Warning: The following review contains strong language. Readers discretion advised.

*come back to my house from my school and sits back on my seat in a bad mood.* Oh my god...
Hey, everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review...
Ok, if you wanna know why i am pissed? Its because i saw this movie two time in my school, because before, my teacher showed the movie that it was "Good", i was curious to find out and... good lord, i can't believe what did i just watched... Its horrible... Very, very horrible...
For those you don't know (If im glad you never heard of.), "The other sister" is a 1999 romantic-comedy film that was directed by Garry Marshall, produced by Mario Iscovich and Alexandra Rose and written by Bob Brunner.
Its one of the movie that most people didn't like it a lot for all the reasons and like i said, its one movie that my teacher loved it for her reasons. But for me, i don't.
So how bad can it be?
Lets find out.
The story
It all started where a mildly mentally disabled woman name Carla Tate was succeed a certification from her special school, she sent back to her home for reunite her over-protective mother name Elizabeth. But one in her new school, she meets mental man names Daniel McMann thatr they're become friends. So Carla wants to be in relationship with Danny (As she likes to call him.) to be a family with her new home.
To me, the story itself feels like non-exist, its just a generic romantic movie with two mental disability characters, but to make it funny? No, i don't find it funny, its just awkwardly cringe to watch. Speaking of cringy, there's some part that doesn't make any logic at all that i was frustrated, like in the ceremony, Carla was distracted by any dogs for let them free, it is absolutely embarrassing what she did, like where's the police to tell the parents for the payment of the damage? But since this is the late 90's movie, they decide to "Fuck the logic" and lets make it funny! Oh yeah,the jokes are pretty boring that i'd rather sleep while watching. But i did chuckle for one gag that it kinda works.
The story feels like it was written by 12 year old to have a romantic story with mental characters, its just boring and outright cringy.
The production
There's not special to say, its strange (Or obvious if you looked at the background or not.) that they filmed in three locations of California, Long Beach, San-Francisco and Pasadena. And the soundtrack has some musical numbers, which it has some beautiful song that i'd would like to listen to. And the compose music, its also beautiful.
But sometimes, they even made a scene where Carla and Danny watched a movie called "The graduate" for their demonstration. When i saw this scene, i was like "
There's nothing else to say for the production, so Fuck it.
The characters
Good lord, where do i begins for the characters.
First we have Carla Tate (played by Juliette Lewis, best known in Cape Fear and What's Eating Gilbert Grape), although she looks pretty cute, but good lord, what a awkward personality! I know she's portrayed as an autistic character to help anyone, but she's much as a mental retard girl with an annoying voice that i'd rather put a duct tape on her Goddamn mouth!!!
*take a breath to tone down my anger level.*
Next up is Daniel McMann (played by Giovanni Ribisi), this guy is even worse than Carla, even though Giovanni had some good films which i haven't watch like "Saving Private Ryan" or some others, but his role in the movie... Oh my god... He also has annoying voice, with stuttering. And he also loves fanfare that he wants it in the wedding with Carla (And yes spoiler alert.) and he was also get drunk that he wants his friend's vintage Ford Mustang for all the stupid reason!!
God... I've never seen how disorder this movie that despite i was also born with autism, but this movie made me feel disgrace for the relationship Shitfest!!! G
And the rest is pretty much boring and not welcoming for good actors, like Elizabeth Tate (played by Diane Keaton) is an over-protective mother, Radley (played by Tom Skerritt) is a a dentist and recovering alcoholic. Caroline Tate (played by Poppy Montgomery) is a typical cute sister, Heather Tate (played by Sarah Paulson) is a sister with no personality and Jeff Reed (played by Joe Flanigan) is a guy with no personality.
These characters are all not likable with bad acting and annoying... I mean Good Fucking lord that i feel like my ears is bleeding. And since this is a romantic (Which this film might also be a drama), this movie didn't work for giving a sympathy, the only thing to give a sympathy is my life!!!
Overall for my final opinion, this is the worst movie i've ever watch, With non-exist story, unlikable characters and production is more likely a "Meh", I mean this movie should be work for a direct-to-video movie, not a cinematic film with a Shitty acting!!!
It should've been no exist for this disaster movie that it earned 27,8 million dollars of Box office, despite that the movie was developed with 35 million dollars that THIS MOVIE WAS A BOMB!!! Thank God This Movie Deserved IT!!!!!
*grab my cup of water and throws on the ground for my pure rage*
Corporate Driver: *laughing out loud of my humiliation* Oh my gohahad... That was pretty funny... This guy is Fucked from this movie that it came out nearly 20 years... XD
Secretary Driver: Yeah, he deserves it after plenty of "Good films" that he talked about from few months.
Corporate Driver: Yup, lets hope next year, he'll suffer his humiliation again for more bad movies next year. I mean 2016 is like our best year ever, right?
Secretary Driver: Indeed, since Donald Trump is like our heroes to suing everybody for the "criticisms", i mean, these kids are always hypocrites, eh?
Corporate Driver: Yes. So maybe il be the next president of America in the future to make ourselves great again.
*back to my house with my hands on my foreheads for how traumatizing i was*
I really need to take a relax for my bedroom or maybe that i'd watch some good movies in my collection to get my positive back...
If you guys have your opinion of any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow...
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out... *get up and going to my room for relaxing*
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