if you've seen the previous Superhero films, you can see the action sequence goes long for like a quarter of hours and also fun. But here, the action scene is like it goes for a minutes. They're only have about seven action scenes in the movie, which to be fair, some of them are fun and simple, but other is just ended up waste of time of the heroes come to keep the boxes. And btw, this movie was developed over 300 million dollars of budget, thats about like two times of budgets like either 120 or 150 million dollars. But it made me wanna ask a question: "ARE YOU SURE THAT THIS IS A 300 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE!?". I mean, if you wanna talk about the CGI effects, it looks either good and others ended up look cheap that its almost it belongs to a video game. Its as if they forgot to finalize the effects before make it to the theater. Like for example, when you look at Superman, they edited his face without facial hairs, which its just plain ugly to look at, unless you counted the appearance of Steppenwolf, he looks like he's rejected boss of superhero video game for a poor quality of its face of the rest of body or armors. As for the costume design, although they brought back from previous films, but they look pretty cool, which i like their designs. However the appearance of Cyborg was done in motion capture, because his body armor is also done with CG, which it looks not bad. But other times, the movie also have a product placement of Mercedes from the first act, its as if they're trying to commercializing the cars from German company in the movie. So maybe they like seeing Lewis Hamilton as a 4-times world champion in Formula 1.

The production itself looks ok which at least some of the costumes looks great and also getting a bit lighter to make more interesting than before that went dark and serious, but it would've been better IF they fix the problem before releasing it to the cinema. And talk about a waste of budget that they spent.

The characters
If you've seen the characters in the movie, im sure you know some are either likable and others are probably forgettable.

First is Ben Affleck's Batman, Aka Bruce Wayne. Though he's doing ok for his role, but he may not as good of his role of Batman than Michael Keaton or even Christian Bale. Don't give me wrong, he did a nice work of acting, even though its slightly weak. Whether you love or hate him, he's rather average that i can describe him. But this maybe Ben Affleck's last role of Batman before moved on.

And then we have Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman, Aka Diana Prince. She's easily a likable hero in the film, being serious Amazonian warrior and a great performance from Gal. Even though she's an antiquities dealer and acquaintance of Wayne.

And now, lets talk about the newcomers in the movie that we have.

First is "Flash" aka Barry Allen (played by Ezra Miller), to be fair, he's rather interesting one, as he maybe the young member of the group of heroes. And the effects where he uses "Super-speed", its actually pretty cool to see him disappeared in electricity, which its sorta like a teleportation, unless where he moves normally in slow motion, but again, its his speed ability. And, i think Miller did a nice work of his role.

Next we have Aquaman, aka Arthur Curry (played by Jason Momoa). He's another interesting character. Because his role as Aquaman fits in very well, since he's a Hawaiian actor. Which im pretty sure they're trying to make him look similar from the cartoon Justice League in 2001, for making him little bit serious and badass, but without decapitating his arm. Although it has a mention moment where he talks to fishes, even though it didn't happen in the movie. Oh well, at least Jason did a nice work.

And finally we have Cyborg, aka Victor Stone (played by Ray Fisher). For those you may not know, he started as a man who got horribly wounded from the incident that he's nearly died, until his father revived him with mechanical in order to let him live, which its kinda depressing, but at least he's safe to come back alive. Even though when he was first appeared, he's started as a sympathetic hero from his passed of incident and embarrassment for his look, which is understandable. And then he changed that he turned away from traumatized passed to become a hero with Justice League. He has cool stuff he has, since we're in the new generation of digital that he can look around the internet, looking the map and even hacking. For me, he may not as interesting than Flash or Aquaman, but he's rather ok.

As for Henry Cavill's Superman, he's almost pretty much like neutral whether he';s a hero or not. But he has been changed to be less serious, which im kinda glad. But again, i wish he could be revived in the third act than the second act.

