*At one day, Anthony (aka me) was running away alone with plenty of creatures like two legged reptiles called Skullcrawlers*
Anthony: *keeps running from those reptiles* Oh my god!! Make it stop--!!
*But not before Kong comes and beat the hell at those creatures*
Anthony: *runs in the jungle to keeping himself safe, but not before he sees an abandoned cine park with an old cinematography with "Kong: Skull Island".* Huh, it has an old film camera, i guess i gotta see it for my review...
*2 hours later*
Anthony: *sigh* .... This movie could've been great that i expected...

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.
Over the decades, everyone are familiar with King Kong, a giant gorilla who lives in Skull Island before taken to New York that he climbed in Empire State Building that we all remembered in 1933. Kong was so popular that it has plenty of films with Kong, including where he fought Godzilla in Toho and plenty of remakes from the 1970's and 2005. In our current time, Legendary Pictures created Kaiju series called "Monsterverse" that not only they brought Godzilla back, but Kong as well for my review today.
"Kong: Skull Island" is a 2017 film that was directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, produced by Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni, Mary Parent and Alex Garcia and written by Dan Gilroy, Max Borenstein, Derek Connolly (three of them for screenplay) and John Gatins (for story.).
This is one of film that its another remake that we believe, but its actually a rebooted film. Which we can't wait see another film with King Kong in big budget film in March of 2017. Especially it was announced when Godzilla 2014 came out, which like i said, they made a series with Kaijus that we want them back since we saw plenty of Kaiju films from the decades.
So, with all that said, will Kong will make a come back in the reboot, or is this film that i'd rather watch Godzilla?
Well, lets find out.
The story
It began in WWII where two pilots (American and Japanese) are fighting each other in mysterious island when their plane got crashed, but not before they encountered a giant ape. Fast forward in 1973, a British captain named James Conrad shows a picture of a mysterious island that he called "Skull Island" to a governor named Bill Randa. Once the governor accepted to join in, they brought an American soldiers along with colonel named Preston Packard and a pacifist photojournalist named Mason Weaver to checking the island. Once they come to an island, they're attacked by a giant ape who called "Kong" and they're spitted in the island, its up to them to leave the island in survival from plenty of creatures out there.
I gotta say, i find the story is good, especially that this movie takes place in Vietnam war with American soldiers in the island, especially they include the British. Even though the plot went split to either focus with Colonel and soldiers and the other with Joe Conrad and his fellow for discovery. Its basically a story between pacifist and genocide. However, i felt a bit disappointed for the story that some elements in King Kong films are taken away, like film making, in New York and even Kong saving damsel in distress. I guess its because the writer wanted to make something original than another remake of previous films, im ok for that, but its just that they could've include some elements for a nostalgia, since if anyone never heard of King Kong or not.
Whether you agree my opinion or not, story is rather good for the reboot.
The production
This was developed with over 185 million dollars of budget, which i gotta say, they did a pretty good job for their film. They filmed in Vietnam and Hawaii for pretending to be a fictional island, which they had a cool location choice in the film. And what about the monsters, i gotta say, some monsters look pretty cool like some pterodactyls, a giant buffalo, an octopus (Or Kraken?) and giant spider. Its also mention that they made some monsters like Skullcrawlers (The two legged reptile) and Kong himself to look like from 1933 version. In other words, they're like doing a tribute design based on the one film that started all, which i think its a good tribute for the concept. But my disappointed thing about the production, is that they don't including the dinosaurs in the film, we always remembered with the scene where Kong fight against T-Rex, so here, we have like a focus with Kong fight against Skullcrawlers, but i wont; tell the winner for spoilers. Not to mention, this movie is also violent with plenty of body count of creates, like some bleeding (without human's blood), decapitation of pterodactyls and human got torn apart in fraction of second.
The production was pretty good for the concept and tributes. Even though i wish they could bring back dinosaurs. Either that or i'd rather watch an upcoming sequel of Jurassic World.
The characters
Like i said, the story of the film is a rivalry between pacifist and genocide. But i think some characters are interesting.
