Bryan Emmerich: *opens a box in surprise* Oh my goodness...
Mystica: What is it?
Bryan Emmerich: Its a... a costume of Spider-man and a comic based on the movie that it already came out called "Spider-man Homecoming"?
Mystica: Wow, didn't expect that.
Bryan Emmerich: Me too. I guess we'll find out, since we had five previous films. *opens a book to find out*
*several hours later*
Bryan Emmerich: wow... That... Was Amazing!!
*review starts*

Greeting everyone, my name is Bryan Emmerich and welcome back to the movie review.
What can we say about Spider-man? He's one of the most famous hero in Marvel comics history since he was first started in 1962, its about a teenager who got bitten by a radioactive spider that he secretly have powers with strength, climbing, super jumps, webs and even Spider-sense. Ever since he's so popular, he appeared every media from cartoons to the movies. The most famous is the Sam Raimi's Spider-man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire. The first was pretty descent, the second one is great and the third one is pretty disappointed, which is no wonder why their forth plan was canceled. And then we have two of "The amazing spider-man" movies, the first one was rather good and the second one is just a big joke, its also no wonder why their third plan got canceled. I mean geez, Sony and few members could've make a good spider-man movies for how to make something right.
That is until MCU finally brought our friendly neighborhood back in the big screen in "Captain America Civil War", which it sounds too soon, but they have to follow the book for big brawl of heroes. And finally, they made their standalone film that we're highly anticipated.
"Spider-man Homecoming" is a 2017 Superhero film was written/directed by Jon Watts, produced by Kevin Fiege and Amy Pascal and written by Jonathan Goldstein, John Francis Daley for screenplay and story.
As i mentioned before, Spider-man was first appeared in Civil War that he's working with Iron Man for the protection facility like in the comic. And when he first introduced, we're pretty surprised and impressed for him. And thats why they made a movie that is sorta like a sequel from last year.
With that said, will this movie holds up for the MCU's second attempt of our favorite web-swinger, or is this film will be like a bug crushed by Green Goblin?
Lets find out.
It began after the Avengers fought against the creatures called "Chitauri", a man named Adrian Toomes worked for a clean up, but they're been took over by Stark's U.S. Department of Damage Control, leaving him and his henchmen out of business. 8 years later, Peter Parker filmed himself for a vlogging about his life and even being a heroic Spider-man while fighting against a few members of Avengers. After that, he was originally attended to be a part of the Avengers, but he was not ready, because he has a study to do. Meanwhile, Adrian was angered of his released, he was planning to stealing Tony Stark's Iron Man armors for his secret plan. So its up to Parker to dealing against Adrian known as "Vulture" to defending Tony's armors.
I can the story is actually quiet interesting concept, rather having a villain for stealing money or any victim, this one focused with Vulture looking for Tony's armor for his goal and revenge. Even though the story can hard for Peter's difficult goal to become a member of the Avengers after the Civil War, which he may risked himself for his adventure. As we know, the subplot goes where Parker has to do the study in his school and perhaps have a relationship with Liz, which it didn't work very well. The study subplot might work, since we know Pete is a teenager hero, but the love with Liz, yeah...
The story is pretty good, but some of the subplot isn't worth for the development.
The production
What can i say for the production? Its just a great concept in MCU. The filming location is nice place, especially with Washington D.C.. The action sequence are pretty damn cool and intense. So what about the costume designs? For Spider-man, he looks pretty cool, even though it has some black lines from his arms and legs. He has a belt which its easy for the fact its his ammo for his web-slingers, the web-slingers are shown which it would've been good to covering them. Plus, his mask has moving eyes for his reaction. But his costume has some interesting concept, which he might have a similar concept of Iron Man, with having an AI named "Karen", a robot partner named "Spider-Drone" and multiple of type of webs like taser, explosive and more. I like his concept, it will be a lot more creative and nearly powerful. He also have his old costume, which is just a hood and a mask with goggles, not bad, but i would've surprise if he has "The Human spider" costume from the first "Spider-man" movie, even though the suit in the movie took about between 25 to 45 when he's wearing it. For Vultures, i also like the design, with a pilot outfit with a jet pack with wings, he looks way better than his old appearance in the comic. Toomes's henchmen's gadgets are also pretty cool with laser gun with orbs, a shocking fist gauntlet for "Shocker" and even a gravity gun. And of course, we have Iron Man, in this movie, his armor called "Mk 47", although it has an interesting concept with Wi-Fi call, but the color appearance is average, although it has hotrod colors (red and yellow), but it has a bit too much of gray from torso and arms. The effects in the movie is well done with CGs.
