Notice: This review is not part of story of 2017 reviews. Readers discretion advised.

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.
As a kid, i remembered seeing Power Rangers in the early millennium. The one that i saw is Power Rangers Time Force, the show where the Rangers is from the future in 3000, that they're dealing with their nemesis named Ransik. I enjoyed it a lot while watching it. But im not sure if il look back since i grew up.
However, Power Rangers wasn't introduced in 2000 when i believed, it was first introduced 1993 known as "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" and it became popular show for kids and adult fans. Even though i never seen the first one, so maybe il buy a DVD of 3 seasons of the show. And yes, the show has 3 seasons until they moved on to "Power Rangers Zeo". But before they moved to Zeo and even "Alien Rangers" (Thats a different story, which il save it for my thoughts about the series.), they decided to be a good idea to cash for making a movie based on the show, which it had a potential we looking for, but as a result, it was rather falls flat...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a 1995 film that was directed by Bryan Spicer, produced by Haim Saban Shuki Levym and Suzanne Todd and written by Arne Olsen for screenplay and John Kamps Arne Olsen for story.
Like i said, it had a potential for kids that expect to see. I remembered saw it when i was young and i though it was awesome, even though i was disappointed that its one of "Time force", i was always being a dumb idiot kid back then, even though that i never seen the first Power Rangers.
So, with all that said, will this movie will be a great "Morphin time", or is this kind of bad film in the 90's?
Well, lets find out.
The story
It begins where The Rangers (Rocky, Adam, Tanya, Billy, Kimberly and Tommy) went for a skydiving charity along with comedic characters Bulk and Skull. Meanwhile in the construction site, the workers noticed an unidentified object come from the ground when they checked. Not until that in night, out antagonists from the show, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Goldar, and Mordant (aka Mr. Pig-face) come to see the object that it was a hand holding an egg, once they open it, we introduced a main antagonist of the film named Ivan Ooze who's been in the egg for 6000 years. (Jeez, thats a long decade when he was like imprisoned?) Once the Rangers comes to dealing against Ooze's minions, it was too like, due to the fact that Ivan went rampage in the Power Rangers's Command Center to stealing their powers and even nearly kill Zordon. When they seen they that their basement is ruined and Zordon is about to die, its up to them to travel in the planet called "Phaedos" to find their powers.
I find the story is pretty cool and interesting written. Even though it feels like a rejected episode, but in movie. I like the concept with Rangers going in other planet, even it may not happen until "Power Rangers In Space" (i think.). But sometimes it takes a bit slow, since it also focus with Ivan's plan for taking over world to manipulating parents to digging in the same construction site that they found debris of armor limbs that Ooze's called "Ecto-Morphicons", its interesting too, but i was more focus to a main story with the Rangers searching their new powers. But im surprised there's no fillers in the movie that i was wondering about Bulk and Skull, but they have a small appearance. Well, there was a subplot where Rita and Zedd was imprisoned by Ooze, its just a shame that they're being a punching bag by Ooze himself.
I find the story is an interesting concept, even though some of the jokes and gags wasn't that good than the show.
The production
Unlike the show that they borrowed the footage from the Japanese show called "Super Sentai" (Again, il get to the later for my thoughts of the series.), here it was all done in America. Its kinda disappointed for the fans of Power Ranger/Super Sentai of this movie. The filming location of construction site, the planet Phaedos and the town of "Angel Grove" has a cool location, even though its the 90 movie with a semi-update of the show. The setting of Command Center looks not bad and Zordon's hologram is interesting, unlike the second film that its just super cheap (Yeah don't worry, il get to that in the near end.). The suit of the rangers looks not bad, they feels like an update from the show costume (since they're done in Japan), it has some texture armor like the shoulder pad, i also like they have some special of their outfit like Yellow Ranger's headlight or Red Ranger's scanner. And the rangers concept from the first season was changed. Which in the first season of the show, it was call upon from a prehistoric creatures like T-Rex, Triceratops, Pterodactyl, Sabertooth Tiger and Mastodon (aka mammoth) and White Tiger. Here, they changed to an animals that i find it ok (Like Red Ape, Blue Wolf, Yellow Bear, Pink Crane, Black Frog and White Falcon), i expect to pick a good choice based on creatures. As for concept for the enemies, they're good, Ooze's minions are typical, but look interesting, Tengu is a humanoid birds, but they look pretty cool, the four guardians looks badass with creatures in medieval armors, in fact, they should brought them back in the show, but it doesn't matter that they're only in the movie. Not to mention, some of the writing is either questionable, or written by a six year old who's trying way to hard for something similar from thw show, especially with some culture reference.