As for the villain Steppenwolf (played by Ciarán Hinds). He's an alien military officer from Apokolips (The name of his planet is gonna be a huge risk.) where as i told before, his mission is to capture three "Mother Boxes" to taking over Earth for Darkseid. Like Cyborg, his appearance was done in motion capture, which they want him to be look slightly similar of Liam Neeson in  "A Monster Calls", but like i complaint before, he looks pretty ugly for the quality. Not only that, but he's easily the most forgettable villain i've ever seen, as he's portrayed as "laid-back" bad guy of being old and tired. As a result, they made him look silly for all the wrong reasons. I like come on, Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor is more likable than Steppenwolf.

As for the rest of the characters, there's not much else if you've seen before like Amy Adams's Lois Lane and Jeremy Irons (aka Scar from The Lion King) as Alfred. But one character that im surprised is commissioner James Gordon played by J.K. Simmons, aka Jonah Jameson from Sam Raimi's Spider-man.

And now its time for my conclusion of this movie.
Overall, this movie is probably a waste of time and money that they spent while developing, which is basically nearly above average movie, with poorly stories for rushing reason, nearly bellow average productions and some of the characters are kinda likable but the villain is the worst part of the movie. Talk about a waste of potential that it would've been a decent movie or even good like "Wonder Woman movie", but i can say its sorta better than Batman V Superman, but neither of them are disappointed. And not to mention that if you guys already know, the movie has a war of negative and positive from the fans and the critics, especially the fans are bashing at, because they can;t take their opinion. Which again, we can criticize whatever/whenever we want in public or not. So stop take the blame over the critics with low rating. Anyway, if you guys are a fan of DC superheroes, maybe this one if for you. If you're like me, you better stick to "Wonder Woman movie".

So, il give this movie 5.5/10.

Well, im done for my movie review, if you guys have opinion or any suggestions, give a comment bellow.

Thanks for reading, until next time.

*review ends*

Bryan Emmerich: *throws a comic book away and sighs* Talk about a waste of time...

Mystica: Yeah, but i think you yelled in our prison.

Brian Emmerich: Yeah, im sorry...

*But then, the noise comes from someone attacks at various gems*

Mystica: Hm? *looks around outside the cell* Whats going on, did the other gem attack the others or something?

Bryan Emmerich: I hope its the "Team Blast" comes to save us.

*After the noise of the attack and poofing gems out, the sound of the walking coming*

Mystica: I think its coming.

*It reveals that attack at the gems was none other than...  Antaku*

Bryan Emmerich: Hm? Who are you?

Antaku: Im here to save you guys...

Bryan Emmerich: Ok, but we want to know who you are and what are you come from?

Antaku: I come from other dimension where i saw a man named Anthony who's trying save me from Major Kusanagi.

Bryan Emmerich: Ah ok. Anything else about Major or Anthony?

Antaku: ... I know what happen to Anthony...

Bryan and Mystica: Huh?

To be continued...

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Movie review: Thor Ragnarok

Bryan Emmerich and Mystica fly to the city that the flying object sending out fighters for invading the city and transporters to sending our Gem soldiers to killing citizens.

Dark Amethyst and Obsidian: *stand on the roof and look away that its Bryan Emmerich and Mystica*

Bryan Emmerich: *lands in the same roof* You!

Mystica: *lands too* We want you to stop invading our City!

Obsidian: Hm! Looks like they're going to fight together.

Dark Amethyst: *growls*

Bryan Emmerich: *looks at Dark Amethyst* Ok, i don't know who this guy is, but im not sure that he's your assistant when he's a human.

Obsidian: You think so? He's my hybrid that my companions capture him that il considered him as my Chosen One.

Mystica: Your "Chosen One" didn't match for us. *her hands bursts in energy for preparing to fight*

Bryan Emmerich: *glows his wings and his eyes changing to white* Bring it on!

Obsidian: *chuckles* Amethyst, eliminate them.

