Anthony: I um... I hope i am your new visitor for... *looks behind in nervous* Hang out...??
???: Its ok, we can help you.
Anthony: Hm? *looks behind that its Cogsworth* A walking clock?
Cogsworth: Im sorry to bothering you, my name is Cogsworth, we can--
Lumiere: Excuse moi, Cogsworth. Welcome to our castle, tu peux appeller, Lumiere. (You can call me, "Lumiere").
Mrs. Potts: And im Mrs. Potts with my kindly boy Chip.
Chip: hi.
Anthony: *chuckles* Thats cute and sweet. And i wonder who lives in the castle for-- *being interrupted by one big creature known as "The Beast"*
Beast: What are you doing in my home...?!
Anthony: Um... Hi? I was just come in that i was--
Beast: *grabs him to bring him to the prison room*
Anthony: Hey hey!! Nononono!!! Listen, listen!! I didn't mean't to hurt your feeling, i was just trying to visit here to looking around and perhaps we cou--
Beast: *opens the cell* No...! *throws him in and closes the cell* You'll be stay here, unless il change my mind...! *walks away and shuts the door*
Anthony: Oh my goodness sake... *sits down, but not before notices a book* Hm? *picks it up* A book of "Beauty and the beasts 2017"? *opens it that its a magic book that it can shows a movie* Wow, talk about magical, i mean, i've seen an animated movie before that, so lets see how it goes.
*Few hours later*
Anthony: Man... 2 hours movie for expanding song and extra plot...? That was... good?

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.
Last year, i talked about "The Jungle Book 2016", which it was mixed faithful from the book and the original film and it was a fantastic film. So then Disney decided to make yet another live-action remake, this time with the one from Disney Renaissance's classic in 1991, Beauty and the Beast. This is the second Disney princess film during "Renaissance era" after "The little mermaid" and it was yet another great film with great reviews and good box-office.
And before you ask, no, i never seen this movie in my childhood, mainly because this film is for girls. Although it didn't happen until i watched it on TV from a few weeks ago before the remake and i gotta say, it was pretty good one, its no wonder why it was successful. Especially they dedicated to a lyricist named Howard Ashman, which he sadly passed away from aids before the film's release. After over 25 years (specifically 26.), as i said before, they decided to brought back in live-action remake that we expect to be another good remake.
Beauty and Beast 2017 is a remake fairy-tale film that was directed by Bill Condon, produced by David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman and written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos for screenplay.
At first, when the trailer shown, we have a mixed to positive opinion that we expecting to be promising after "Cinderella", which is rather disappointed. Even though some people appreciated that they brought back some songs from the original film, and others are not as exciting for the production. Whether you're excited or not for anticipation. And after all, this movie was based on French fairy-tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumon.
So, with all that said, will this movie holds up for a good remake like "The jungle Book", or is this film that its not was good comeback since Cinderella?
Well, lets find out.
The story
Im sure you ever heard the story of this French fairy-tale. It began with a prince who's selfish and vain that he lives in the castle in ballroom. But not before he encountered an old lady to give a rose to him as a gift, but he refused everytimes. Because of that, an elder lady was actually an enchantress in disguise that she punished him by turning into vicious creature that it was simply referred as "The Beast". He lives in his castle all alone (except for living objects) and angered from the curse. Which it tells that he found a love, he'll be free as a human, if not, he'll live in a scary creature forever. Later on, we introduced to Belle, a young beautiful and bibliophile girl who lives with her inventor father named Maurice. Once she takes a read of her book, she meets Gaston, who's an arrogant and narcissist former soldier that he wants to marry with her, but of course, she refuses for how bad he is. But in one day, her father was lost and taken in prison on the castle that she has to find him. Once she founds her, but ended get risked from the Beast for not only also in prison, but also let her father free. So its up to her for cheer up to The beast for being positive and Beast has to except her for a love to breaking a curse.
Like i said, this is a remake of the animated version and an adaptation from the French fairy-tale about a girl who falls in love with a creature for peace and breaking the curse. Unlike the animated one, this film was expanded for for extra development, like for example, if you've seen the animated version, you probably don't know what happen to her mother, it didn't happen until we have here. But my problem is that they include the scene where Maurice talked to Gaston about where he was lost in the dark forest and visited in the castle then later being punished by Gaston. Its like we've seen that before, there's no reason to show it two times, i mean that moment is an obvious filler that it has nothing to do with the main plot. Plus there's even an elder woman in the movie that she appeared in the second act, like i don't how did she appeared in the movie, which i think its another filler, it may or may not happen til the final act, but i won't tell it for spoilers. Not to mention, the movie was nearly focused more about the relationship between Bell and Beast, which im pretty sure they add an extra development for their pasts and sometimes personalities, which im fine for that. As for the gags, they're rather hidden and miss, i did chuckle for a few moment, but some of them that i was like silent.