Effect is although its not bad, but in the final act is easily the worst, its mainly because as i said before, they don't even do similar of Super Sentai, it was done with a cheapest CGI i've ever seen. I know its from the mid-90's but wow... And the Megazord in this movie is probably the worst form i've ever seen, not just a CGI, but a design. But at least in the later season of the show, Japan did redesign(?) the Megazord to make it better than the movie version. And Ivan Ooze's fusion with Ecto-Morphicons is also ugly for the look, cheap texture and... Well, probably the worst final form of Ooze. I have never seen about this movie has one the cheapest CGI film, but i did in my childhood. I mean, i've seen worse CGI effect than this.
Although it looks good, but it doesn't saved from a crappy computer image...
The characters
Im pretty sure you're familiar with the old casts of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", like there's Jason, Zack, Trini, Billy, Kimberly and Tommy. But since this movie takes place around in the second season of the show, Jason, Zack and Trini left the show for the actors contract, which they'll be replaced by a new members such as Rocky, Adam and Aisha.
If you ever watch the second season, you may familiar for these rangers, Rocky is an energetic athlete Red Ranger, Billy is a smart Blue Ranger, Kimberly is a lovely Pink Ranger, Aisha is free spirited Yellow Ranger, Adam is sensitive and calm Black Ranger and Tommy is considered a legendary Ranger over the decades as Green, White, Red Zeo/Turbo and Black Dino Ranger. And there's two other characters like Alpha 5 who's a robot to calling the Rangers and Zordon who's a mentor of the Rangers to give them an objective to save the world. Not to mention, they reprised their roles (some of them for voice acting) during between second and third season.
For the villain, im sure some of you knows about the villains, like Rita Repulsa is an evil with-alien with cone boobs that she's been over 10,000 years of confinement in the dumpster, Lord Zedd is rita's superior and love interest (Which i find Zedd is pretty damn cool) and Goldar who's a memorable side villain of the show.
In this movie, we have Ivan Ooze (played by Paul Freeman), he's easily to be one of villain that we're glad that he's not in the show. He's one of bad guy who's been a long years before coming back, but he was been from 6000 years, which is a lot shorter than Rita's prison. His evil mission is rather a bit boring, i kinda like he creating his advertisement for kids, but turns out that it can possesses every parents to searching every metal limbs for Ecto-Morphicons to taking over the world, but sometimes when its done, he also let them die. Talk about the most generic villain's movement in the movie. But the sad thing is that he imprisoned Rita and Lord Zedd, which he let Goldar and "Mr. Pig-face" live with Ivan, since they're the main antagonists of the show, they could've make more appearance of this movie, but they ended up turning into Ivan's punching bag of humiliation.
And finally there's Dulcea (played by Gabrielle Fitzpatrick), who's a Master Warrior of Pheados. She's basically a new mentor of the Rangers in other planet, especially she gives them a small power called "Ninjetti", which its more likely give them a ninja outfit and animal spirits, even though the animal spirit Zords is whether we like or not, which we always like the original Zords based on extinct creatures. To be fair, i find that she's not only beautiful, but kinda likable. Even though at first she started being a bit rude to the Rangers, but learned about their problems for their lack of power. But the downside she has like a small personality and even small appearance.
As for the rest like Bulk and Skull, and a kid Fred Kelman? Although Bulk and Skull are also been in the show, but too bad they couldn't make more appearance. and Fred, don't bother him, cause he's just rather a generic kid who needs to save every parents with tiny personality. I mean we wanna see Power Rangers, not a cheap kid hero movie.
Although the characters may or may not be interesting in the movie, but some of them is ended up overshadowed.
And now for my final opinion of the film.
Overall, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The movie is a film that the best way to describe it, it was rather disappointed with silly factor like Super Mario Bros movie. But the story is not bad, the characters are kinda above average and the production is mixed. Like i said, some characters of the show ended up threw away to focus more about Ivan Ooze or probably The Rangers searching of "The Great Power". But the final act is the worst with an ugly CGI effect i've ever seen, but again its a mid-90's budget film, but good lord, it made me wanna puke. The best way after see this movie, just stick to the show, at least they're a lot fun for the actions and stuff.
