It begins where Anthony (me) goes into investigation to find the plan of the Death Star. But in one faithful day, after investigating on Tatooine, he was about to fly away, he has a visitor from his tail...
Anthony: Hm? *looks behind a bit, but not before a a green laser show that it missed* Oh no... Its the TIE Fighter. *tries to shuffling left or right to avoid it*
TIE Fighter: *waits for the auto-aim, until shooting him down*
Anthony: Aw crap! I lost it!! *loses his control of his X-Wing to crashing on the ground, he survived, but his leg got injured* Ow... *opens the cockpit and gets out of it, painfully* Augh.... I should've get back in school for a flight test... Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to my movie review.
Well, im stranded on Tatooine that i have to wait for call of the ship to bring me back to Earth. Anyway, yes im back in business to review Rogue One, i mean when i first heard of it, i was pretty curious about it. And as you all know, this is the first Star Wars film to have an anthology. And this may be my last movie review of 2016.
So, Rogue one is a 2016 side story of Star Wars that it was directed by Gareth Edwards (Who's best known for reviving Godzilla in 2014), produce by Kathleen Kennedy and two more of them and written by Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy. As i said before from my "Force Awaken" review, i was waited for episode 8, but i first noticed Rogue One for my curiosity, which they said that it takes place before "The new hope".
So, without further do, will this movie gonna a epic start of anthology, or is it falls flat like the prequel?
Lets find out.
The story
Like i said before, it takes place before "The New Hope", where a girl name Jyn Erso left her family for fifteen years and she's in the prison from the empire, but not before she was rescued by The Rebels that she joined with Cassian Andor, Orson Krennic, Chirrut Îmwe, Bodhi Rook, Baze Malbus and K-2SO. According to The rebels, they claimed that The Galactic Empire built their Death Star to destroy every planets, its up to Jyn and his gang to find the plan to destroy the space station.
Though to be fair,i find it interesting how we want to know how did they found a plan to destroy this big ship for destroying every planets. But i have some problems. First, the development of Death Star is like it was rushed, which i wish it can do that for the final act, but they decided to finish it in the first act. And my second problem is that rather than focusing to find a plan, they chose to finding Jyn's father name Galen Eros for her reason. Its like we're waiting for an hours to going back to our main plot, so the side plot about Jyn's father is just a waste.
Although the story make sense how did they found about the plan, but the movie ended up taking 2 hours for the search of Jyn's father is the main plot than the plan. They could've just change the story development like some group steal the plan to fight back to get the plan return to The Rebels. Talk about a shameful written.
The production
Back in the old days, it was done with the old effects in the late 70's like the model, stop motion, the laser effect and few more old tricks. Since this film came out of December 2016, it was fone with computer. I like some planets that they shown us for the different world. But i find that the planet Jedha is pretty much like Tatooine or Jakku, which is a desert planet, but with a cool village that was on the mountain. I mean, im getting tired of cliche desert planet, make something original.
The one planet that im happy to see it back is Yavin 4, i know it doesn't have a similar battle of Yavin 4 like "The new hope" did, but its nice to see it back.
But my biggest disappointed is the Death Star laser to the planet. In "The new hope", the planet has been blasted and "BOOM!", thats pretty much about it, despite it was kinda cheap to have a quick destruction of planet Alderaan. Here, when the space station blast the planet, it start to destroy the planet slowly, like why is it so slow? Oh, maybe its because they're trying to be realistic from the documentaries about the destruction planet takes a long time to end it. I mean good lord, i'd rather fast-forward the destruction planet scene.
Aside from the planets, they have a cool ships and weapons. But another thing that i was impressed, its the makeup for the characters from the original trilogy like Governor Moff Tarkin, Mon Mothma and few other characters, which they did a makeup to look like they're from the past. Some that look great, and some that it looks kinda cheap. I mean, sure they don't brought the old actors in the prequel like some of them are getting old and some who passed away. I understand why they hired the actors too look like they're from the past, but its more likely and above average idea. Like where in the ending of "Return of the Jedi" had Sebastian Shaw from before, but he was replaced by Hayden Christensen from the special edition, because of "Revenge of the Sith".
