Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my game review. Yeah, i haven't doing a game review for a long time before the ending of 2016. So im gonna talk about the game that i really wanted to talk about, but i was being lazy.
Last time, i reviewed Dragon Ball Xenoverse, a fighting RPG that was developed by Dimps. Which i loved this game. Although the PS3 version isn't bad, but the PS4 version what i played is much more improve that i played. Even since the game was good, Dimps decided to make their second game that it came out one year later (2016), which i was shocked that they made it like quickly.
So, i pre-ordered this game on PS4 for my anticipation. And before you ask, no, i never played a Beta version, because i prefer waiting for the full release. When i got it, not only i got the game, but i also have Goku's Super Saiyan key chain. Which i was surprised what i earned back in October.
So, with all that said, will this game will be improved from the first one, or is it gonna be a boring version than the first one?
Lets find out.
Like the previous game, you starts to create your new character in the game. Like i created my female saiyan name Gouki, who;'s a daughter of her saiyan father name Anttrox. Once again, some species have some specials, like where Namekians regenerate their health, Saiyan's grows their power while in lower health and few others.
Unlike the first game that the hub is just simple and boring, here is huge and i loved it. The hub was called "Conton City", it was located in the ground (instead of the air from Toki-Toki City), it has some locations like a small city, Goku's old home (Where he was young) and like the previous game, it has parallel quest and various shops. Its pretty amazing how bigger the hub is. And finally, you can ride something, like you start riding with a capsule rider. Later on (After you beat some chapters of the story), you'll able to fly. I always like to flying around to explore everywhere to find something. Speaking of, you can plenty of objects from the ground, which all of them shown in shiny. Whether its gaining your power, foods and few other items that you don't care. Like the previous game, you can find many of DB characters that they're your mentor. The only weird choice of mentor that i noticed was a young Gohan. Like why does Dimps picked up kid Gohan as a mentor, like isn't Adult Gohan was there with Videl? Who cares... My only thing i don't like is the milk delivery mini-game, where Krilin was standing behind the accessories item's shop that he asks you to delivering milks to any time patrollers. My first problem is that you're too slow to move, because while holding the box of milk, it was too heavy to carrying, like come on, aren't you supposed to running while you're pretty strong? Second, you can do a dash by tapping a button, but for me, its a suicide button, because i pressed it, my character drops the box to breaking the bottle of milk that i have to start over. Which is absolutely unfair that the control is sensitive in the mini-game. So don't trust with milk delivery.
About the gameplay, its pretty much the same as the previous game, it has a same fighting style and the same control. But the control has a small update, like where you hit your opponent away and then you dash toward it to hit away again. Or my personal favorite is where you old down the circle button to shoot a multiple of Ki balls. For the special and ultimate attack is pretty much like before, hold down R2 for special attack (based on Strike for melee or Ki for projectiles.) and holding L2 and R2 at the same time, you do the ultimate attack. You have a block button, but you can also doing a grabbing attack. The attack is depending which species are you playing as, but they're almost have the same fighting style. It could've be great to have a custom fighting style to make this game creative and challenging. Once you complete the story or parallel quest, you get more experience to level up and grow your health points, damage points, Ki points, Strike points and few others. However, like the first game, the only thing i hate to lose is the wasting my stamina, which when i block or doing a flying dash, it easily waste my stamina, i know im playing as Gouki, i guess its because it makes this game more challenging, but for me, its just annoying to wasting and losing the game.
For the story, its a bit the same as the first one, it takes place two years after the first game, where you play as the new time patroller meet The Supreme Kai of Time called you for your starting business. However, Towa and Mira returned for their vengeance to sending three characters from Dragon Ball movies not only Broly, but also Turles and Lord Slug and one mysterious Saiyan (Im pretty sure you know who he is...) to once again, changing any timelines. Its up to you for going back in time to fix everything up. However, there's a new plot where an owl name TokiToki is about to lay an egg for a new universe, which it can creates a new time...?
Although, it has some extra part in our story, like where you save Future Gohan with Trunk or even fighting Frieza's brother name Cooler. Not much else about the story. If you want to know about the ending, im not gona talk about, cause its not only shocking, but its ridiculously hard to beat i've ever played.
As for the parallel quest, i find it pretty disappointing. Aside for new quests, but they borrowed the same quest from the first game, they could've make something new, rather than bring the old quest to the new game. Like is this a sequel, or an expansion pack? Not to mention, ever since you're fighting with any DB characters, they're pretty much using the same lines from before. I mean, talk about a lazy move...
Aside the parallel quest, in the hub, there's a side quest that its either from a parellel quest, a player VS AI or even any wormholes to fight with stronger enemies with you and 7 more time patrollers. Im pretty sure they took the same idea from before, but something new, im ok for that. While the hard wormhole mission is pretty damn tough or other times impossible to beat, because you have like a short time limit. Its better to beat it with online players.
There's also a Training School, where you're trying to do some tricky moves. For me, im not a huge fan of it, it might be pretty hard to try, if you're an DBX expert player for the control.
Lastly, you notice that there's a flying platform in the hub, it turns out it has five of them, there's Hercule Satan's house, the capsule house, Maijin Buu's home, a temple of Namek and Frieza's ship. Each of them based on race where you played. Like where Gouki was teached by Goku and Vegeta to become a Super Saiyan in The capsule house hub. I find it an interesting idea for this game.
And the rest, there's not else to say, it has a same graphic and some musics brought back and also some new songs. Although its nice to be back, but little bit disappointing.
And now for my final opinion of this game.
Overall, Dragon Ball Xenoverse is pretty much the same as before, but with upgrades. With similar story, same gameplay, interesting graphic and some parallel quest is pretty shameful. I really wish if Dimps should make something new than before to make it fun, challenging and something creative for new stuff. So this game feels like an expansion pack. If you like this game, go ahead, try it if you want. If you're like me, it will easily make you feel bored.
So, im gonna rate this game a 7/10.
So this ends of my game review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.