The production is well-done for the actions and the costume designs.
The characters
If you ever read the comic, you probably know who those characters are, unless you already know from previous MCU films.
First is our titular friendly neighborhood himself, Peter Parker, aka Spider-man (played by Tom Holland). He's a geek boy for study with science and maybe a comic book boy. However, he seems to be probably risky, since he may have a clumsy problem not just in average life, but being a hero. I mean sure, he is a teen in a unlucky life from his rival Flash Thompson (played by Tony Revolori). Despite that, Tom did a good job for his role, especially that he was inspired from two previous roles of Spider-man.
He has a friend named Ned (played by Jacob Batalon), although he's like Peter for science subject in school, but he's probably be like his partner of Spider-man for the command of locations and others. Even though some say that he's supposed to be "Ned Leeds" (aka the third Hobgoblin), but he has nothing to do with him to never include "Leeds" for his last name. Well, only time will tell for more Spider-man movies.
Then we have Liz (played by Laura Harrier), who's a student's favorite in the school and probably a love interest from Parker. But sadly, she would've do better that she has less appearance and she's not as interesting than Mary Jane Watson nor Gwen Stacy.
His partner is Tony Stark aka Iron Man (played by or course, Robert Downey Jr), as you know, he's a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist with a sense of humor. In this movie, he seems to be like a mentor to make attention to Parker for the goal to become a part of Avengers. Its kinda obvious that he has less appearance, which i guess he's busy to hang out with babes. Although still, Robert is always did a nice work for his role.
And finally is Adrian Toomes aka Vulture (played by Michael Keaton), he's an interesting villain in the movie, he's an arms trafficker for seeks revenge for his released of his business. Which he has a jetpack wing from Chitauri technology. He's sorta like a dark version of Tony Stark. though Keaton did a nice job of his role, but apparently, he's portrayed in the opposite direction after he played Batman from 1989 to 1992.
There few others like Aunt May (played by Marisa Tomei) even though she seems to be less older, Michelle Jones (played by Zendaya?) who's a smarter student in Peter's class, Happy Hogan (played by... Jon Favreau???) who's a former head security of Stark's industries and a bodyguard, Aaron Davis (played by Donald Glover) who's a purchaser for Toomes and more that i won't tell more.
The characters are great and one who's nice to be back. Even though some who's rather forgettable.
And now its time for my conclusion.
Spider-man Homecoming is probably a best Spider-man film ever done with good acting for the characters (except for some), interesting story and impressive production. Even though the subplot for the relationship of Liz and Peter isn't worth for the lack of development or even Iron Man's Mk 47 design. Despite my flaws of the movie, but its still great. If you're looking for good Spider-man film, this one is for you, i highly recommend to watch it, it has fun action and it has some sense of humor.
So for that, il give it 9/10. Go watch it if you want.
Well, im done for the review. If you guys have some suggestions or your opinion of the movie, hit the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, until next time.
*review ends*
Bryan Emmerich: Still, it was an amazing film. I bet they--
News: We're reporting that we have an unidentified black figure who's running around and attacking a victims for unknown reasons...
Bryan Emmerich: Hmm... I guess il do my job as Spider-man. *suits up, leave his home and swings around with webs*
Mystica: Good luck, Bryan!