Dark Amethyst: *grabs his purple lightsaber*

Bryan Emmerich: *flies towards Amethyst and raises his hand for a fireball*

Dark Amethyst: *dashes at Bryan*

Bryan Emmerich: *throws a fireball at him and dashes at him*

Dark Amethyst: *parries a fireball and swings at wings*

Bryan Emmerich: *his wings got sliced, screaming in pain and falls on the ground with his back bleeds that without his wings, he'll loses his power*

Mystica: Bryan!! *Dashes at Dark Amethyst for revenge*

Dark Amethyst: *notices her coming and jabs on her face*

Mystica: *falls on the ground with her face got punches*

Dark Amethyst: *walks towards her on the ground and stomps on her gut*

Mystica: *screams and coughing her blood out of pain*

Dark Amethyst: *pulls out her necklace of orange gem*

Mystica: *sees him* No!! Its one of my favorite necklace from my childhood! Please don't!!

Dark Amethyst: *stomps her again and crushes her gem necklace with his hand*

Mystica: *coughing her blood again*

Obsidian: How weak you guys are. You're not even powerful to beating Dark Amethyst. *grabs his radio* Rubies, bring us the transporter to send us along with those weaklings back to our ship and send them to the prison.

Dark Amethyst: *turns off his weapon and open his hand away from the chunks of necklace gem*

Obsidian: So, go out there and destroy them or perhaps knock them down that we can capture those human scums that we can create them as out hybrid. *laughs of pure evil*

Dark Amethyst: *jumps down from the roof to do his business*

*few hours later*

Bryan Emmerich: *wakes up slowly* Ow my back... *looks around that he's in the prison from Obsidian* Oh great... *sees Mystica who's in the same prison* Mystica, are you ok?

Mystica:*lays on the ground* Hmmm...! My belly...!

Bryan Emmerich: Its ok... *rubs her arm* We hope if anyone can rescue us and fight back at them... *sees two comic books on the ground* Whats this? *picks up the first one that is "Thor Ragnarok"* Thor: Ragnarok? We gotta talk about while in prison?  Im not sure why is that, but i guess we'll find out about it. *opens it up to find out*

*2 hours later*

Bryan Emmerich: ... Wow...! That was--!!! *stops for not yelling in prison*   Awesome...

*review starts*

Greetings everyone, my name is Bryan Emmerich and welcome back to movie reviews.

From a few months ago, i talked about "Spider-Man Homecoming", a movie featuring our friendly neighborhood hero on the big screen in third time after Sam Raimi's Spider-man movies and "The Amazing Spider-Man" movies. So after we talk about Web-swinging boy, we're talking about the God of Thunder himself, Thor.

Thor is a superhero in Marvel that was based on Norse Mythology with a same name, a God of Thunder who carries a hammer called "Mjolnir" with thunder power, flight like a helicopter and disguised as umbrella for secret identity. He was considered to be the mightiest hero of Marvel and interesting concept based on mythology. Thanks for the existence of "Marvel Cinematic Universe", they made a movie based on Thor. The first one simply called "Thor" came out in 2011 and it was considered to be great. Then two years later, we have "Thor: The Dark world" and it didn't do very well for the critics. So after four years later, they decided to make a third installment of Marvel's God of Thunder, with the result, it was shockingly awesome.

"Thor: Ragnarok" is a 2017 Marvel movies that was directed by Taika Waititi, produced by Kevin Feige and written by Eric Pearson, Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost. This is the film that when it was announced, many people are not sure if its gonna be good, but when we have Hulk coming back and adding a humor, we've been surprised and maybe that it could be better than "The Dark World"?

So, with all that said and our only question is once again, could this movie will be better than the second Thor movie?

Only way to find out.