The story is pretty much like before, but with expansion. Even though they add a filler that made a risky movement.
The production
Since this is a live-action remake film, i find the production of this movie looks pretty cool. The costumes, the location and the filming location is well done. Even though that i know that its like an updated version of the animated film. The items to life character designs looks interesting, although Cogsworth, Mrs. Pott and Chip look a bit similar of the animated version, but some others like Lumiere, Madame de Garderobe and even Plumette (Who's supposed to be Fifi.) have their different design, its as if they're trying not to be bad and cheap, which im fine for that, especially with Plumette, she looks pretty cute. But the one that i have a nitpick is the look of The Beast. Unlike the animated version that he looks cool and kinda creepy, they made him look like goat-man thingy. Which his look is rather disappointed in my opinion, but i can say he looks ok, but disappointed. As for the songs, they brought the original songs back and i can say, they're pretty good and nice to be back. Not to mention, they even made a new song in the movie, but they're rather mixed, i like one song when The Beast let Belle free, which i find it beautiful and pretty sad for his decision. And others, not so much.
Although the production is pretty good, but sometimes they could've make something good like The Beast and some songs make a good meaning and less short.
The characters
If you've seen the animated version, im sure some of you are familiar with the characters. Well in this film, some of them have either updated or changed. If for those you never heard, il explain who they are and sharing my thoughts.
First is our main princess herself, Belle (played by Emma Watson, aka Hermione Granger from Harry Potter movies.). As always, she's a young, bueaitufl girl who likes reading books and perhaps helping anyone for the advice. Even though she may not my fav, but i find her fascinating. Not to mention, i fins Emma's role of Belle fit perfectly, especially she said that she wanted to play as a main princess in this movie. not to mention, i find that she did a good effort for singing, since she was helped by Paige O'Hara (the sing of Belle from the first and second films.). Emma did a great job as Belle and she's a talented actress since i remembered her. So... is it Oscar worthy of her?
Next we have The Beast (played by Dan Stevens). At first, he started as an egotistic prince what he like, until he turned into an angered beast from the curse. Its not easy to feel sorry for him, cause of his arrogance attitude. Even though he's started being a rude prince until he gets better in later act in the movie. Personally, im pretty he's kinda like in animated version, despite of my complaint of his design, but he has a sense of humor, since he felt in love with her, which im fine for that. Although i never heard of Dan, i think he did an interesting role of The Beast.
Then we have Gaston (played by Luke Evans), at first he's started as a good guy, but in reality, he's much as a bad guy, mainly because he is arrogant and narcissist hunter. He's one of the character that you love to hate. Especially when he wanted to marry with Belle. I find him to be an interesting bad guy, since he's considered handsome and likable in the village. Talk about one hunter who doesn't give a F***. Plus, i think Luke fits well to playing as a former soldier.
Next there's Maurice (played by Kevin Kline), he's an eccentric, noble and rather over-protective of Belle. I find him not bad, since he's known to be an inventor to creating a Rube Goldberg of cutting trees in animated movie. Here, im pretty sure he invented a music box based on the paint. Although Kline did a nice work of his role and... not much else to say.
As for the living objects, they're probably likable in the movie, but expect for some. Lumiere (played by Ewan McGregor, aka Obi-Wan from Star Wars) is a lovable butler, Cogsworth (played by Ian McKellen, aka Magneto from X-men movies.) is a loyal majordomo and household staff, Mrs. Potts (played by Emma Thompson) who's a motherly head of kitchen along with her kid name Chip (played by Nathan Mack), Plumette (again, who's supposed to be Fif and played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw) who's a gutsy wind maid and Lumiere's love interest and Madame de Garderobe (played by Audra McDonald) who's an opera with clothes. There's one character Maestro Cadenza (played by Stanley Tucci), which all i know, he's a character who didn't appeared in the animated, he's one character that made me wanna go "meh".