*few minutes later*
Bryan Emmerich (in Spider-man outfit): *lands on the ground* Stop right there!
???: *looks behind, turns behind who appears to be dark humanoid with long darker gray coat, a a diamond shape of gemstone on his chest (but covered from the coat), long black wrist bands and a mask while wielding his sword with a gun* Who the heck are you...!?
Bryan Emmerich: Don't you dare to intimidate me, because i am Spider-man! *shoots a web-balls at him*
???: *blocks them with his powerful weapon* Foolish human being, you're nothing but worthless kind than my gems! *dashes at him for a slash*
Bryan Emmerich: *avoids it* Woah!! You're must be pretty quick! *shoots him again*
???: *blocks it again, but quickly shoots at him*
Bryan Emmerich: YEEP!! *jumps away for a web-swing, but not before his web-slinger from the right got shot that he falls on the ground* OUFF!! He's must over--
???: *grabs him* Do you really think that you're protecting these people?!
Bryan Emmerich: Y-yes??
???: To bad... My apprentice that i named "Dark Amethyst" will coming soon to kill you all the humanities...!
Bryan Emmerich: D-Dark Amethyst--
???: *throws him away to the wall very hard* Til next time, you bastard... *walks away and disappeared*
Bryan Emmerich: Aaargh...!! *unmasks himself* Goddamn it... He's gonna kill the humanities right now...??
*meanwhile, in the hospital of Australia*
Corporate Driver: *lays on the bed in limbless and watching TV for the news* I've never seen a dark figure beaten that web-boy... If only that i'd rather manipulating Anthony for my power!!!
Secretary Driver: Im not sure, but we wish if we'll take control him for our plan for only us, but making as a new app--
News: We're also reporting that the famous racer and a hero named "Anthony" who's been taken to a hospital after his near fatal car crash. Unfortunately, when the doctor arrived to see him, the body was disappeared without the truth. Whether is the kidnapper or being abducted by an alien, it has been started for the search of a lost Canadian boy...
Secretary Driver: Wait, what?!
Corporate Driver: Aw BullS***!! Partner, i want you to send me to a surgery, because i need my limbs to get my arse back in business!!
*To be continued*
Bryan Emmerich: wow... That... Was Amazing!!
*review starts*

Greeting everyone, my name is Bryan Emmerich and welcome back to the movie review.
What can we say about Spider-man? He's one of the most famous hero in Marvel comics history since he was first started in 1962, its about a teenager who got bitten by a radioactive spider that he secretly have powers with strength, climbing, super jumps, webs and even Spider-sense. Ever since he's so popular, he appeared every media from cartoons to the movies. The most famous is the Sam Raimi's Spider-man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire. The first was pretty descent, the second one is great and the third one is pretty disappointed, which is no wonder why their forth plan was canceled. And then we have two of "The amazing spider-man" movies, the first one was rather good and the second one is just a big joke, its also no wonder why their third plan got canceled. I mean geez, Sony and few members could've make a good spider-man movies for how to make something right.
That is until MCU finally brought our friendly neighborhood back in the big screen in "Captain America Civil War", which it sounds too soon, but they have to follow the book for big brawl of heroes. And finally, they made their standalone film that we're highly anticipated.
"Spider-man Homecoming" is a 2017 Superhero film was written/directed by Jon Watts, produced by Kevin Fiege and Amy Pascal and written by Jonathan Goldstein, John Francis Daley for screenplay and story.
As i mentioned before, Spider-man was first appeared in Civil War that he's working with Iron Man for the protection facility like in the comic. And when he first introduced, we're pretty surprised and impressed for him. And thats why they made a movie that is sorta like a sequel from last year.
With that said, will this movie holds up for the MCU's second attempt of our favorite web-swinger, or is this film will be like a bug crushed by Green Goblin?
Lets find out.