The Story
It takes place 2 years after "Age of Ultron", Thor failed to finding a gem of Infinity and he was being captured by Surtur. According to the demonic fire, since Odin died, he needs "Eternal Flame" in order to making "Ragnarok", as in the end of the Realm "Asgard". But Thor fought back at Surtur, but he might be preventing it. When he returns his homeworld, he noticed that Odin was a disguise by his mischief  adopted brother Loki. So he and his brother going in Earth to finding Odin. Once they find their father, it was too late that he's dying and causing to open a portal to freeing a Goddess of Death named Hela. As Thor tries to fight back, she destroys Thor's Hammer and knocking them down to the other realm. Leaving them in other Realm called "Sakaar". While Loki become of GrandMaster's ingratiated, but Thor is imprisoned for a tournament. But Hela was transported in Asgard in order to rule the Realm. Its up to Thor has find the way to escaping the Sakaar before Ragnarok.

Honestly, the story itself is pretty good, it has some interesting development for what happen for Thor's Realm, the goals and even action scenes. Especially that there's a subplot with a surprise return of "The Incredible Hulk" since they worked together as a members of "Avengers", even though its not easy whether they're friends or not. And there's another one where we found out how did Hela was banished by Odin that she used to be a hero before turned evil for genocide. Not to mention, despite we like to see actions, but we also also have sense of humor, which it does make me laugh from the dialogues and the gags.

The story is probably well written for the characters, the meaning and the humor.

The Production
What can i say about it? Its just a Marvel superhero movie with cool actions and costume designs. But this one that maybe the most colorful production i've ever seen. Especially the transportation scene and the rainbow bride in Asgard (Yeah yeah, make a joke of "Rainbow Road" from Mario Kart.). The costume designs are look cool, a nice work of makeup and an interesting motion capture. One of the most insane appearance in my opinion is Hela, which not matter she's in battle form, i can't help but looking at her spiky-like headdress, which i know it was supposed to be like in the comic, but damn, what a impressive. The action scenes are also incredible, with interesting special effects and motion capture. Not to mention, it can also be a bit violent, but i won't give examples, despite it was rated PG.

It was colorful, nicely film, great actions and a cool looking design of the production.

The characters
Im sure some of you are probably familiar with the character in Thor. But for some of you who never know, il explain about and talk about for some change.

First, we have our titular hero Thor himself (played by Chris Hemsworth), he's known as the God of Thunder with his hammer and the son of Odin. He can fly like a helicopter, shoots lightning, super-strength and using his hammer as a projectile. In the movie, its not easy to tell that without his hammer, he'll could be either turned into mortal and still a God. But of course, despite of being brave hero, but he may also have a sense of humor, which Chris want to give his role with extra persona, since he's kinda get bored for his role that he needs not only extra personality, but also changing appearance. Which, im ok for that, but he always did a nice work of his role.

Then, we have his adopted brother, Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston), he's known as a mischievous God and Thor's nemesis if you've seen the previous films like "The avengers". As time change, despite he's a bad guy, but he's more of neutral, since he's a ruler of Asgard (Oh yeah, Spoiler Alert.). But of course, Tom did a nice work for his role of God of Mischievous.

And we have the late Odin (played by Anthony Hopkins), he's known as a former ruler of Asgard, since he was dying from the first act. although its pretty sad to see him coming to an end. But of course, Hopkins is always a legendary actor over decades.

Now lets talk about the newcomers. First, we have a main villain, Hela (played by Cate Blanchett). As you know, she's supposed daughter of Odin and the Goddess of Death that she was banished in other Realm. But man, she not only have cool appearance, but she might be a powerful villain in Standalone Thor movie. And Cate did a nice job her role, even though her head dress is the most difficult for how large it is.

Next, next we have Valkyrie (played by Tessa Thompson), she's a tomboy, a bounty hunter and....   A Hard-drinker of Asgard.  Yeah, its rather questionable when she was appeared, as well that she's like a warrior of Sakaar as "Scrapper 142", despite that her identity was already revealed from her forearm tattoo. But im aware that she was supposed to be similar of Sarah Connor from Termintor 2 while training. Desite her questionable appearance of drinking, but she maybe a not-bad character that maybe she could come back in the future.