But here's one character that im sure you know whats going on, we have LeFou (played by Josh Gad), he's a bumbling, flamboyant and suffered sidekick of Gaston, despite he helps him for his ego. From before, he's a comic relief that he was being abused by Gaston, however in the movie, he didn't get abused a lot in the movie, he's just there to helping Gaston. Unfortunately, this character was suffered a controversy that he's portray as a gay stereotype that he's considered as a friend of Gaston during a song sequence. As a result, this movie was banned in Russia and Alabama theater, because they hate gay persona. In Malaysia, they called out for editing off the gay moment in the movie. That when i heard, i was pissed off, like there's no reason to ban or censored the "gay moment" if we like to support homosexuality. I mean, i am bisexual and i've got nothing wrong for my life or even the movie itself. I don't care anything about your complaint, sensitive freaks (Russians, Malaysians and people in Alabama). Cause all you do is complain of nothing but a sensitive argument of anti-homosexual moment! Cause you have no reason to editing or banning for that!!
*meanwhile in CD headquarter*
Corporate Driver: *laughing out loud* Oh my god that was great! This poor little freak is reaching his limit of cringe! Because i considered that all these queers are bunch of stupidity! Like seriously, i don't wanna hang out with all those people in relationship with same-sex or whatever, they're disgusting and cancerous.
Secretary Driver: *snickers* Yeah, im with you, sir.
Corporate Driver: That was great, It was great. But im not done yet...
Secretary Driver: Hm?
Corporate Driver: I've got a new plan to taking over his land with one person. So, catch ya later. *teleports away*
Secretary Driver: Um... Aren't am i supposed to work with him or not?
*back to review*
*take a deep breath* Oh my god... I hate how everyone take a sensitive movement of anti-homosexuality, especially with Youtube... What a S****y world... I better moving on to my final opinion before getting my head explode...
Overall, the 2017 Beauty and Beast is not an average movie, i think its rather pretty pretty good, even though it almost feel like the animated version, the production is great and the characters are interesting, except for some. Even though it feels like an expansion of the animated film, but with extra songs that are good or not, The Beat's design is slightly weak in my opinion and a waste of time with filler. If you like Beauty and the Beast, you can give a shot to see it, if not, i think you should stick to the animated version. Its actually better than Cinderella for me, but its not as perfect than The Jungle Book. Even though the movie was suffered a controversy that it made me exploded.
So, il rate this movie a 7/10.
So this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.
*Review ends*
Anthony: *closes a book* Well, i guess im done for-- *hears a door open by The Beast* Oh, looks like he changed his mind for set me free. Im pretty sure its be-- *randomly disappeared in green*
The Beast: *comes in to see him, but unexpected* Huh? Where is he...?!
Anthony: *appears in Command center* Woah!! Wha...?! *looks around* What is this place?!
???: You're not the only one here...
To be continued...
???: Its ok, we can help you.
Anthony: Hm? *looks behind that its Cogsworth* A walking clock?
Cogsworth: Im sorry to bothering you, my name is Cogsworth, we can--
Lumiere: Excuse moi, Cogsworth. Welcome to our castle, tu peux appeller, Lumiere. (You can call me, "Lumiere").
Mrs. Potts: And im Mrs. Potts with my kindly boy Chip.
Chip: hi.
Anthony: *chuckles* Thats cute and sweet. And i wonder who lives in the castle for-- *being interrupted by one big creature known as "The Beast"*
Beast: What are you doing in my home...?!
Anthony: Um... Hi? I was just come in that i was--
Beast: *grabs him to bring him to the prison room*
Anthony: Hey hey!! Nononono!!! Listen, listen!! I didn't mean't to hurt your feeling, i was just trying to visit here to looking around and perhaps we cou--
Beast: *opens the cell* No...! *throws him in and closes the cell* You'll be stay here, unless il change my mind...! *walks away and shuts the door*
Anthony: Oh my goodness sake... *sits down, but not before notices a book* Hm? *picks it up* A book of "Beauty and the beasts 2017"? *opens it that its a magic book that it can shows a movie* Wow, talk about magical, i mean, i've seen an animated movie before that, so lets see how it goes.
*Few hours later*
Anthony: Man... 2 hours movie for expanding song and extra plot...? That was... good?

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.
Last year, i talked about "The Jungle Book 2016", which it was mixed faithful from the book and the original film and it was a fantastic film. So then Disney decided to make yet another live-action remake, this time with the one from Disney Renaissance's classic in 1991, Beauty and the Beast. This is the second Disney princess film during "Renaissance era" after "The little mermaid" and it was yet another great film with great reviews and good box-office.
And before you ask, no, i never seen this movie in my childhood, mainly because this film is for girls. Although it didn't happen until i watched it on TV from a few weeks ago before the remake and i gotta say, it was pretty good one, its no wonder why it was successful. Especially they dedicated to a lyricist named Howard Ashman, which he sadly passed away from aids before the film's release. After over 25 years (specifically 26.), as i said before, they decided to brought back in live-action remake that we expect to be another good remake.