Although the production looks beautiful, cool design and great to be back, but some of them has some flaws that it could've great or even taking too slow than doing similar quick destruction.
The characters
We introduce seven new characters in the movie, which they has an above average.
First is Jyn Erso (Played by Felicity Jones), at first, many people felt that she's Rey's mother for "The force awakens", but that rumor is obviously fake for the reason of story. Although Felicity did a nice work of acting, but her portray is rather disappointing, which i wish that she could've get more personality, she's just a girl who misses her father and kinda smart.
However, they're most of characters that they're mixed bag of good and boring. If you asking me which one of them that i do like, it will be Chirrut Îmwe and K-2SO.
Chirrut Imwe (played by a Chinese actor/martial artist Donnie Yen), he's a badass blind martial artist and shooter. Which im pretty sure he has an echolocation ability for a combat, kinda like Daredevil from Marvel. Not to mention, he's also believing about the force. So, i guess his echolaction was his force, perhaps? But he also made me chuckle like when he was captured when the group put a bag on his head, its like "Oy! Im blind already!", that made me laugh for the joke.
And finally there's K-2SO (voiced by Alan Tudyk, aka Candy King from Wreck-it Ralph), i find him pretty fun that has a lot of fun lines, especially the one that i chuckled is the scene where Jyn and his gang setting their guns, except K-2SO. It maybe a bit whiny, but i laughed that part. He's like C-3PO, but he was originally built by The Empire.
Before you ask, yes, they're plenty of old character brought back in Rogue One like i mention before Moff Tarkin and Mon Mothma. But they're few more of them, try to find them, its like an "Easter Egg". But the one character that i was very happy to see him back is Darth Vader, but i don't want to tell where he is for spoilers. But hey, its nice that James Earl Jones reprises as the greatest villain of all time, welcome back, Mr. Jones.
The characters is pretty much as above average, some of them are for who they are and the return, but some is rather boring that they could've be original of personalities.
And now for my final opinion of this film.
Overall, Rogue one is a good movie to watch. With some good story, some interesting production and some good characters. But it suffered with subplot and rushed setting of Death Star, some of the work is either boring or even "Done that before", and some characters are lame that they could've be great. I mean, sure it has some fun action scene, the new planets and cool designs of ships and weapons, but thats just my opinion.
And i am aware that the film didn't do well for the box-office, which it will be a floppy performance, its a shame that this is the first anthology film of Star Wars.
If you like this movie, i recommend to watch it if you want, if not, im pretty sure you'll wait for episode 8.
For my rating, il give it 8/10.
It may not be better than The force awakens, but still, its Star Wars.
So this ends of my final movie review(?), if you guys have you opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comments bellow, thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out-- *his head phone receives a call from The Rebels*
Rebel's officer: This is Officer Tarok from Rebel Alliance, can you hear me, are you a lone pilot from other planet called "Earth"?
Anthony: Hm, Hello? This is Anthony and i am a lone pilot from Earth.
Officer Tarok: Sir, are you stuck in the planet to get back to your home?
Anthony: Um, yes, im in Tatooine that i got shot down by one TIE Fighter, and i think im far away from Mos Eisley.
Officer Tarok: Affirmative sir. We'll bring you a drop ship to send you back home nicely.
Anthony: Ok.
Officer Tarok: But we have some bad news, the Death Star that was next to your home planet blasted the moon, causing it to have a meteor shower in various countries.
Anthony: *blocks his phone for his reaction* Aw F*** me...!! *unblocks it* Well crap, i guess my home planet is probably have a thousands of dollars of damages.
Officer Tarok: Affirmative. So stay here where you are.
Anthony: Ok, thank you, Anthony out.
Anyway, thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out and have a Merry Christmas. (Maybe too early... ^^;)
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