Then we have "GrandMaster" (played by...  Jeff Goldblum?), he's known as one of the "Elders of the Universe" and the ruler of Sakaar. I find him to be a laid-back ruler with pleasure-seeking and enjoyer of life, tastes and smells. He's rather interesting character, and especially surprised that he was played by the same actor who played Malcolm in "Jurassic Park" franchise.

And finally, who could not forget to talk about The Incredible Hulk aka Bruce Banner (played by Mark Ruffalo), he's known to be an raging wrecking machine thanks to his radiation for causing him turning big green from his anger and brutal action. In this movie, he's in "Perma-Hulk", meaning he's turning into Hulk for years, kinda like She-Hulk, but she has it in infinity, but thats a different story. But here's a little fact, before Ruffalo, he was originally played by Edward Norton back in 2008, though i never saw this movie, but he was not too appreciate to crew members for his denied promotion of latter. Yeah, i guess it explained why Norton is a very serious person outside of big screen.

They're few other characters in the movie, like Heimdall (played by Idris Elba) who's all hearing and seeing Asgardian, Skruge (played by Karl Urban) who's a guardian of bride in Asgard and more. But some others that i was very surprised, like Doctor Strange came back in the movie (And yes, Benedict Cumberbatch reprised his role.) and Korg as played by the director himself Taika Waititi for motion capture.

Man, the movie is nearly having all-star casts, i guess you can say that most of all characters are likable for actions and humors.

And now its time for my conclusion.
Overall, Thor Ragnarok is surprisingly a  great sequel, probably better than Guardians of the Galaxy 2. With great story, intense actions, fun acting, cool designs and it was well-executed. And im not trying to say its better than Spider-man Homecoming, Spider-man and Thor Ragnarok are a both successful movies with critical acclaim and a lotta money. If you're a fan of Thor, i highly recommend to watch it, its one of a good sequel of superhero movie since Spider-man 2.

Il give this movie 10/10. Its a worth of watching,

Well, im done for my movie review, if you guys have opinion or any suggestions, give a comment bellow.

Thanks for reading, until next time.

*review ends*

Bryan Emmerich: Well, that was actually a great one.

Mystica: Wow, thats pretty cool.

Bryan Emmerich: So, i guess we're only have one comic book remain. *picks up "Justice League Movie"* So now we got another one, but it was on DC Universe. Since we got a good one like "Wonder woman", lets hope its gonna be good too, right? *opens it up and looks at it*

To be continued...

Monday, 16 October 2017

Movie review: Blade Runner 2049

*In science hospital*

Doctor: *building a left arm for Corporate Driver* Is this exactly you want those to get back home and even return to racing?

Corporate Driver: Yes, i really want them.

Doctor: Im not sure, cause you'll probably--

Corporate Driver: Il probably... UHHHH!!!

Doctor: Ok sir, don't interrupting my mouth, im trying to--

Secretary Driver: *grabs her gun and aim on his head* Just let him do whatever we want or we'll sue you, D***wad.

Doctor: Ok ok ok! Il finish his limbs and you'll be fine when he'll going back his racing career! *builds left arm a bit quick as possible*

Corporate Driver: Yes, you better have to--

Radio Station News: We're here to report about a purple figure who's on a rampage to going around killing people for unknown reason, with his gun, energy sword and even his powers annihilating the people in the city. But in the same day, plenty of stations was hijacked by a darker figure who goes by the name of "Obsidian" where it gave us a horrific message that our world is gonna be invaded by his army and his "apprentice" named "Dark Amethyst". Which many people theorized that "Dark Amethyst" is the same purple figure with gun and sword for its order to making the end of our world.

Corporate Driver: W-What?!