First we have Joe Conrad (played by Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki in Marvel Cinematic Universe.), i find that he's a nice character for peace than wars. Especially understand about the conflict. Although he's an interesting character, Tom is always doing good work for his role.
Next we have Mason Weaver (played by Brie Larson), now i though this girl is gonna be a damsel in distress, but she's not in that, she's a journalist and a peaceful activist. Even though im ok that she's not a typical girl who needs to be rescued, she has a motive of peace and selfless. Which i think she's also an interesting character. Even though i never heard of Brie, but she did a nice job.
Then we have Colonel Preston Packard (played by Samuel L. MothaF***ing Jackson), im pretty sure that he's a main antagonist in the film, mainly because he has a similar personality of Captain Ahab from "Moby Dick", mainly because he wants revenge to kill a big beast such as Kong for losing his soldiers. Even though i though he's gonna be a good guy, but i guess im fine for that, since Sam is always a legendary actor.
Then, we have a governor Bill Randa (played by John Goodman), he's another character that i though he's gonna be like in the original King Kong film that he's gonna be like Carl Denham for making movie. Well, he did film at various location in the film, but he's portrayed as a governer of the organisation Monarch. Even though he has a bit less appearance in the film, but Good man is also a legendary actor.
Finally there's Hank Marlow (played by John C. Reilly, aka Wreck-It Ralph), i think this guy is likable, since he's a survivor in Skull Island that he lives with natives. Even though he's strange, but he's also a wise pilot of WWII. Although he's wise, but he's a fun character and i think this is the second time that i saw a movie with John Reilly. He did a nice work.
There few characters out there, but neither of them could've been good, especially some soldiers are like a comic relief that i don't think it work in the movie. But the one of them that i have a problem is the natives, unlike in previous films that they're the tribes for Kong as their God. Here, they're just all quiet and normal, i mean they don't do anything but stand here and watching our main characters explaining about Kong and stuff. Talk about plain objectify, but at least they don't make something racism. (I think.)
And what about the monsters like Kong and Skullcrawlers? For "Kong", wow, he looks pretty huge and looks a bit similar to the 1933's look. (Because again, to bring a nostalgic.) He pose a threat at humans at first which i find it brutal and scary. Not to mention he was all done with motion capture, which i think its an interesting work like the 2005 version. But sadly, he has less appearance in the film, which it could've been great to focus with Kong, then again, its all about the rivalry between pacifist and genocide. As for "Skullcrawlers", good lord, they look pretty creepy and they always coming out of nowhere of jumpscares. Even though it was disappointed that there's no T-Rex in the film. But still, they look pretty cool, but yet creepy.
Although some characters are interesting, but neither of them could've been great nor even make more appearances.
And now for my final opinion of the film.
Overall, Kong: Skull Island is rather good. I mean it looks like a great movie that i expected, but its more likely an above average film. With good story, pretty cool production and above average characters. Even though i wish they could've make a bit similar to King Kong for the elements, but again, its all about peace vs genocide since it takes place during Vietnam war era. If you like King Kong films, this one is for you. If not, i suggest you should watch either 1933 or maybe 2005 version, they're all remembered from the past years. Or perhaps if you're like me, you probably like to watch Godzilla.
Now i though il rate it to 7, but i decided to give my rating of this film to 6.5/10. It would've been great, but its an above average film. So now we got that out of our way, we gotta wait for two years later for Legendary's second film of Godzilla, that they include King Ghidorah, Rodan and Mothra. Which i can't wait to see it.
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.
*Review ends*
Anthony: Well, i guess i got-- *something gets rumble for another monster* Uh oh... I better run to the cave! *runs out of nowhere to find a cave to be safe*
*Once he founds a cave to be safe, but before he left the cave to the dark forest in winter*
Anthony: Oh my goodness! This is cold! *keeps running, until he sees a gate that he opens in and enters to the castle that he's safe and start to feel cold and rather sick* Good lord, i've been running for like a minutes and i feel like i was enter to the other dimension... But where am i? *looks around* Hello? Is anyone here?
*But not before something is coming behind him*
Anthony: I um... I hope i am your new visitor for... *looks behind in nervous* Hang out...??
To be continued...