It began after the Avengers fought against the creatures called "Chitauri", a man named Adrian Toomes worked for a clean up, but they're been took over by Stark's U.S. Department of Damage Control, leaving him and his henchmen out of business. 8 years later, Peter Parker filmed himself for a vlogging about his life and even being a heroic Spider-man while fighting against a few members of Avengers. After that, he was originally attended to be a part of the Avengers, but he was not ready, because he has a study to do. Meanwhile, Adrian was angered of his released, he was planning to stealing Tony Stark's Iron Man armors for his secret plan. So its up to Parker to dealing against Adrian known as "Vulture" to defending Tony's armors.
I can the story is actually quiet interesting concept, rather having a villain for stealing money or any victim, this one focused with Vulture looking for Tony's armor for his goal and revenge. Even though the story can hard for Peter's difficult goal to become a member of the Avengers after the Civil War, which he may risked himself for his adventure. As we know, the subplot goes where Parker has to do the study in his school and perhaps have a relationship with Liz, which it didn't work very well. The study subplot might work, since we know Pete is a teenager hero, but the love with Liz, yeah...
The story is pretty good, but some of the subplot isn't worth for the development.
The production
What can i say for the production? Its just a great concept in MCU. The filming location is nice place, especially with Washington D.C.. The action sequence are pretty damn cool and intense. So what about the costume designs? For Spider-man, he looks pretty cool, even though it has some black lines from his arms and legs. He has a belt which its easy for the fact its his ammo for his web-slingers, the web-slingers are shown which it would've been good to covering them. Plus, his mask has moving eyes for his reaction. But his costume has some interesting concept, which he might have a similar concept of Iron Man, with having an AI named "Karen", a robot partner named "Spider-Drone" and multiple of type of webs like taser, explosive and more. I like his concept, it will be a lot more creative and nearly powerful. He also have his old costume, which is just a hood and a mask with goggles, not bad, but i would've surprise if he has "The Human spider" costume from the first "Spider-man" movie, even though the suit in the movie took about between 25 to 45 when he's wearing it. For Vultures, i also like the design, with a pilot outfit with a jet pack with wings, he looks way better than his old appearance in the comic. Toomes's henchmen's gadgets are also pretty cool with laser gun with orbs, a shocking fist gauntlet for "Shocker" and even a gravity gun. And of course, we have Iron Man, in this movie, his armor called "Mk 47", although it has an interesting concept with Wi-Fi call, but the color appearance is average, although it has hotrod colors (red and yellow), but it has a bit too much of gray from torso and arms. The effects in the movie is well done with CGs.
The production is well-done for the actions and the costume designs.
The characters
If you ever read the comic, you probably know who those characters are, unless you already know from previous MCU films.
First is our titular friendly neighborhood himself, Peter Parker, aka Spider-man (played by Tom Holland). He's a geek boy for study with science and maybe a comic book boy. However, he seems to be probably risky, since he may have a clumsy problem not just in average life, but being a hero. I mean sure, he is a teen in a unlucky life from his rival Flash Thompson (played by Tony Revolori). Despite that, Tom did a good job for his role, especially that he was inspired from two previous roles of Spider-man.
He has a friend named Ned (played by Jacob Batalon), although he's like Peter for science subject in school, but he's probably be like his partner of Spider-man for the command of locations and others. Even though some say that he's supposed to be "Ned Leeds" (aka the third Hobgoblin), but he has nothing to do with him to never include "Leeds" for his last name. Well, only time will tell for more Spider-man movies.
Then we have Liz (played by Laura Harrier), who's a student's favorite in the school and probably a love interest from Parker. But sadly, she would've do better that she has less appearance and she's not as interesting than Mary Jane Watson nor Gwen Stacy.
His partner is Tony Stark aka Iron Man (played by or course, Robert Downey Jr), as you know, he's a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist with a sense of humor. In this movie, he seems to be like a mentor to make attention to Parker for the goal to become a part of Avengers. Its kinda obvious that he has less appearance, which i guess he's busy to hang out with babes. Although still, Robert is always did a nice work for his role.