Beauty and Beast 2017 is a remake fairy-tale film that was directed by Bill Condon, produced by David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman and written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos for screenplay.
At first, when the trailer shown, we have a mixed to positive opinion that we expecting to be promising after "Cinderella", which is rather disappointed. Even though some people appreciated that they brought back some songs from the original film, and others are not as exciting for the production. Whether you're excited or not for anticipation. And after all, this movie was based on French fairy-tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumon.
So, with all that said, will this movie holds up for a good remake like "The jungle Book", or is this film that its not was good comeback since Cinderella?
Well, lets find out.
The story
Im sure you ever heard the story of this French fairy-tale. It began with a prince who's selfish and vain that he lives in the castle in ballroom. But not before he encountered an old lady to give a rose to him as a gift, but he refused everytimes. Because of that, an elder lady was actually an enchantress in disguise that she punished him by turning into vicious creature that it was simply referred as "The Beast". He lives in his castle all alone (except for living objects) and angered from the curse. Which it tells that he found a love, he'll be free as a human, if not, he'll live in a scary creature forever. Later on, we introduced to Belle, a young beautiful and bibliophile girl who lives with her inventor father named Maurice. Once she takes a read of her book, she meets Gaston, who's an arrogant and narcissist former soldier that he wants to marry with her, but of course, she refuses for how bad he is. But in one day, her father was lost and taken in prison on the castle that she has to find him. Once she founds her, but ended get risked from the Beast for not only also in prison, but also let her father free. So its up to her for cheer up to The beast for being positive and Beast has to except her for a love to breaking a curse.
Like i said, this is a remake of the animated version and an adaptation from the French fairy-tale about a girl who falls in love with a creature for peace and breaking the curse. Unlike the animated one, this film was expanded for for extra development, like for example, if you've seen the animated version, you probably don't know what happen to her mother, it didn't happen until we have here. But my problem is that they include the scene where Maurice talked to Gaston about where he was lost in the dark forest and visited in the castle then later being punished by Gaston. Its like we've seen that before, there's no reason to show it two times, i mean that moment is an obvious filler that it has nothing to do with the main plot. Plus there's even an elder woman in the movie that she appeared in the second act, like i don't how did she appeared in the movie, which i think its another filler, it may or may not happen til the final act, but i won't tell it for spoilers. Not to mention, the movie was nearly focused more about the relationship between Bell and Beast, which im pretty sure they add an extra development for their pasts and sometimes personalities, which im fine for that. As for the gags, they're rather hidden and miss, i did chuckle for a few moment, but some of them that i was like silent.
The story is pretty much like before, but with expansion. Even though they add a filler that made a risky movement.
The production
Since this is a live-action remake film, i find the production of this movie looks pretty cool. The costumes, the location and the filming location is well done. Even though that i know that its like an updated version of the animated film. The items to life character designs looks interesting, although Cogsworth, Mrs. Pott and Chip look a bit similar of the animated version, but some others like Lumiere, Madame de Garderobe and even Plumette (Who's supposed to be Fifi.) have their different design, its as if they're trying not to be bad and cheap, which im fine for that, especially with Plumette, she looks pretty cute. But the one that i have a nitpick is the look of The Beast. Unlike the animated version that he looks cool and kinda creepy, they made him look like goat-man thingy. Which his look is rather disappointed in my opinion, but i can say he looks ok, but disappointed. As for the songs, they brought the original songs back and i can say, they're pretty good and nice to be back. Not to mention, they even made a new song in the movie, but they're rather mixed, i like one song when The Beast let Belle free, which i find it beautiful and pretty sad for his decision. And others, not so much.
Although the production is pretty good, but sometimes they could've make something good like The Beast and some songs make a good meaning and less short.
The characters
If you've seen the animated version, im sure some of you are familiar with the characters. Well in this film, some of them have either updated or changed. If for those you never heard, il explain who they are and sharing my thoughts.
First is our main princess herself, Belle (played by Emma Watson, aka Hermione Granger from Harry Potter movies.). As always, she's a young, bueaitufl girl who likes reading books and perhaps helping anyone for the advice. Even though she may not my fav, but i find her fascinating. Not to mention, i fins Emma's role of Belle fit perfectly, especially she said that she wanted to play as a main princess in this movie. not to mention, i find that she did a good effort for singing, since she was helped by Paige O'Hara (the sing of Belle from the first and second films.). Emma did a great job as Belle and she's a talented actress since i remembered her. So... is it Oscar worthy of her?
