*In science hospital*
Doctor: *building a left arm for Corporate Driver* Is this exactly you want those to get back home and even return to racing?
Corporate Driver: Yes, i really want them.
Doctor: Im not sure, cause you'll probably--
Corporate Driver: Il probably... UHHHH!!!
Doctor: Ok sir, don't interrupting my mouth, im trying to--
Secretary Driver: *grabs her gun and aim on his head* Just let him do whatever we want or we'll sue you, D***wad.
Doctor: Ok ok ok! Il finish his limbs and you'll be fine when he'll going back his racing career! *builds left arm a bit quick as possible*
Corporate Driver: Yes, you better have to--
Radio Station News: We're here to report about a purple figure who's on a rampage to going around killing people for unknown reason, with his gun, energy sword and even his powers annihilating the people in the city. But in the same day, plenty of stations was hijacked by a darker figure who goes by the name of "Obsidian" where it gave us a horrific message that our world is gonna be invaded by his army and his "apprentice" named "Dark Amethyst". Which many people theorized that "Dark Amethyst" is the same purple figure with gun and sword for its order to making the end of our world.
Corporate Driver: W-What?!
Radio Station News: Because of that, the politics have no choice but to prepare for the armies around the to saving our world from these humanoid figure's plan of taking over our world...
Corporate Driver: You cannot be serious!! They're going to destroy our world, along with my headquarter!!!
Doctor: Just relax, maybe you'll get it back for--
Corporate Driver: Im serious, i want my tower back from these C***s!
Mystica: You're telling me that the guy in dark outfit was behind of taking over our world?
Bryan Emmerich: Yeah, especially he sent "Dark Amethyst" to kill us all.
Mystica: Yeah, but he also told us they he'll summon his minions to invade our world.
Bryan Emmerich: Good god... It seems that we have no choice but to having war against them.
Mystica: Yeah, but before you came back, i noticed a novel book called "Blade Runner 2049".
Bryan Emmerich: Wait, is this a reboot or a sequel of a cult classic sci-fi movie called "Blade Runner"?
Mystica: Actually, its a sequel from long years after the first one.
Bryan Emmerich: Ah ok, i guess il take a look before giving honest thought of it. I mean, lets hope it'll be better than the first one. *opens the book that it magically shows a full movie*
*Several hours later*
Bryan Emmerich: Uhhh.... Yeah...
*Review starts*

Greeting everyone, my name is Bryan Emmerich and welcome back to movie review.
In 1982, there's a Sci-fi movie called "Blade Runner", a movie starring Harrison Ford who played as police officer nicknamed "Blade Runner" to finding those "bioengineered beings" called "Replicant" and "Retire". When this movie came out, it had a disappointed review for questionable narrating, a forgettable plot and a slow pace. Despite of negative review, the film was considered to be a cult classic and "Best Sci-fi film of all time".
After more than 30 years, we unexpectedly notice that there's a sequel from a cult Sci-fi film, which maybe... it can do better?
"Blade Runner 2049" is a 2017 Neo-noir Sci-Fi film that was directed by Denis Villeneuve, produced by Andrew A. Kosove and Broderick Johnson and written by Hampton Fancher.
This is a sequel film that we never expect after more than 30 years like any other older films. Even though its kinda disappointed we never have Ridley Scott coming back for this sequel, since he was focused for the return of Alien franchise, like "Alien Covenant", but it had a horrible recemption when it came out in May. Despite that, its probably the first time i watched a movie that was directed by Denis Villeneuve, who did a great film like Arrival in 2016. Not only that, but also the second film for the return of Harrison Ford.
So, with all that said, will this movie holds up then the first one, or is this film still have a problem of a slow pace?
Lets find out.
The Story
With a name suggest, it takes place in 2049, which is coincidentally 30 years after the first film. We meet a new police officer Blade Runner named "K" where his mission is to hunt down those rogues old model replicants for illegal reasons. Though he's not the only one in his life, he's with an A.I. friend named "Joi". However, he found a picture of old female replicant who died after the birth of a lost kid. Its up to K to retiring the evidence of a child by his superior "Joshi", due to the dangerous war between humans and Replicants.
Now, having a story about finding a missing kid is rather a cliche concept, but at least it was a bit creative to figure out who's a mysterious son. There's a subplot where we have a villain named "Niander Wallace" who's planning to stealing a skeleton that represents Rachael's in order to track down a mysterious kid that he hired his replicant enforcer named "Luv", which it was a not bad villain's plan. But, most of the plots are ended up ignored and probably slow, since we spend an hours to see the characters drinking and smoking, this is most annoying filler of all cliche movies. I mean, there's no reason to show our main hero taking cigarette and booze for nothing, its just nothing but a waste of time, even since this movie takes about nearly 3 hours.
Though the story is kinda interesting, but good lord, they could've make less time then have a drink. I mean, i'd rather bringing Budweiser while watching a big screen.
