Bryan Emmerich and Mystica fly to the city that the flying object sending out fighters for invading the city and transporters to sending our Gem soldiers to killing citizens.
Dark Amethyst and Obsidian: *stand on the roof and look away that its Bryan Emmerich and Mystica*
Bryan Emmerich: *lands in the same roof* You!
Mystica: *lands too* We want you to stop invading our City!
Obsidian: Hm! Looks like they're going to fight together.
Dark Amethyst: *growls*
Bryan Emmerich: *looks at Dark Amethyst* Ok, i don't know who this guy is, but im not sure that he's your assistant when he's a human.
Obsidian: You think so? He's my hybrid that my companions capture him that il considered him as my Chosen One.
Mystica: Your "Chosen One" didn't match for us. *her hands bursts in energy for preparing to fight*
Bryan Emmerich: *glows his wings and his eyes changing to white* Bring it on!
Obsidian: *chuckles* Amethyst, eliminate them.
Dark Amethyst: *grabs his purple lightsaber*
Bryan Emmerich: *flies towards Amethyst and raises his hand for a fireball*
Dark Amethyst: *dashes at Bryan*
Bryan Emmerich: *throws a fireball at him and dashes at him*
Dark Amethyst: *parries a fireball and swings at wings*
Bryan Emmerich: *his wings got sliced, screaming in pain and falls on the ground with his back bleeds that without his wings, he'll loses his power*
Mystica: Bryan!! *Dashes at Dark Amethyst for revenge*
Dark Amethyst: *notices her coming and jabs on her face*
Mystica: *falls on the ground with her face got punches*
Dark Amethyst: *walks towards her on the ground and stomps on her gut*
Mystica: *screams and coughing her blood out of pain*
Dark Amethyst: *pulls out her necklace of orange gem*
Mystica: *sees him* No!! Its one of my favorite necklace from my childhood! Please don't!!
Dark Amethyst: *stomps her again and crushes her gem necklace with his hand*
Mystica: *coughing her blood again*
Obsidian: How weak you guys are. You're not even powerful to beating Dark Amethyst. *grabs his radio* Rubies, bring us the transporter to send us along with those weaklings back to our ship and send them to the prison.
Dark Amethyst: *turns off his weapon and open his hand away from the chunks of necklace gem*
Obsidian: So, go out there and destroy them or perhaps knock them down that we can capture those human scums that we can create them as out hybrid. *laughs of pure evil*
Dark Amethyst: *jumps down from the roof to do his business*
*few hours later*
Bryan Emmerich: *wakes up slowly* Ow my back... *looks around that he's in the prison from Obsidian* Oh great... *sees Mystica who's in the same prison* Mystica, are you ok?
Mystica:*lays on the ground* Hmmm...! My belly...!
Bryan Emmerich: Its ok... *rubs her arm* We hope if anyone can rescue us and fight back at them... *sees two comic books on the ground* Whats this? *picks up the first one that is "Thor Ragnarok"* Thor: Ragnarok? We gotta talk about while in prison? Im not sure why is that, but i guess we'll find out about it. *opens it up to find out*
*2 hours later*
Bryan Emmerich: ... Wow...! That was--!!! *stops for not yelling in prison* Awesome...
*review starts*

Greetings everyone, my name is Bryan Emmerich and welcome back to movie reviews.
From a few months ago, i talked about "Spider-Man Homecoming", a movie featuring our friendly neighborhood hero on the big screen in third time after Sam Raimi's Spider-man movies and "The Amazing Spider-Man" movies. So after we talk about Web-swinging boy, we're talking about the God of Thunder himself, Thor.
Thor is a superhero in Marvel that was based on Norse Mythology with a same name, a God of Thunder who carries a hammer called "Mjolnir" with thunder power, flight like a helicopter and disguised as umbrella for secret identity. He was considered to be the mightiest hero of Marvel and interesting concept based on mythology. Thanks for the existence of "Marvel Cinematic Universe", they made a movie based on Thor. The first one simply called "Thor" came out in 2011 and it was considered to be great. Then two years later, we have "Thor: The Dark world" and it didn't do very well for the critics. So after four years later, they decided to make a third installment of Marvel's God of Thunder, with the result, it was shockingly awesome.
"Thor: Ragnarok" is a 2017 Marvel movies that was directed by Taika Waititi, produced by Kevin Feige and written by Eric Pearson, Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost. This is the film that when it was announced, many people are not sure if its gonna be good, but when we have Hulk coming back and adding a humor, we've been surprised and maybe that it could be better than "The Dark World"?
So, with all that said and our only question is once again, could this movie will be better than the second Thor movie?
Only way to find out.