Next we have The Beast (played by Dan Stevens). At first, he started as an egotistic prince what he like, until he turned into an angered beast from the curse. Its not easy to feel sorry for him, cause of his arrogance attitude. Even though he's started being a rude prince until he gets better in later act in the movie. Personally, im pretty he's kinda like in animated version, despite of my complaint of his design, but he has a sense of humor, since he felt in love with her, which im fine for that. Although i never heard of Dan, i think he did an interesting role of The Beast.
Then we have Gaston (played by Luke Evans), at first he's started as a good guy, but in reality, he's much as a bad guy, mainly because he is arrogant and narcissist hunter. He's one of the character that you love to hate. Especially when he wanted to marry with Belle. I find him to be an interesting bad guy, since he's considered handsome and likable in the village. Talk about one hunter who doesn't give a F***. Plus, i think Luke fits well to playing as a former soldier.
Next there's Maurice (played by Kevin Kline), he's an eccentric, noble and rather over-protective of Belle. I find him not bad, since he's known to be an inventor to creating a Rube Goldberg of cutting trees in animated movie. Here, im pretty sure he invented a music box based on the paint. Although Kline did a nice work of his role and... not much else to say.
As for the living objects, they're probably likable in the movie, but expect for some. Lumiere (played by Ewan McGregor, aka Obi-Wan from Star Wars) is a lovable butler, Cogsworth (played by Ian McKellen, aka Magneto from X-men movies.) is a loyal majordomo and household staff, Mrs. Potts (played by Emma Thompson) who's a motherly head of kitchen along with her kid name Chip (played by Nathan Mack), Plumette (again, who's supposed to be Fif and played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw) who's a gutsy wind maid and Lumiere's love interest and Madame de Garderobe (played by Audra McDonald) who's an opera with clothes. There's one character Maestro Cadenza (played by Stanley Tucci), which all i know, he's a character who didn't appeared in the animated, he's one character that made me wanna go "meh".
But here's one character that im sure you know whats going on, we have LeFou (played by Josh Gad), he's a bumbling, flamboyant and suffered sidekick of Gaston, despite he helps him for his ego. From before, he's a comic relief that he was being abused by Gaston, however in the movie, he didn't get abused a lot in the movie, he's just there to helping Gaston. Unfortunately, this character was suffered a controversy that he's portray as a gay stereotype that he's considered as a friend of Gaston during a song sequence. As a result, this movie was banned in Russia and Alabama theater, because they hate gay persona. In Malaysia, they called out for editing off the gay moment in the movie. That when i heard, i was pissed off, like there's no reason to ban or censored the "gay moment" if we like to support homosexuality. I mean, i am bisexual and i've got nothing wrong for my life or even the movie itself. I don't care anything about your complaint, sensitive freaks (Russians, Malaysians and people in Alabama). Cause all you do is complain of nothing but a sensitive argument of anti-homosexual moment! Cause you have no reason to editing or banning for that!!
*meanwhile in CD headquarter*
Corporate Driver: *laughing out loud* Oh my god that was great! This poor little freak is reaching his limit of cringe! Because i considered that all these queers are bunch of stupidity! Like seriously, i don't wanna hang out with all those people in relationship with same-sex or whatever, they're disgusting and cancerous.
Secretary Driver: *snickers* Yeah, im with you, sir.
Corporate Driver: That was great, It was great. But im not done yet...
Secretary Driver: Hm?
Corporate Driver: I've got a new plan to taking over his land with one person. So, catch ya later. *teleports away*
Secretary Driver: Um... Aren't am i supposed to work with him or not?
*back to review*
*take a deep breath* Oh my god... I hate how everyone take a sensitive movement of anti-homosexuality, especially with Youtube... What a S****y world... I better moving on to my final opinion before getting my head explode...
Overall, the 2017 Beauty and Beast is not an average movie, i think its rather pretty pretty good, even though it almost feel like the animated version, the production is great and the characters are interesting, except for some. Even though it feels like an expansion of the animated film, but with extra songs that are good or not, The Beat's design is slightly weak in my opinion and a waste of time with filler. If you like Beauty and the Beast, you can give a shot to see it, if not, i think you should stick to the animated version. Its actually better than Cinderella for me, but its not as perfect than The Jungle Book. Even though the movie was suffered a controversy that it made me exploded.
So, il rate this movie a 7/10.
So this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.
*Review ends*
Anthony: *closes a book* Well, i guess im done for-- *hears a door open by The Beast* Oh, looks like he changed his mind for set me free. Im pretty sure its be-- *randomly disappeared in green*
The Beast: *comes in to see him, but unexpected* Huh? Where is he...?!
Anthony: *appears in Command center* Woah!! Wha...?! *looks around* What is this place?!
???: You're not the only one here...
To be continued...
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