The production
Despite the flaws of the story, but unlike the first film that it looks nice but almost all dark, this movie's production looks pretty damn cool. The way how it looks, the concepts of the town and other locations is amazing, its almost like we're going back in the old place, despite this film was made after more than 30 years. The hologram effect is also cool and also tricky, even though we've seen plenty of hot ladies in hologram. But the effect of Joi's hologram is probably a new level, since she moves inside of a character's body without get distracted of touching (Well, almost). The gun design looks nice and the flying cars are also great in a futuristic design, even though it has a product placement like Peugeot, i don't know why, but who knows.
The production of this movie is fantastic for the concepts of futuristic and a locations.
The characters
Its been a change that we have a new characters.
But first, we have Rick Deckard, who's played by of course, Harrison Ford. Which we expect that he could appear more in the movie since he's a badass character. But sadly, he didn't make more appearance which is pretty disappointed until later on for where he was. Like we're been waiting for like less than 2 hours, despite in the trailer we already see him which again, it didn't happen until later on. I mean, its "Terminator Genisys" all over again for you know, we have a character shown in the trailer, but never happen until a long later on. I know it was an idea from the writer for the return, but come on...
Despite of Rick, we introduce our main hero simply name "K" (played by Ryan Gosling). He's rather good character, he's more like a character who got disturbed and traumatized from the past. Though he's rather an above average character, but not as good than Rick Deckard. Don't give me wrong, Ryan did a nice work of his role, but he could've done better than that.
Next, we have Joi (played by Ana de Armas). Despite of fascinating hologram effect of her, she's typical girl who loves our main hero. Though she's rather closer to him for a help or even going inside of other character for a sex (why?). Though i never heard of Ana, but she looks gorgeous and good acting.
For the villain we have Niander Wallace (played by Jared Leto. Aka The Joker from "Suicide Squad"). He's another ok character, he's portrayed as a blind intelligent villain in order to finding Rachael. But of course, he's another character who could've give more appearance in the movie.
And finally there's Wallace's Replicant enforcer named Luv (played by Sylvia Hoeks ). Though she's another beautiful woman, but she's also pretty badass for her fighting skills and probably a cold persona. I mean, she should've been a main villain than Wallace, but again, she's an enforcer to finding the evidence.
There few other characters like Joshi (played by Robin Wright), Dr. Ana Stelline (played by Carla Juri) and Gaff (played by Edward James Olmos) who's another character who's returned after the first movie.
Though the character is pretty hard to tell which one who's likable for acting or persona. Because of most of then didn't make more appearance or other times disappeared.
And now its time for my conclusion.
Overall, "Blade Runner 2049" is a rather an above average movie. The story is good and kinda creative, the acting is nice and the production is so damn good for a sci-fi film. But the film couldn't survive like the first movie for how slow and long this movie is and some of the characters wasn't that good. Though K was interesting, but not as better than Rick Deckard. And not to mention, having Rick Deckard in the promotional trailer and poster is just over-advertising that he didn't show up in the movie. No wonder why the failed the box-office performance when it came out. Though some people considered it a great a movie, but i probably disagree, its only my opinion of this sequel. so if you're like me, just stick to the first one, we know it was considered classic.
So for that, il rate this movie 6.5/10. It may not considered it as a great comeback, but again, its just my opinion when i watched it.
Well, im done for my review. If you like to give your opinion or request, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, until next time.
*Review ends*
Mystica: Mmm... The movie didn't do well to make moneys for promotions.
Bryan Emmerich: Yup. Even though i don't know how the book shows a movie.
Mystica: Me either.
*But the noise comes, where Bryan and Mystica go outside to look around, it turned out it was a flying object of a dark gray hand comes down from the sky with transporters and flying fighters coming down for a rampage on the city*
Bryan Emmerich: Oh no...! They're literally coming down for invasion!!
Mystica: Yeah, we better stop them as possible.
Bryan Emmerich: *rises his wings and flies up along with Mystica to going to the city*
To be continued...
*Review starts*

Greeting everyone, my name is Bryan Emmerich and welcome back to movie review.
In 1982, there's a Sci-fi movie called "Blade Runner", a movie starring Harrison Ford who played as police officer nicknamed "Blade Runner" to finding those "bioengineered beings" called "Replicant" and "Retire". When this movie came out, it had a disappointed review for questionable narrating, a forgettable plot and a slow pace. Despite of negative review, the film was considered to be a cult classic and "Best Sci-fi film of all time".
After more than 30 years, we unexpectedly notice that there's a sequel from a cult Sci-fi film, which maybe... it can do better?
"Blade Runner 2049" is a 2017 Neo-noir Sci-Fi film that was directed by Denis Villeneuve, produced by Andrew A. Kosove and Broderick Johnson and written by Hampton Fancher.
This is a sequel film that we never expect after more than 30 years like any other older films. Even though its kinda disappointed we never have Ridley Scott coming back for this sequel, since he was focused for the return of Alien franchise, like "Alien Covenant", but it had a horrible recemption when it came out in May. Despite that, its probably the first time i watched a movie that was directed by Denis Villeneuve, who did a great film like Arrival in 2016. Not only that, but also the second film for the return of Harrison Ford.
So, with all that said, will this movie holds up then the first one, or is this film still have a problem of a slow pace?
Lets find out.