So, il rate this movie 4/10.
And btw, you're wondering my thought of "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie"? Just ignore it, ever since i saw it in Nostalgia Critic, i knew this one is even worse than before. I know it took place between Zeo and Turbo, but good lord, its probably a worst prequel of "Power Rangers Turbo" i've ever watched.
Well, we have another Power Rangers movie coming out already which i hope it will be more interesting and without botching like two movies got.
So this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.
If you ever watch the second season, you may familiar for these rangers, Rocky is an energetic athlete Red Ranger, Billy is a smart Blue Ranger, Kimberly is a lovely Pink Ranger, Aisha is free spirited Yellow Ranger, Adam is sensitive and calm Black Ranger and Tommy is considered a legendary Ranger over the decades as Green, White, Red Zeo/Turbo and Black Dino Ranger. And there's two other characters like Alpha 5 who's a robot to calling the Rangers and Zordon who's a mentor of the Rangers to give them an objective to save the world. Not to mention, they reprised their roles (some of them for voice acting) during between second and third season.
For the villain, im sure some of you knows about the villains, like Rita Repulsa is an evil with-alien with cone boobs that she's been over 10,000 years of confinement in the dumpster, Lord Zedd is rita's superior and love interest (Which i find Zedd is pretty damn cool) and Goldar who's a memorable side villain of the show.
In this movie, we have Ivan Ooze (played by Paul Freeman), he's easily to be one of villain that we're glad that he's not in the show. He's one of bad guy who's been a long years before coming back, but he was been from 6000 years, which is a lot shorter than Rita's prison. His evil mission is rather a bit boring, i kinda like he creating his advertisement for kids, but turns out that it can possesses every parents to searching every metal limbs for Ecto-Morphicons to taking over the world, but sometimes when its done, he also let them die. Talk about the most generic villain's movement in the movie. But the sad thing is that he imprisoned Rita and Lord Zedd, which he let Goldar and "Mr. Pig-face" live with Ivan, since they're the main antagonists of the show, they could've make more appearance of this movie, but they ended up turning into Ivan's punching bag of humiliation.
And finally there's Dulcea (played by Gabrielle Fitzpatrick), who's a Master Warrior of Pheados. She's basically a new mentor of the Rangers in other planet, especially she gives them a small power called "Ninjetti", which its more likely give them a ninja outfit and animal spirits, even though the animal spirit Zords is whether we like or not, which we always like the original Zords based on extinct creatures. To be fair, i find that she's not only beautiful, but kinda likable. Even though at first she started being a bit rude to the Rangers, but learned about their problems for their lack of power. But the downside she has like a small personality and even small appearance.
As for the rest like Bulk and Skull, and a kid Fred Kelman? Although Bulk and Skull are also been in the show, but too bad they couldn't make more appearance. and Fred, don't bother him, cause he's just rather a generic kid who needs to save every parents with tiny personality. I mean we wanna see Power Rangers, not a cheap kid hero movie.
Although the characters may or may not be interesting in the movie, but some of them is ended up overshadowed.
And now for my final opinion of the film.
Overall, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The movie is a film that the best way to describe it, it was rather disappointed with silly factor like Super Mario Bros movie. But the story is not bad, the characters are kinda above average and the production is mixed. Like i said, some characters of the show ended up threw away to focus more about Ivan Ooze or probably The Rangers searching of "The Great Power". But the final act is the worst with an ugly CGI effect i've ever seen, but again its a mid-90's budget film, but good lord, it made me wanna puke. The best way after see this movie, just stick to the show, at least they're a lot fun for the actions and stuff.
So, il rate this movie 4/10.
And btw, you're wondering my thought of "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie"? Just ignore it, ever since i saw it in Nostalgia Critic, i knew this one is even worse than before. I know it took place between Zeo and Turbo, but good lord, its probably a worst prequel of "Power Rangers Turbo" i've ever watched.
Well, we have another Power Rangers movie coming out already which i hope it will be more interesting and without botching like two movies got.
So this ends of my movie review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out.
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