Radio Station News: Because of that, the politics have no choice but to prepare for the armies around the to saving our world from these humanoid figure's plan of taking over our world...

Corporate Driver: You cannot be serious!! They're going to destroy our world, along with my headquarter!!!

Doctor: Just relax, maybe you'll get it back for--

Corporate Driver: Im serious, i want my tower back from these C***s!


Mystica: You're telling me that the guy in dark outfit was behind of taking over our world?

Bryan Emmerich: Yeah, especially he sent "Dark Amethyst" to kill us all.

Mystica: Yeah, but he also told us they he'll summon his minions to invade our world.

Bryan Emmerich: Good god... It seems that we have no choice but to having war against them.

Mystica: Yeah, but before you came back, i noticed a novel book called "Blade Runner 2049".

Bryan Emmerich: Wait, is this a reboot or a sequel of a cult classic sci-fi movie called "Blade Runner"?

Mystica: Actually, its a sequel from long years after the first one.

Bryan Emmerich: Ah ok, i guess il take a look before giving honest thought of it. I mean, lets hope it'll be better than the first one. *opens the book that it magically shows a full movie*

*Several hours later*

Bryan Emmerich: Uhhh.... Yeah...

*Review starts*

Greeting everyone, my name is Bryan Emmerich and welcome back to movie review.

In 1982, there's a Sci-fi movie called "Blade Runner", a movie starring Harrison Ford who played as police officer nicknamed "Blade Runner" to finding those "bioengineered beings" called "Replicant" and "Retire". When this movie came out, it had a disappointed review for questionable narrating, a forgettable plot and a slow pace. Despite of negative review, the film was considered to be a cult classic and "Best Sci-fi film of all time".

After more than 30 years, we unexpectedly notice that there's a sequel from a cult Sci-fi film, which maybe... it can do better?

"Blade Runner 2049" is a 2017 Neo-noir Sci-Fi film that was directed by Denis Villeneuve, produced by Andrew A. Kosove and Broderick Johnson and written by Hampton Fancher.

This is a sequel film that we never expect after more than 30 years like any other older films. Even though its kinda disappointed we never have Ridley Scott coming back for this sequel, since he was focused for the return of Alien franchise, like "Alien Covenant", but it had a horrible recemption when it came out in May. Despite that, its probably the first time i watched a movie that was directed by Denis Villeneuve, who did a great film like Arrival in 2016. Not only that, but also the second film for the return of Harrison Ford.

So, with all that said, will this movie holds up then the first one, or is this film still have a problem of a slow pace?

Lets find out.

The Story
With a name suggest, it takes place in 2049, which is coincidentally 30 years after the first film. We meet a new police officer Blade Runner named "K" where his mission is to hunt down those rogues old model replicants for illegal reasons. Though he's not the only one in his life, he's with an A.I. friend named "Joi". However, he found a picture of old female replicant who died after the birth of a lost kid. Its up to K to retiring the evidence of a child by his superior "Joshi", due to the dangerous war between humans and Replicants.

Now, having a story about finding a missing kid is rather a cliche concept, but at least it was a bit creative to figure out who's a mysterious son. There's a subplot where we have a villain named "Niander Wallace" who's planning to stealing a skeleton that represents Rachael's in order to track down a mysterious kid that he hired his replicant enforcer named "Luv", which it was a not bad villain's plan. But, most of the plots are ended up ignored and probably slow, since we spend an hours to see the characters drinking and smoking, this is most annoying filler of all cliche movies. I mean, there's no reason to show our main hero taking cigarette and booze for nothing, its just nothing but a waste of time, even since this movie takes about nearly 3 hours.

Though the story is kinda interesting, but good lord, they could've make less time then have a drink. I mean, i'd rather bringing Budweiser while watching a big screen.