Anthony: *keeps running from those reptiles* Oh my god!! Make it stop--!!
*But not before Kong comes and beat the hell at those creatures*
Anthony: *runs in the jungle to keeping himself safe, but not before he sees an abandoned cine park with an old cinematography with "Kong: Skull Island".* Huh, it has an old film camera, i guess i gotta see it for my review...
*2 hours later*
Anthony: *sigh* .... This movie could've been great that i expected...

Hey everyone, my name is Anthony and welcome back to movie review.
Over the decades, everyone are familiar with King Kong, a giant gorilla who lives in Skull Island before taken to New York that he climbed in Empire State Building that we all remembered in 1933. Kong was so popular that it has plenty of films with Kong, including where he fought Godzilla in Toho and plenty of remakes from the 1970's and 2005. In our current time, Legendary Pictures created Kaiju series called "Monsterverse" that not only they brought Godzilla back, but Kong as well for my review today.
"Kong: Skull Island" is a 2017 film that was directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, produced by Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni, Mary Parent and Alex Garcia and written by Dan Gilroy, Max Borenstein, Derek Connolly (three of them for screenplay) and John Gatins (for story.).
This is one of film that its another remake that we believe, but its actually a rebooted film. Which we can't wait see another film with King Kong in big budget film in March of 2017. Especially it was announced when Godzilla 2014 came out, which like i said, they made a series with Kaijus that we want them back since we saw plenty of Kaiju films from the decades.
So, with all that said, will Kong will make a come back in the reboot, or is this film that i'd rather watch Godzilla?
Well, lets find out.
The story
It began in WWII where two pilots (American and Japanese) are fighting each other in mysterious island when their plane got crashed, but not before they encountered a giant ape. Fast forward in 1973, a British captain named James Conrad shows a picture of a mysterious island that he called "Skull Island" to a governor named Bill Randa. Once the governor accepted to join in, they brought an American soldiers along with colonel named Preston Packard and a pacifist photojournalist named Mason Weaver to checking the island. Once they come to an island, they're attacked by a giant ape who called "Kong" and they're spitted in the island, its up to them to leave the island in survival from plenty of creatures out there.
I gotta say, i find the story is good, especially that this movie takes place in Vietnam war with American soldiers in the island, especially they include the British. Even though the plot went split to either focus with Colonel and soldiers and the other with Joe Conrad and his fellow for discovery. Its basically a story between pacifist and genocide. However, i felt a bit disappointed for the story that some elements in King Kong films are taken away, like film making, in New York and even Kong saving damsel in distress. I guess its because the writer wanted to make something original than another remake of previous films, im ok for that, but its just that they could've include some elements for a nostalgia, since if anyone never heard of King Kong or not.
Whether you agree my opinion or not, story is rather good for the reboot.
The production
This was developed with over 185 million dollars of budget, which i gotta say, they did a pretty good job for their film. They filmed in Vietnam and Hawaii for pretending to be a fictional island, which they had a cool location choice in the film. And what about the monsters, i gotta say, some monsters look pretty cool like some pterodactyls, a giant buffalo, an octopus (Or Kraken?) and giant spider. Its also mention that they made some monsters like Skullcrawlers (The two legged reptile) and Kong himself to look like from 1933 version. In other words, they're like doing a tribute design based on the one film that started all, which i think its a good tribute for the concept. But my disappointed thing about the production, is that they don't including the dinosaurs in the film, we always remembered with the scene where Kong fight against T-Rex, so here, we have like a focus with Kong fight against Skullcrawlers, but i wont; tell the winner for spoilers. Not to mention, this movie is also violent with plenty of body count of creates, like some bleeding (without human's blood), decapitation of pterodactyls and human got torn apart in fraction of second.
The production was pretty good for the concept and tributes. Even though i wish they could bring back dinosaurs. Either that or i'd rather watch an upcoming sequel of Jurassic World.
The characters
Like i said, the story of the film is a rivalry between pacifist and genocide. But i think some characters are interesting.
First we have Joe Conrad (played by Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki in Marvel Cinematic Universe.), i find that he's a nice character for peace than wars. Especially understand about the conflict. Although he's an interesting character, Tom is always doing good work for his role.