The Story
With a name suggest, it takes place in 2049, which is coincidentally 30 years after the first film. We meet a new police officer Blade Runner named "K" where his mission is to hunt down those rogues old model replicants for illegal reasons. Though he's not the only one in his life, he's with an A.I. friend named "Joi". However, he found a picture of old female replicant who died after the birth of a lost kid. Its up to K to retiring the evidence of a child by his superior "Joshi", due to the dangerous war between humans and Replicants.
Now, having a story about finding a missing kid is rather a cliche concept, but at least it was a bit creative to figure out who's a mysterious son. There's a subplot where we have a villain named "Niander Wallace" who's planning to stealing a skeleton that represents Rachael's in order to track down a mysterious kid that he hired his replicant enforcer named "Luv", which it was a not bad villain's plan. But, most of the plots are ended up ignored and probably slow, since we spend an hours to see the characters drinking and smoking, this is most annoying filler of all cliche movies. I mean, there's no reason to show our main hero taking cigarette and booze for nothing, its just nothing but a waste of time, even since this movie takes about nearly 3 hours.
Though the story is kinda interesting, but good lord, they could've make less time then have a drink. I mean, i'd rather bringing Budweiser while watching a big screen.
The production
Despite the flaws of the story, but unlike the first film that it looks nice but almost all dark, this movie's production looks pretty damn cool. The way how it looks, the concepts of the town and other locations is amazing, its almost like we're going back in the old place, despite this film was made after more than 30 years. The hologram effect is also cool and also tricky, even though we've seen plenty of hot ladies in hologram. But the effect of Joi's hologram is probably a new level, since she moves inside of a character's body without get distracted of touching (Well, almost). The gun design looks nice and the flying cars are also great in a futuristic design, even though it has a product placement like Peugeot, i don't know why, but who knows.
The production of this movie is fantastic for the concepts of futuristic and a locations.
The characters
Its been a change that we have a new characters.
But first, we have Rick Deckard, who's played by of course, Harrison Ford. Which we expect that he could appear more in the movie since he's a badass character. But sadly, he didn't make more appearance which is pretty disappointed until later on for where he was. Like we're been waiting for like less than 2 hours, despite in the trailer we already see him which again, it didn't happen until later on. I mean, its "Terminator Genisys" all over again for you know, we have a character shown in the trailer, but never happen until a long later on. I know it was an idea from the writer for the return, but come on...
Despite of Rick, we introduce our main hero simply name "K" (played by Ryan Gosling). He's rather good character, he's more like a character who got disturbed and traumatized from the past. Though he's rather an above average character, but not as good than Rick Deckard. Don't give me wrong, Ryan did a nice work of his role, but he could've done better than that.
Next, we have Joi (played by Ana de Armas). Despite of fascinating hologram effect of her, she's typical girl who loves our main hero. Though she's rather closer to him for a help or even going inside of other character for a sex (why?). Though i never heard of Ana, but she looks gorgeous and good acting.
For the villain we have Niander Wallace (played by Jared Leto. Aka The Joker from "Suicide Squad"). He's another ok character, he's portrayed as a blind intelligent villain in order to finding Rachael. But of course, he's another character who could've give more appearance in the movie.
And finally there's Wallace's Replicant enforcer named Luv (played by Sylvia Hoeks ). Though she's another beautiful woman, but she's also pretty badass for her fighting skills and probably a cold persona. I mean, she should've been a main villain than Wallace, but again, she's an enforcer to finding the evidence.
There few other characters like Joshi (played by Robin Wright), Dr. Ana Stelline (played by Carla Juri) and Gaff (played by Edward James Olmos) who's another character who's returned after the first movie.
Though the character is pretty hard to tell which one who's likable for acting or persona. Because of most of then didn't make more appearance or other times disappeared.
And now its time for my conclusion.
Overall, "Blade Runner 2049" is a rather an above average movie. The story is good and kinda creative, the acting is nice and the production is so damn good for a sci-fi film. But the film couldn't survive like the first movie for how slow and long this movie is and some of the characters wasn't that good. Though K was interesting, but not as better than Rick Deckard. And not to mention, having Rick Deckard in the promotional trailer and poster is just over-advertising that he didn't show up in the movie. No wonder why the failed the box-office performance when it came out. Though some people considered it a great a movie, but i probably disagree, its only my opinion of this sequel. so if you're like me, just stick to the first one, we know it was considered classic.
So for that, il rate this movie 6.5/10. It may not considered it as a great comeback, but again, its just my opinion when i watched it.
Well, im done for my review. If you like to give your opinion or request, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, until next time.
*Review ends*
Mystica: Mmm... The movie didn't do well to make moneys for promotions.
Bryan Emmerich: Yup. Even though i don't know how the book shows a movie.
Mystica: Me either.
*But the noise comes, where Bryan and Mystica go outside to look around, it turned out it was a flying object of a dark gray hand comes down from the sky with transporters and flying fighters coming down for a rampage on the city*
Bryan Emmerich: Oh no...! They're literally coming down for invasion!!
Mystica: Yeah, we better stop them as possible.
Bryan Emmerich: *rises his wings and flies up along with Mystica to going to the city*
To be continued...
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