And finally is Adrian Toomes aka Vulture (played by Michael Keaton), he's an interesting villain in the movie, he's an arms trafficker for seeks revenge for his released of his business. Which he has a jetpack wing from Chitauri technology. He's sorta like a dark version of Tony Stark. though Keaton did a nice job of his role, but apparently, he's portrayed in the opposite direction after he played Batman from 1989 to 1992.
There few others like Aunt May (played by Marisa Tomei) even though she seems to be less older, Michelle Jones (played by Zendaya?) who's a smarter student in Peter's class, Happy Hogan (played by... Jon Favreau???) who's a former head security of Stark's industries and a bodyguard, Aaron Davis (played by Donald Glover) who's a purchaser for Toomes and more that i won't tell more.
The characters are great and one who's nice to be back. Even though some who's rather forgettable.
And now its time for my conclusion.
Spider-man Homecoming is probably a best Spider-man film ever done with good acting for the characters (except for some), interesting story and impressive production. Even though the subplot for the relationship of Liz and Peter isn't worth for the lack of development or even Iron Man's Mk 47 design. Despite my flaws of the movie, but its still great. If you're looking for good Spider-man film, this one is for you, i highly recommend to watch it, it has fun action and it has some sense of humor.
So for that, il give it 9/10. Go watch it if you want.
Well, im done for the review. If you guys have some suggestions or your opinion of the movie, hit the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, until next time.
*review ends*
Bryan Emmerich: Still, it was an amazing film. I bet they--
News: We're reporting that we have an unidentified black figure who's running around and attacking a victims for unknown reasons...
Bryan Emmerich: Hmm... I guess il do my job as Spider-man. *suits up, leave his home and swings around with webs*
Mystica: Good luck, Bryan!
*few minutes later*
Bryan Emmerich (in Spider-man outfit): *lands on the ground* Stop right there!
???: *looks behind, turns behind who appears to be dark humanoid with long darker gray coat, a a diamond shape of gemstone on his chest (but covered from the coat), long black wrist bands and a mask while wielding his sword with a gun* Who the heck are you...!?
Bryan Emmerich: Don't you dare to intimidate me, because i am Spider-man! *shoots a web-balls at him*
???: *blocks them with his powerful weapon* Foolish human being, you're nothing but worthless kind than my gems! *dashes at him for a slash*
Bryan Emmerich: *avoids it* Woah!! You're must be pretty quick! *shoots him again*
???: *blocks it again, but quickly shoots at him*
Bryan Emmerich: YEEP!! *jumps away for a web-swing, but not before his web-slinger from the right got shot that he falls on the ground* OUFF!! He's must over--
???: *grabs him* Do you really think that you're protecting these people?!
Bryan Emmerich: Y-yes??
???: To bad... My apprentice that i named "Dark Amethyst" will coming soon to kill you all the humanities...!
Bryan Emmerich: D-Dark Amethyst--
???: *throws him away to the wall very hard* Til next time, you bastard... *walks away and disappeared*
Bryan Emmerich: Aaargh...!! *unmasks himself* Goddamn it... He's gonna kill the humanities right now...??
*meanwhile, in the hospital of Australia*
Corporate Driver: *lays on the bed in limbless and watching TV for the news* I've never seen a dark figure beaten that web-boy... If only that i'd rather manipulating Anthony for my power!!!
Secretary Driver: Im not sure, but we wish if we'll take control him for our plan for only us, but making as a new app--
News: We're also reporting that the famous racer and a hero named "Anthony" who's been taken to a hospital after his near fatal car crash. Unfortunately, when the doctor arrived to see him, the body was disappeared without the truth. Whether is the kidnapper or being abducted by an alien, it has been started for the search of a lost Canadian boy...
Secretary Driver: Wait, what?!
Corporate Driver: Aw BullS***!! Partner, i want you to send me to a surgery, because i need my limbs to get my arse back in business!!
*To be continued*
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