The production
Despite the flaws of the story, but unlike the first film that it looks nice but almost all dark, this movie's production looks pretty damn cool. The way how it looks, the concepts of the town and other locations is amazing, its almost like we're going back in the old place, despite this film was made after more than 30 years. The hologram effect is also cool and also tricky, even though we've seen plenty of hot ladies in hologram. But the effect of Joi's hologram is probably a new level, since she moves inside of a character's body without get distracted of touching (Well, almost). The gun design looks nice and the flying cars are also great in a futuristic design, even though it has a product placement like Peugeot, i don't know why, but who knows.

The production of this movie is fantastic for the concepts of futuristic and a locations.

The characters
Its been a change that we have a new characters.

But first, we have Rick Deckard, who's played by of course, Harrison Ford. Which we expect that he could appear more in the movie since he's a badass character. But sadly, he didn't make more appearance which is pretty disappointed until later on for where he was. Like we're been waiting for like less than 2 hours, despite in the trailer we already see him which again, it didn't happen until later on. I mean, its "Terminator Genisys" all over again for you know, we have a character shown in the trailer, but never happen until a long later on. I know it was an idea from the writer for the return, but come on...

Despite of Rick, we introduce our main hero simply name "K" (played by Ryan Gosling). He's rather good character, he's more like a character who got disturbed and traumatized from the past. Though he's rather an above average character, but not as good than Rick Deckard. Don't give me wrong, Ryan did a nice work of his role, but he could've done better than that.

Next, we have Joi (played by Ana de Armas). Despite of fascinating hologram effect of her, she's typical girl who loves our main hero. Though she's rather closer to him for a help or even going inside of other character for a sex (why?). Though i never heard of Ana, but she looks gorgeous and good acting.

For the villain we have Niander Wallace (played by Jared Leto. Aka The Joker from "Suicide Squad"). He's another ok character, he's portrayed as a blind intelligent villain in order to finding Rachael. But of course, he's another character who could've give more appearance in the movie.

And finally there's Wallace's Replicant enforcer named Luv (played by Sylvia Hoeks ). Though she's another beautiful woman, but she's also pretty badass for her fighting skills and probably a cold persona. I mean, she should've been a main villain than Wallace, but again, she's an enforcer to finding the evidence.

There few other characters like Joshi (played by Robin Wright), Dr. Ana Stelline (played by Carla Juri) and Gaff (played by Edward James Olmos) who's another character who's returned after the first movie.

Though the character is pretty hard to tell which one who's likable for acting or persona. Because of most of then didn't make more appearance or other times disappeared.

And now its time for my conclusion.
Overall, "Blade Runner 2049" is a rather an above average movie. The story is good and kinda creative, the acting is nice and the production is so damn good for a sci-fi film. But the film couldn't survive like the first movie for how slow and long this movie is and some of the characters wasn't that good. Though K was interesting, but not as better than Rick Deckard. And not to mention, having Rick Deckard in the promotional trailer and poster is just over-advertising that he didn't show up in the movie. No wonder why the failed the box-office performance when it came out. Though some people considered it a great a movie, but i probably disagree, its only my opinion of this sequel. so if you're like me, just stick to the first one, we know it was considered classic.

So for that, il rate this movie 6.5/10. It may not considered it as a great comeback, but again, its just my opinion when i watched it.

Well, im done for my review. If you like to give your opinion or request, let me know at the comment bellow.

Thanks for reading, until next time.

*Review ends*

Mystica: Mmm... The movie didn't do well to make moneys for promotions.

Bryan Emmerich: Yup. Even though i don't know how the book shows a movie.

Mystica: Me either.

*But the noise comes, where Bryan and Mystica go outside to look around, it turned out it was a flying object of a dark gray hand comes down from the sky with transporters and flying fighters coming down for a rampage on the city*

Bryan Emmerich: Oh no...! They're literally coming down for invasion!!

Mystica: Yeah, we better stop them as possible.

Bryan Emmerich: *rises his wings and flies up along with Mystica to going to the city*

To be continued...