The Story
It takes place 2 years after "Age of Ultron", Thor failed to finding a gem of Infinity and he was being captured by Surtur. According to the demonic fire, since Odin died, he needs "Eternal Flame" in order to making "Ragnarok", as in the end of the Realm "Asgard". But Thor fought back at Surtur, but he might be preventing it. When he returns his homeworld, he noticed that Odin was a disguise by his mischief adopted brother Loki. So he and his brother going in Earth to finding Odin. Once they find their father, it was too late that he's dying and causing to open a portal to freeing a Goddess of Death named Hela. As Thor tries to fight back, she destroys Thor's Hammer and knocking them down to the other realm. Leaving them in other Realm called "Sakaar". While Loki become of GrandMaster's ingratiated, but Thor is imprisoned for a tournament. But Hela was transported in Asgard in order to rule the Realm. Its up to Thor has find the way to escaping the Sakaar before Ragnarok.
Honestly, the story itself is pretty good, it has some interesting development for what happen for Thor's Realm, the goals and even action scenes. Especially that there's a subplot with a surprise return of "The Incredible Hulk" since they worked together as a members of "Avengers", even though its not easy whether they're friends or not. And there's another one where we found out how did Hela was banished by Odin that she used to be a hero before turned evil for genocide. Not to mention, despite we like to see actions, but we also also have sense of humor, which it does make me laugh from the dialogues and the gags.
The story is probably well written for the characters, the meaning and the humor.
The Production
What can i say about it? Its just a Marvel superhero movie with cool actions and costume designs. But this one that maybe the most colorful production i've ever seen. Especially the transportation scene and the rainbow bride in Asgard (Yeah yeah, make a joke of "Rainbow Road" from Mario Kart.). The costume designs are look cool, a nice work of makeup and an interesting motion capture. One of the most insane appearance in my opinion is Hela, which not matter she's in battle form, i can't help but looking at her spiky-like headdress, which i know it was supposed to be like in the comic, but damn, what a impressive. The action scenes are also incredible, with interesting special effects and motion capture. Not to mention, it can also be a bit violent, but i won't give examples, despite it was rated PG.
It was colorful, nicely film, great actions and a cool looking design of the production.
The characters
Im sure some of you are probably familiar with the character in Thor. But for some of you who never know, il explain about and talk about for some change.
First, we have our titular hero Thor himself (played by Chris Hemsworth), he's known as the God of Thunder with his hammer and the son of Odin. He can fly like a helicopter, shoots lightning, super-strength and using his hammer as a projectile. In the movie, its not easy to tell that without his hammer, he'll could be either turned into mortal and still a God. But of course, despite of being brave hero, but he may also have a sense of humor, which Chris want to give his role with extra persona, since he's kinda get bored for his role that he needs not only extra personality, but also changing appearance. Which, im ok for that, but he always did a nice work of his role.
Then, we have his adopted brother, Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston), he's known as a mischievous God and Thor's nemesis if you've seen the previous films like "The avengers". As time change, despite he's a bad guy, but he's more of neutral, since he's a ruler of Asgard (Oh yeah, Spoiler Alert.). But of course, Tom did a nice work for his role of God of Mischievous.
And we have the late Odin (played by Anthony Hopkins), he's known as a former ruler of Asgard, since he was dying from the first act. although its pretty sad to see him coming to an end. But of course, Hopkins is always a legendary actor over decades.
Now lets talk about the newcomers. First, we have a main villain, Hela (played by Cate Blanchett). As you know, she's supposed daughter of Odin and the Goddess of Death that she was banished in other Realm. But man, she not only have cool appearance, but she might be a powerful villain in Standalone Thor movie. And Cate did a nice job her role, even though her head dress is the most difficult for how large it is.
Next, next we have Valkyrie (played by Tessa Thompson), she's a tomboy, a bounty hunter and.... A Hard-drinker of Asgard. Yeah, its rather questionable when she was appeared, as well that she's like a warrior of Sakaar as "Scrapper 142", despite that her identity was already revealed from her forearm tattoo. But im aware that she was supposed to be similar of Sarah Connor from Termintor 2 while training. Desite her questionable appearance of drinking, but she maybe a not-bad character that maybe she could come back in the future.
Then we have "GrandMaster" (played by... Jeff Goldblum?), he's known as one of the "Elders of the Universe" and the ruler of Sakaar. I find him to be a laid-back ruler with pleasure-seeking and enjoyer of life, tastes and smells. He's rather interesting character, and especially surprised that he was played by the same actor who played Malcolm in "Jurassic Park" franchise.
