Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.
From a few months ago,i reviewed Disney's Zootopia, which is easily one of the best film i ever watched that i gave it a 10 out of 10. And i was anticipated to see Moana, which is Disney's second time that they release two films in the same year.
Moana is a 2016 film that was directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, produced by Osnat Shurer and written by Jared Bush. When i first heard about Moana, i believe its gonna be another Disney princess movie, but im not sure what i was thinking. And plus, i was surprised that this movie stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, which it made me even more anticipating.
So, with all that said, will this movie will be a great second film of 2016, or is this film that i'd rather lose a stone of life?
Lets find out.
The story.
It begins from the flashback where a goddess name Te Fiti was emerged from the island, with a heart stone called "Pounamu", the goddess can create life and fight back at monsters. But then, a demigod name Maui who stole a stone for a gift to humanity. Because the stone was taken away, the island turned into darkness and create a lava demon called "Te Ka", Maui was attempted to defeat the demon, but lost the battle, especially losing his magic fishhook, that it made him transforming into various animals. Lomg years later, we introduce our titular character name Moana Waialiki who lives in the island of Motunui, she first saw a stone for her collection along with shells, but her father name Chief Tui tells her to stay away from the water from the danger. When she grew up, she wanted to help the villagers to find fishes from beyond the reef, but her father rejects her from the danger from his past. Later on, she meets her dying grandmother named Tala about the past of the voyage to Te Fiti, she gives her a heart stone and tells her to find Te Fiti for resurrection and also finding Maui until she dies. So its up to Moana has to help with Maui to save the island with heart stone.
Though i gotta say, i find that the story is pretty creative, having a story about a resurrection island with a stone is a cool concept. Not to mention, we know that we starts with a subplot where she has to help Maui to finding a fishhook for his power, since he's a demigod. Which im pretty sure it works for the main plot. But sometimes, there's a subplot where they got attacked by a coconut pirates, like i don't know who they are and why does the pirates has to do with the main plot. As for the gags in the movie, they're like 80%, i always laugh at some jokes and gags, like where Maui tried to stay away from Moana, but he was taken back to the boat by the water.
The story of the film is great along with the main subplot. Even thought there's one subplot was just a waste.
The animation
What can i say, its just a Disney film with beautiful animation. They're always has a positive things about the movie like, it has a cool realistic quality like the water effect and the sky of day and night. The background looks absolutely beautiful, its almost like we're having a vacation island like Hawaii, even though this movie takes place on Polynesia. The character designs of this movie are great since its always a similar style of Glen Keane since Tangled. The animals design is above average, some of them are looking cool and cute and other times some are silly, like the design of a chicken, it looks soo Derpy. As for the animation, its pretty much like previous Disney films, always great. But the best part, its the animation of Maui's tattoo, i was very impressed that rather than the film is completely CGI, it goes into a small part of traditional animation. Well done, Disney.
The animation is always beautiful, despite it has a small flaws.
The characters
This movie is only focus with two main characters, which some characters have small appearance of the first act, which i was expect to have more than two characters.
First we have Moana Waialiki (Voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, which is her acting debut.), i find her pretty beautiful. Aside her design, she's an interesting character, at first, she seems to be a bit clumsy, but at least she has a good respect with Maui for a help. Since this is Auli'i's debut, she did a great work for her very first voice acting role.
Then there's a demigod name Maui (Voiced by the one and only, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.), this guy is easily one of my favorite in the movie. He has a lot of sense humor and he almost like steal the show. However, he has a negative attention that he's portayed as a selfish, arrogant, and buffoon (According to Karlo Mila.). But for me, its just a fiction, like there's no reason to be sensitive for the character based on mythology. Despite some flaws, Dwayne is always steals the show with his great performance in this film, despite he has a problem of pronunciation. So, it doesn't matter what you criticized.
They're few other characters like Moana's family, but the movie has less characters. Its pretty disappointed and unlikely than Zootopia. Its pretty shameful that we have two main characters.
As for the songs, they're like 90%, some of the songs are great like "How Far I'll Go" and "You're welcome". But there's one song that i don't like is "Shiny". Although Jemaine Clement had good signing, but the lyric is the weakest, its all about a shiny crab name Tamatoa about how shiny he is. Talk about egotistic monster...
Before my final opinion, you're wondering about my thoughts of Disney's short film called "Inner working"? Well, its like what if they made Disney version of Pixar's Inside out, but with organs in the blender. I find it pretty average, although its a cool concept, but the designs is rather cheesy like the main character's head is pretty much a cube some others are also cheesy. Unless you counted some fan-service like some female characters have a big hips.
So Inner Workings is average at best, il give is 6/10.
Anyway, to the final opinion.
Overall, Moana is a another Disney's great work, with creative story, likable characters, good songs and a beautiful animation. But the movie didn't beat Zootopia for the best, because it has some flaws like one song is bad, some animal design is silly and the one small sub plot is just a waste. And good lord, this is another takes almost 2 hours to watch since Doctor Strange. Im getting tired of my painful constipation when i drank a diet Coke.
The movie didn't get a perfect 10, because my rating of this movie is definitely a 9/10. Go watch it if you want, because its recommended.
So this ends of my movie review, if you-- *interrupt myself to look at the window* Hm? Why is the sky is gray? *going outside to looking at the sky, it was a Death Star* Oh my god... The Galactic Empire are back, with Death Star...! Well, i gotta review Rogue One next week.
If you guys have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow.
Now if you excuse me, i gotta find an X-wing, thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.
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