Next we have Mason Weaver (played by Brie Larson), now i though this girl is gonna be a damsel in distress, but she's not in that, she's a journalist and a peaceful activist. Even though im ok that she's not a typical girl who needs to be rescued, she has a motive of peace and selfless. Which i think she's also an interesting character. Even though i never heard of Brie, but she did a nice job.
Then we have Colonel Preston Packard (played by Samuel L. MothaF***ing Jackson), im pretty sure that he's a main antagonist in the film, mainly because he has a similar personality of Captain Ahab from "Moby Dick", mainly because he wants revenge to kill a big beast such as Kong for losing his soldiers. Even though i though he's gonna be a good guy, but i guess im fine for that, since Sam is always a legendary actor.
Then, we have a governor Bill Randa (played by John Goodman), he's another character that i though he's gonna be like in the original King Kong film that he's gonna be like Carl Denham for making movie. Well, he did film at various location in the film, but he's portrayed as a governer of the organisation Monarch. Even though he has a bit less appearance in the film, but Good man is also a legendary actor.
Finally there's Hank Marlow (played by John C. Reilly, aka Wreck-It Ralph), i think this guy is likable, since he's a survivor in Skull Island that he lives with natives. Even though he's strange, but he's also a wise pilot of WWII. Although he's wise, but he's a fun character and i think this is the second time that i saw a movie with John Reilly. He did a nice work.
There few characters out there, but neither of them could've been good, especially some soldiers are like a comic relief that i don't think it work in the movie. But the one of them that i have a problem is the natives, unlike in previous films that they're the tribes for Kong as their God. Here, they're just all quiet and normal, i mean they don't do anything but stand here and watching our main characters explaining about Kong and stuff. Talk about plain objectify, but at least they don't make something racism. (I think.)
And what about the monsters like Kong and Skullcrawlers? For "Kong", wow, he looks pretty huge and looks a bit similar to the 1933's look. (Because again, to bring a nostalgic.) He pose a threat at humans at first which i find it brutal and scary. Not to mention he was all done with motion capture, which i think its an interesting work like the 2005 version. But sadly, he has less appearance in the film, which it could've been great to focus with Kong, then again, its all about the rivalry between pacifist and genocide. As for "Skullcrawlers", good lord, they look pretty creepy and they always coming out of nowhere of jumpscares. Even though it was disappointed that there's no T-Rex in the film. But still, they look pretty cool, but yet creepy.
Although some characters are interesting, but neither of them could've been great nor even make more appearances.
And now for my final opinion of the film.
Overall, Kong: Skull Island is rather good. I mean it looks like a great movie that i expected, but its more likely an above average film. With good story, pretty cool production and above average characters. Even though i wish they could've make a bit similar to King Kong for the elements, but again, its all about peace vs genocide since it takes place during Vietnam war era. If you like King Kong films, this one is for you. If not, i suggest you should watch either 1933 or maybe 2005 version, they're all remembered from the past years. Or perhaps if you're like me, you probably like to watch Godzilla.
Now i though il rate it to 7, but i decided to give my rating of this film to 6.5/10. It would've been great, but its an above average film. So now we got that out of our way, we gotta wait for two years later for Legendary's second film of Godzilla, that they include King Ghidorah, Rodan and Mothra. Which i can't wait to see it.
So this ends of my review, if you have your opinion or any suggestions, let me know at the comment bellow.
Thanks for reading, and im Anthony, signing out.
*Review ends*
Anthony: Well, i guess i got-- *something gets rumble for another monster* Uh oh... I better run to the cave! *runs out of nowhere to find a cave to be safe*
*Once he founds a cave to be safe, but before he left the cave to the dark forest in winter*
Anthony: Oh my goodness! This is cold! *keeps running, until he sees a gate that he opens in and enters to the castle that he's safe and start to feel cold and rather sick* Good lord, i've been running for like a minutes and i feel like i was enter to the other dimension... But where am i? *looks around* Hello? Is anyone here?
*But not before something is coming behind him*
Anthony: I um... I hope i am your new visitor for... *looks behind in nervous* Hang out...??
To be continued...
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