And finally, who could not forget to talk about The Incredible Hulk aka Bruce Banner (played by Mark Ruffalo), he's known to be an raging wrecking machine thanks to his radiation for causing him turning big green from his anger and brutal action. In this movie, he's in "Perma-Hulk", meaning he's turning into Hulk for years, kinda like She-Hulk, but she has it in infinity, but thats a different story. But here's a little fact, before Ruffalo, he was originally played by Edward Norton back in 2008, though i never saw this movie, but he was not too appreciate to crew members for his denied promotion of latter. Yeah, i guess it explained why Norton is a very serious person outside of big screen.
They're few other characters in the movie, like Heimdall (played by Idris Elba) who's all hearing and seeing Asgardian, Skruge (played by Karl Urban) who's a guardian of bride in Asgard and more. But some others that i was very surprised, like Doctor Strange came back in the movie (And yes, Benedict Cumberbatch reprised his role.) and Korg as played by the director himself Taika Waititi for motion capture.
Man, the movie is nearly having all-star casts, i guess you can say that most of all characters are likable for actions and humors.
And now its time for my conclusion.
Overall, Thor Ragnarok is surprisingly a great sequel, probably better than Guardians of the Galaxy 2. With great story, intense actions, fun acting, cool designs and it was well-executed. And im not trying to say its better than Spider-man Homecoming, Spider-man and Thor Ragnarok are a both successful movies with critical acclaim and a lotta money. If you're a fan of Thor, i highly recommend to watch it, its one of a good sequel of superhero movie since Spider-man 2.
Il give this movie 10/10. Its a worth of watching,
Well, im done for my movie review, if you guys have opinion or any suggestions, give a comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, until next time.
*review ends*
Bryan Emmerich: Well, that was actually a great one.
Mystica: Wow, thats pretty cool.
Bryan Emmerich: So, i guess we're only have one comic book remain. *picks up "Justice League Movie"* So now we got another one, but it was on DC Universe. Since we got a good one like "Wonder woman", lets hope its gonna be good too, right? *opens it up and looks at it*
To be continued...
Next, next we have Valkyrie (played by Tessa Thompson), she's a tomboy, a bounty hunter and.... A Hard-drinker of Asgard. Yeah, its rather questionable when she was appeared, as well that she's like a warrior of Sakaar as "Scrapper 142", despite that her identity was already revealed from her forearm tattoo. But im aware that she was supposed to be similar of Sarah Connor from Termintor 2 while training. Desite her questionable appearance of drinking, but she maybe a not-bad character that maybe she could come back in the future.
Then we have "GrandMaster" (played by... Jeff Goldblum?), he's known as one of the "Elders of the Universe" and the ruler of Sakaar. I find him to be a laid-back ruler with pleasure-seeking and enjoyer of life, tastes and smells. He's rather interesting character, and especially surprised that he was played by the same actor who played Malcolm in "Jurassic Park" franchise.
And finally, who could not forget to talk about The Incredible Hulk aka Bruce Banner (played by Mark Ruffalo), he's known to be an raging wrecking machine thanks to his radiation for causing him turning big green from his anger and brutal action. In this movie, he's in "Perma-Hulk", meaning he's turning into Hulk for years, kinda like She-Hulk, but she has it in infinity, but thats a different story. But here's a little fact, before Ruffalo, he was originally played by Edward Norton back in 2008, though i never saw this movie, but he was not too appreciate to crew members for his denied promotion of latter. Yeah, i guess it explained why Norton is a very serious person outside of big screen.
They're few other characters in the movie, like Heimdall (played by Idris Elba) who's all hearing and seeing Asgardian, Skruge (played by Karl Urban) who's a guardian of bride in Asgard and more. But some others that i was very surprised, like Doctor Strange came back in the movie (And yes, Benedict Cumberbatch reprised his role.) and Korg as played by the director himself Taika Waititi for motion capture.
Man, the movie is nearly having all-star casts, i guess you can say that most of all characters are likable for actions and humors.
And now its time for my conclusion.
Overall, Thor Ragnarok is surprisingly a great sequel, probably better than Guardians of the Galaxy 2. With great story, intense actions, fun acting, cool designs and it was well-executed. And im not trying to say its better than Spider-man Homecoming, Spider-man and Thor Ragnarok are a both successful movies with critical acclaim and a lotta money. If you're a fan of Thor, i highly recommend to watch it, its one of a good sequel of superhero movie since Spider-man 2.
Il give this movie 10/10. Its a worth of watching,
Well, im done for my movie review, if you guys have opinion or any suggestions, give a comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, until next time.
*review ends*
Bryan Emmerich: Well, that was actually a great one.
Mystica: Wow, thats pretty cool.
Bryan Emmerich: So, i guess we're only have one comic book remain. *picks up "Justice League Movie"* So now we got another one, but it was on DC Universe. Since we got a good one like "Wonder woman", lets hope its gonna be good too, right? *opens it up and looks at it*
To be continued...
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